在 Android 上使用以 AutoML 訓練的模型為圖片加上標籤

使用 AutoML Vision Edge 訓練專屬模型後,您就可以在應用程式中使用該模型來標記圖片。


  1. 如果您尚未將 Firebase 新增至 Android 專案,請新增 Firebase
  2. 將 ML Kit Android 程式庫的依附元件新增至模組 (應用程式層級) Gradle 檔案 (通常為 app/build.gradle):
    apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
    apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services'
    dependencies {
      // ...
      implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-ml-vision:24.0.3'
      implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-ml-vision-automl:18.0.5'

1. 載入模型

機器學習套件會在裝置上執行 AutoML 產生的模型。不過,您可以設定 ML Kit,讓它從 Firebase 或本機儲存空間遠端載入模型,也可以同時從這兩個位置載入模型。

在 Firebase 上代管模型後,您就能更新模型,而無須發布新版應用程式,並且可以使用 Remote ConfigA/B Testing,為不同使用者群組動態提供不同的模型。

如果您選擇只透過 Firebase 代管模型,而非與應用程式捆綁,就能縮減應用程式的初始下載大小。不過,請注意,如果模型未與應用程式捆綁,則必須等到應用程式首次下載模型,才能使用任何模型相關功能。

將模型與應用程式捆綁後,即使 Firebase 代管的模型無法使用,應用程式的 ML 功能仍可正常運作。

設定由 Firebase 代管的模型來源

如要使用遠端代管的模型,請建立 FirebaseAutoMLRemoteModel 物件,並指定您在發布模型時指派的名稱:

// Specify the name you assigned in the Firebase console.
FirebaseAutoMLRemoteModel remoteModel =
    new FirebaseAutoMLRemoteModel.Builder("your_remote_model").build();
// Specify the name you assigned in the Firebase console.
val remoteModel = FirebaseAutoMLRemoteModel.Builder("your_remote_model").build()

接著,啟動模型下載工作,並指定要允許下載的條件。如果裝置上沒有模型,或是有較新版本的模型可供使用,工作會從 Firebase 異步下載模型:

FirebaseModelDownloadConditions conditions = new FirebaseModelDownloadConditions.Builder()
FirebaseModelManager.getInstance().download(remoteModel, conditions)
        .addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<Void>() {
            public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<Void> task) {
                // Success.
val conditions = FirebaseModelDownloadConditions.Builder()
FirebaseModelManager.getInstance().download(remoteModel, conditions)
    .addOnCompleteListener {
        // Success.




  1. Firebase 控制台下載的 ZIP 封存檔中,擷取模型及其中繼資料。建議您使用下載的檔案,不做任何修改 (包括檔案名稱)。
  2. 在應用程式套件中加入模型及其中繼資料檔案:

    1. 如果專案中沒有 Assets 資料夾,請在 app/ 資料夾上按一下滑鼠右鍵,然後依序點選「New」>「Folder」>「Assets Folder」建立資料夾。
    2. 在 assets 資料夾下建立子資料夾,用於容納模型檔案。
    3. model.tflitedict.txtmanifest.json 檔案複製到子資料夾 (三個檔案必須位於同一個資料夾)。
  3. 將以下內容加入應用程式的 build.gradle 檔案,確保 Gradle 在建構應用程式時不會壓縮模型檔案:
    android {
        // ...
        aaptOptions {
            noCompress "tflite"
    模型檔案會納入應用程式套件,並以原始素材資源的形式提供給 ML Kit。
  4. 建立 FirebaseAutoMLLocalModel 物件,指定模型資訊清單檔案的路徑:
    FirebaseAutoMLLocalModel localModel = new FirebaseAutoMLLocalModel.Builder()
    val localModel = FirebaseAutoMLLocalModel.Builder()


設定模型來源後,請從其中一個來源建立 FirebaseVisionImageLabeler 物件。

如果您只有本機內建的模型,請從 FirebaseAutoMLLocalModel 物件建立標記器,並設定所需的可信度分數門檻 (請參閱「評估模型」):

