Chat with a PDF file

This codelab demonstrates how to build a conversational application that allows users to extract information from PDF documents using natural language.

  1. Set up your project
  2. Import the required dependencies
  3. Configure Genkit and the default model
  4. Load and parse the PDF file
  5. Set up the prompt
  6. Implement the UI
  7. Implement the chat loop
  8. Run the app


Before starting work, you should have these prerequisites set up:

Implementation Steps

After setting up your dependencies, you can build the project.

1. Set up your project

  1. Create a directory structure and a file to hold your source code.

    $ mkdir -p chat-with-a-pdf/src && \
    cd chat-with-a-pdf && \
    touch src/index.ts
  2. Initialize a new TypeScript project.

    $ npm init -y
  3. Install the pdf-parse module.

    $ npm i pdf-parse && npm i -D @types/pdf-parse
  4. Install the following Genkit dependencies to use Genkit in your project:

    $ npm i genkit @genkit-ai/googleai
    • genkit provides Genkit core capabilities.
    • @genkit-ai/googleai provides access to the Google AI Gemini models.
  5. Get and configure your model API key

    To use the Gemini API, which this codelab uses, you must first configure an API key. If you don't already have one, create a key in Google AI Studio.

    The Gemini API provides a generous free-of-charge tier and does not require a credit card to get started.

    After creating your API key, set the GEMINI_API_KEY environment variable to your key with the following command:

    $ export GEMINI_API_KEY=<your API key>

2. Import the required dependencies

In the index.ts file that you created, add the following lines to import the dependencies required for this project:

import { gemini20Flash, googleAI } from '@genkit-ai/googleai';
import { genkit } from 'genkit/beta'; // chat is a beta feature
import pdf from 'pdf-parse';
import fs from 'fs';
import { createInterface } from "node:readline/promises";
  • The first line imports the gemini20Flash model and the googleAI plugin from the @genkit-ai/googleai package, enabling access to Google's Gemini models.
  • The next two lines import the pdf-parse library for parsing PDF files and the fs module for file system operations.
  • The final line imports the createInterface function from the node:readline/promises module, which is used to create a command-line interface for user interaction.

3. Configure Genkit and the default model

Add the following lines to configure Genkit and set Gemini 2.0 Flash as the default model.

const ai = genkit({
  plugins: [googleAI()],
  model: gemini20Flash,

You can then add a skeleton for the code and error-handling.

(async () => {
  try {
    // Step 1: get command line arguments

    // Step 2: load PDF file

    // Step 3: construct prompt

    // Step 4: start chat

    // Step 5: chat loop

  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error parsing PDF or interacting with Genkit:", error);
})(); // <-- don't forget the trailing parentheses to call the function!

4. Load and parse the PDF

  1. Add code to read the PDF filename that was passed in from the command line.

        // Step 1: get command line arguments
        const filename = process.argv[2];
        if (!filename) {
          console.error("Please provide a filename as a command line argument.");
  2. Add code to load the contents of the PDF file.

        // Step 2: load PDF file
        let dataBuffer = fs.readFileSync(filename);
        const { text } = await pdf(dataBuffer);

5. Set up the prompt

Add code to set up the prompt:

    // Step 3: construct prompt
    const prefix = process.argv[3] || "Sample prompt: Answer the user's questions about the contents of this PDF file.";
    const prompt = `
  • The first const declaration defines a default prompt if the user doesn't pass in one of their own from the command line.
  • The second const declaration interpolates the prompt prefix and the full text of the PDF file into the prompt for the model.

6. Implement the UI

Add the following code to start the chat and implement the UI:

    // Step 4: start chat
    const chat ={ system: prompt });
    const readline = createInterface(process.stdin, process.stdout);
    console.log("You're chatting with Gemini. Ctrl-C to quit.\n");

The first const declaration starts the chat with the model by calling the chat method, passing the prompt (which includes the full text of the PDF file). The rest of the code instantiates a text input, then displays a message to the user.

7. Implement the chat loop

Under Step 5, add code to receive user input and send that input to the model using chat.send. This part of the app loops until the user presses CTRL + C.

    // Step 5: chat loop
    while (true) {
      const userInput = await readline.question("> ");
      const { text } = await chat.send(userInput);

8. Run the app

To run the app, open the terminal in the root folder of your project, then run the following command:

npx tsx src/index.ts path/to/some.pdf

You can then start chatting with the PDF file.