پورتال Firebase solutions
Test your web app locally, share changes with others, then deploy live
Learn how to view and test changes locally and interact with emulated resources. Then, create preview URLs for others to view and test your site.
- آموزش گامبهگام
- میزبانی Firebase
- Firebase
Tutorial: Optimize AdMob ad frequency using Firebase
Use A/B testing to make data-driven decisions about optimal ad frequency.
- آموزش گامبهگام
- Google Analytics
- AdMob
- Firebase
- پیکربندی ازراهدور Firebase
- Firebase A/B Testing
Best practices for distributing Android apps to QA testers using CI/CD
Make your Android pre-release testing workflows sustainable and repeatable in a CI/CD environment.
- روالهای مطلوب
- Firebase App Distribution
- Firebase
Tutorial: Test adoption of new AdMob ad formats using Firebase
Use A/B testing to make data-driven decisions about adopting new ad formats.
- آموزش گامبهگام
- Firebase A/B Testing
- AdMob
- پیکربندی ازراهدور Firebase
- Firebase
- Google Analytics
Tutorial: Optimize hybrid monetization using AdMob, Google Analytics, and Firebase
Create a balanced monetization strategy for all segments of your user base, both purchasers and non-purchasers.
- آموزش گامبهگام
- Firebase
- Google Analytics
- پیکربندی ازراهدور Firebase
- AdMob
Best practices for distributing Apple apps to QA testers using CI/CD and fastlane
Make your Apple platform pre-release testing workflows sustainable and repeatable in a CI/CD environment.
- روالهای مطلوب
- Firebase
- Firebase App Distribution
CrazyLabs Case Study
CrazyLabs Uses Firebase Remote Config to Maximize Revenue at Scale
- پیکربندی ازراهدور Firebase
- AdMob
- BigQuery
- Firebase
Pomelo Case Study
Pomelo Games uses Firebase to increase revenue by up to 35% without losing players
- Google Analytics
- Firebase A/B Testing
- پیکربندی ازراهدور Firebase
- Firebase
- AdMob
Tapps Games Case Study
Tapps Games increases crash free user rate and improves ratings with Crashlytics and Remote Config
- پیکربندی ازراهدور Firebase
- Firebase
- Firebase Crashlytics
Qtonz Case Study
Qtonz uses Firebase to boost ad revenue by 4x and grow engagement
- AdMob
- پیکربندی ازراهدور Firebase
- Firebase A/B Testing
- Firebase
- Google Analytics
STAGE Case Study
STAGE uses Firebase and Flutter to cut release time in half
- Firebase A/B Testing
- AdMob
- Firebase
- Google Analytics
- پیکربندی ازراهدور Firebase
Vinwap Case Study
Vinwap increases ad revenue by 30% with Firebase A/B Testing and Remote Config
- Firebase A/B Testing
- Google Analytics
- Firebase
- پیکربندی ازراهدور Firebase
Tapple Case Study
Tapple uses Firebase Remote Config to increase subscriptions by 8%
- Firebase A/B Testing
- پیکربندی ازراهدور Firebase
- Firebase
- Google Analytics
- Firebase Crashlytics
Hotstar Case Study
Hotstar scales with Firebase and increases engagement by 38%
- پیکربندی ازراهدور Firebase
- Google Analytics
- Firebase Crashlytics
- Firebase
Acintyo Case Study
Acintyo uses Firebase to streamline and speed up app development by 25%
- Firebase
- پیکربندی ازراهدور Firebase
Ahoy Games Case Study
Ahoy Games increases purchases by 13% with Remote Config personalization
- پیکربندی ازراهدور Firebase
- Firebase
Gradually roll out Firebase App Check using Firebase Remote Config
You can use Firebase App Check with App Attest to protect your backend services and verify that requests to Firebase services are coming from your authentic app. It's generally recommended to onboard users gradually to the App Attest service to avoid
- Codelab
- پیکربندی ازراهدور Firebase
- Firebase App Check
Alert testers about your new app releases with Firebase App Distribution Android SDK - Codelab
Get your latest version into the hands of testers fast, with the App Distribution Android SDK. In this codelab, you’ll update an app to display in-app notifications to your testers when new releases are available.
- Codelab
- Firebase App Distribution
- Android
- Firebase
Realtime on-device In-app-purchase optimization Codelab
In this codelab you’ll learn how to deploy a TFLite model to personalize your app for each user and optimize in-app-purchase
- Codelab
- Firebase ML
- TensorFlow
- Firebase
- پیکربندی ازراهدور Firebase
- Google Analytics
- Firebase A/B Testing
- BigQuery
- Android
Alert testers about your new app releases with Firebase App Distribution iOS SDK - Codelab
Get your latest version into the hands of testers fast, with the App Distribution SDK. In this codelab, you’ll update an app to display in-app alerts to your testers when new builds are available.
- Codelab
- Firebase
- Firebase App Distribution
Performance Monitoring of Feature Rollouts
In this codelab, you’ll learn how to add Firebase Performance Monitoring to a sample app and measure the performance during a feature rollout.
- Codelab
- پایشگر کارایی Firebase
- Firebase
- Android
Integrate Test Lab into your CI/CD system
This codelab walks you through using the gcloud CLI to programmatically run a large test suite in an existing CI/CD system like Jenkins. This codelab is platform independent.
- Codelab
- Firebase Test Lab
- Firebase
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