FirebaseVisionImageLabeler labeler;
try {
    FirebaseVisionOnDeviceAutoMLImageLabelerOptions options =
            new FirebaseVisionOnDeviceAutoMLImageLabelerOptions.Builder(localModel)
                    .setConfidenceThreshold(0.0f)  // Evaluate your model in the Firebase console
                                                   // to determine an appropriate value.
    labeler = FirebaseVision.getInstance().getOnDeviceAutoMLImageLabeler(options);
} catch (FirebaseMLException e) {
    // ...
val options = FirebaseVisionOnDeviceAutoMLImageLabelerOptions.Builder(localModel)
    .setConfidenceThreshold(0)  // Evaluate your model in the Firebase console
                                // to determine an appropriate value.
val labeler = FirebaseVision.getInstance().getOnDeviceAutoMLImageLabeler(options)

如果您使用的是遠端代管模型,請務必先確認模型已下載,再執行模型。您可以使用模型管理員的 isModelDownloaded() 方法,查看模型下載作業的狀態。


        .addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<Boolean>() {
            public void onSuccess(Boolean isDownloaded) {
                FirebaseVisionOnDeviceAutoMLImageLabelerOptions.Builder optionsBuilder;
                if (isDownloaded) {
                    optionsBuilder = new FirebaseVisionOnDeviceAutoMLImageLabelerOptions.Builder(remoteModel);
                } else {
                    optionsBuilder = new FirebaseVisionOnDeviceAutoMLImageLabelerOptions.Builder(localModel);
                FirebaseVisionOnDeviceAutoMLImageLabelerOptions options = optionsBuilder
                        .setConfidenceThreshold(0.0f)  // Evaluate your model in the Firebase console
                                                       // to determine an appropriate threshold.

                FirebaseVisionImageLabeler labeler;
                try {
                    labeler = FirebaseVision.getInstance().getOnDeviceAutoMLImageLabeler(options);
                } catch (FirebaseMLException e) {
                    // Error.
    .addOnSuccessListener { isDownloaded -> 
    val optionsBuilder =
        if (isDownloaded) {
        } else {
    // Evaluate your model in the Firebase console to determine an appropriate threshold.
    val options = optionsBuilder.setConfidenceThreshold(0.0f).build()
    val labeler = FirebaseVision.getInstance().getOnDeviceAutoMLImageLabeler(options)

如果您只有遠端代管的模型,請在確認已下載模型前,停用模型相關功能 (例如將部分 UI 設為灰色或隱藏)。方法是將事件監聽器附加至模型管理員的 download() 方法:

FirebaseModelManager.getInstance().download(remoteModel, conditions)
        .addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<Void>() {
            public void onSuccess(Void v) {
              // Download complete. Depending on your app, you could enable
              // the ML feature, or switch from the local model to the remote
              // model, etc.
FirebaseModelManager.getInstance().download(remoteModel, conditions)
    .addOnCompleteListener {
        // Download complete. Depending on your app, you could enable the ML
        // feature, or switch from the local model to the remote model, etc.

2. 準備輸入圖片

接著,針對每張要標示的圖片,使用本節所述的其中一個選項建立 FirebaseVisionImage 物件,然後將其傳遞至 FirebaseVisionImageLabeler 的例項 (詳見下一節)。

您可以從 media.Image 物件、裝置上的檔案、位元組陣列或 Bitmap 物件建立 FirebaseVisionImage 物件:

  • 如要從 media.Image 物件建立 FirebaseVisionImage 物件 (例如從裝置相機擷取圖片時),請將 media.Image 物件和圖片的旋轉角度傳遞至 FirebaseVisionImage.fromMediaImage()

