Flow Authentication

Genkit supports flow-level authentication, allowing you to secure your flows and ensure that only authorized users can execute them. This is particularly useful when deploying flows as HTTP endpoints.

Configuring Flow Authentication

To add authentication to a flow, you can use the WithFlowAuth option when defining the flow. This option takes an implementation of the FlowAuth interface, which provides methods for handling authentication and authorization.

Here's an example of how to define a flow with authentication:

// TODO: Replace code snippet.

In this example, we're using the Firebase auth plugin to handle authentication. The policy function defines the authorization logic, checking if the user ID in the auth context matches the input user ID.

Using the Firebase Auth Plugin

The Firebase auth plugin provides an easy way to integrate Firebase Authentication with your Genkit flows. Here's how to use it:

  1. Import the Firebase plugin:

    import "github.com/firebase/genkit/go/plugins/firebase"
  2. Create a Firebase auth provider:

    // TODO: Replace code snippet.

    The NewAuth function takes three arguments:

    • ctx: The context for Firebase initialization.
    • policy: A function that defines your authorization logic.
    • required: A boolean indicating whether authentication is required for direct calls.
  3. Use the auth provider when defining your flow:

    // TODO: Replace code snippet.

Handling Authentication in HTTP Requests

When your flow is deployed as an HTTP endpoint, the Firebase auth plugin will automatically handle authentication for incoming requests. It expects a Bearer token in the Authorization header of the HTTP request.

Running Authenticated Flows Locally

When running authenticated flows locally or from within other flows, you can provide local authentication context using the WithLocalAuth option:

// TODO: Replace code snippet.

This allows you to test authenticated flows without needing to provide a valid Firebase token.

Code-first framework for orchestrating, deploying, and monitoring generative AI workflows.

Updated Aug 23, 2024