Портал решений Firebase

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Review this checklist of guidelines to help keep your Firebase resources and your users' data secure.

  • Рекомендации
  • Firebase
  • Проверка приложений Firebase
  • Firebase Authentication

This page helps you get started with implementing generative AI features in your app. It describes the features and integrations for Firestore that involve generative AI. Creating innovative AI-powered solutions for use cases such as

  • Руководство
  • Firebase
  • Firestore

Queries in Cloud Firestore let you find documents in large collections. To gain insight into properties of the collection as a whole, you can aggregate data over a collection. You can aggregate data either at read-time or at write time: Read-time

  • Руководство
  • Firebase
  • Firestore

Many applications serve the same content to all users on first page load. For example a news site may show the latest stories, or an e-commerce site may show the best-selling items. If this content is served from Cloud Firestore, each user will issue

  • Руководство
  • Firebase
  • Firestore

Depending on the type of app you're building, you might find it useful to detect which of your users or devices are actively online — otherwise known as detecting "presence." For example, if you're building an app like a social network or deploying

  • Руководство
  • Firebase
  • Firestore

Deploy to multiple environments from the same codebase – for example, set your staging and production environments to have different configurations.

  • Руководство
  • Firebase
  • Firebase App Hosting

Use Cloud Firestore and Firebase Extensions to unlock the value of your audio and image resources using AI models. Extract labels from images and save to Firestore using Cloud Vision API. Learn more. Transcribe audio files in Cloud Storage to.txt

  • Руководство
  • Firebase
  • Firestore

Use Cloud Firestore and Firebase Extensions to enrich your ability to work with text assets. This extension allows you to summarize a field in a Cloud Firestore document using the PaLM API. Learn more. Use this extension to get toxicity scores for

  • Руководство
  • Firebase
  • Firestore

Most apps allow users to search app content. For example, you may want to search for posts containing a certain word or notes you've written about a specific topic. Cloud Firestore doesn't support native indexing or search for text fields in

  • Руководство
  • Firebase
  • Firestore

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