    如果您使用 CameraX 程式庫,OnImageCapturedListenerImageAnalysis.Analyzer 類別會為您計算旋轉值,因此您只需在呼叫 FirebaseVisionImage.fromMediaImage() 之前,將旋轉值轉換為 ML Kit 的 ROTATION_ 常數:

    private class YourAnalyzer implements ImageAnalysis.Analyzer {
        private int degreesToFirebaseRotation(int degrees) {
            switch (degrees) {
                case 0:
                    return FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_0;
                case 90:
                    return FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_90;
                case 180:
                    return FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_180;
                case 270:
                    return FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_270;
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "Rotation must be 0, 90, 180, or 270.");
        public void analyze(ImageProxy imageProxy, int degrees) {
            if (imageProxy == null || imageProxy.getImage() == null) {
            Image mediaImage = imageProxy.getImage();
            int rotation = degreesToFirebaseRotation(degrees);
            FirebaseVisionImage image =
                    FirebaseVisionImage.fromMediaImage(mediaImage, rotation);
            // Pass image to an ML Kit Vision API
            // ...
    private class YourImageAnalyzer : ImageAnalysis.Analyzer {
        private fun degreesToFirebaseRotation(degrees: Int): Int = when(degrees) {
            0 -> FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_0
            90 -> FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_90
            180 -> FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_180
            270 -> FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_270
            else -> throw Exception("Rotation must be 0, 90, 180, or 270.")
        override fun analyze(imageProxy: ImageProxy?, degrees: Int) {
            val mediaImage = imageProxy?.image
            val imageRotation = degreesToFirebaseRotation(degrees)
            if (mediaImage != null) {
                val image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromMediaImage(mediaImage, imageRotation)
                // Pass image to an ML Kit Vision API
                // ...


    private static final SparseIntArray ORIENTATIONS = new SparseIntArray();
    static {
        ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_0, 90);
        ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_90, 0);
        ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_180, 270);
        ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_270, 180);
     * Get the angle by which an image must be rotated given the device's current
     * orientation.
    @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
    private int getRotationCompensation(String cameraId, Activity activity, Context context)
            throws CameraAccessException {
        // Get the device's current rotation relative to its "native" orientation.
        // Then, from the ORIENTATIONS table, look up the angle the image must be
        // rotated to compensate for the device's rotation.
        int deviceRotation = activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRotation();
        int rotationCompensation = ORIENTATIONS.get(deviceRotation);
        // On most devices, the sensor orientation is 90 degrees, but for some
        // devices it is 270 degrees. For devices with a sensor orientation of
        // 270, rotate the image an additional 180 ((270 + 270) % 360) degrees.
        CameraManager cameraManager = (CameraManager) context.getSystemService(CAMERA_SERVICE);
        int sensorOrientation = cameraManager
        rotationCompensation = (rotationCompensation + sensorOrientation + 270) % 360;
        // Return the corresponding FirebaseVisionImageMetadata rotation value.
        int result;
        switch (rotationCompensation) {
            case 0:
                result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_0;
            case 90:
                result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_90;
            case 180:
                result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_180;
            case 270:
                result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_270;
                result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_0;
                Log.e(TAG, "Bad rotation value: " + rotationCompensation);
        return result;
    private val ORIENTATIONS = SparseIntArray()
    init {
        ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_0, 90)
        ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_90, 0)
        ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_180, 270)
        ORIENTATIONS.append(Surface.ROTATION_270, 180)
     * Get the angle by which an image must be rotated given the device's current
     * orientation.
    @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
    private fun getRotationCompensation(cameraId: String, activity: Activity, context: Context): Int {
        // Get the device's current rotation relative to its "native" orientation.
        // Then, from the ORIENTATIONS table, look up the angle the image must be
        // rotated to compensate for the device's rotation.
        val deviceRotation = activity.windowManager.defaultDisplay.rotation
        var rotationCompensation = ORIENTATIONS.get(deviceRotation)
        // On most devices, the sensor orientation is 90 degrees, but for some
        // devices it is 270 degrees. For devices with a sensor orientation of
        // 270, rotate the image an additional 180 ((270 + 270) % 360) degrees.
        val cameraManager = context.getSystemService(CAMERA_SERVICE) as CameraManager
        val sensorOrientation = cameraManager
        rotationCompensation = (rotationCompensation + sensorOrientation + 270) % 360
        // Return the corresponding FirebaseVisionImageMetadata rotation value.
        val result: Int
        when (rotationCompensation) {
            0 -> result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_0
            90 -> result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_90
            180 -> result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_180
            270 -> result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_270
            else -> {
                result = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.ROTATION_0
                Log.e(TAG, "Bad rotation value: $rotationCompensation")
        return result

    接著,將 media.Image 物件和旋轉值傳遞至 FirebaseVisionImage.fromMediaImage()

    FirebaseVisionImage image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromMediaImage(mediaImage, rotation);
    val image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromMediaImage(mediaImage, rotation)
  • 如要從檔案 URI 建立 FirebaseVisionImage 物件,請將應用程式背景資訊和檔案 URI 傳遞至 FirebaseVisionImage.fromFilePath()。這在您使用 ACTION_GET_CONTENT 意圖,提示使用者從相片庫應用程式中選取圖片時,非常實用。
    FirebaseVisionImage image;
    try {
        image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromFilePath(context, uri);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    val image: FirebaseVisionImage
    try {
        image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromFilePath(context, uri)
    } catch (e: IOException) {
  • 如要從 ByteBuffer 或位元組陣列建立 FirebaseVisionImage 物件,請先計算圖片旋轉角度,如上文所述的 media.Image 輸入資料。

    接著,請建立 FirebaseVisionImageMetadata 物件,其中包含圖片的高度、寬度、顏色編碼格式和旋轉角度:

    FirebaseVisionImageMetadata metadata = new FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.Builder()
            .setWidth(480)   // 480x360 is typically sufficient for
            .setHeight(360)  // image recognition
    val metadata = FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.Builder()
            .setWidth(480) // 480x360 is typically sufficient for
            .setHeight(360) // image recognition

    使用緩衝區或陣列和中繼資料物件,建立 FirebaseVisionImage 物件:

    FirebaseVisionImage image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromByteBuffer(buffer, metadata);
    // Or: FirebaseVisionImage image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromByteArray(byteArray, metadata);
    val image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromByteBuffer(buffer, metadata)
    // Or: val image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromByteArray(byteArray, metadata)
  • 如要從 Bitmap 物件建立 FirebaseVisionImage 物件,請按照下列步驟操作:
    FirebaseVisionImage image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromBitmap(bitmap);
    val image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromBitmap(bitmap)
    Bitmap 物件所代表的圖片必須是直立的,不需要額外旋轉。

3. 執行圖片標註工具

如要為圖片中的物件加上標籤,請將 FirebaseVisionImage 物件傳遞至 FirebaseVisionImageLabelerprocessImage() 方法。

        .addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<List<FirebaseVisionImageLabel>>() {
            public void onSuccess(List<FirebaseVisionImageLabel> labels) {
                // Task completed successfully
                // ...
        .addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() {
            public void onFailure(@NonNull Exception e) {
                // Task failed with an exception
                // ...
        .addOnSuccessListener { labels ->
            // Task completed successfully
            // ...
        .addOnFailureListener { e ->
            // Task failed with an exception
            // ...

如果圖片標示成功,系統會將 FirebaseVisionImageLabel 物件的陣列傳遞至成功事件監聽器。您可以從每個物件取得圖像中辨識到的功能資訊。


for (FirebaseVisionImageLabel label: labels) {
    String text = label.getText();
    float confidence = label.getConfidence();
for (label in labels) {
    val text = label.text
    val confidence = label.confidence


  • 節流偵測器呼叫。如果在偵測器執行期間有新的影片影格可用,請捨棄該影格。
  • 如果您要使用偵測器的輸出內容,在輸入圖片上疊加圖形,請先從 ML Kit 取得結果,然後在單一步驟中算繪圖片和疊加圖形。這樣一來,您只需為每個輸入影格轉譯一次顯示介面。
  • 如果您使用 Camera2 API,請以 ImageFormat.YUV_420_888 格式擷取圖片。

    如果您使用舊版 Camera API,請以 ImageFormat.NV21 格式擷取圖片。