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Use Cloud Firestore and Firebase Extensions to enrich your ability to work with text assets. This extension allows you to summarize a field in a Cloud Firestore document using the PaLM API. Learn more. Use this extension to get toxicity scores for

  • Руководство
  • Firestore
  • Firebase

BigQuery is a fully managed, petabyte-scale, and cost-effective analytics data warehouse that lets you run analytics over vast amounts of data. You can use the following Firebase Extensions to connect Cloud Firestore with BigQuery: Send real-time,

  • Руководство
  • Firestore
  • Firebase

Many apps have documents that are indexed by physical locations. For example, your app might allow users to browse stores near their current location. Geohash is a system for encoding a (latitude, longitude) pair into a single Base32 string. In the

  • Руководство
  • Firestore
  • Firebase

Many realtime apps have documents that act as counters. For example, you might count 'likes' on a post, or 'favorites' of a specific item. In Cloud Firestore, you can't update a single document at an unlimited rate. If you have a counter based on

  • Руководство
  • Firebase
  • Firestore

Many collaborative apps allow users to read and write different pieces of data based on a set of permissions. In a document editing app, for example, users may want to allow a few users to read and write their documents while blocking unwanted

  • Руководство
  • Firebase
  • Firestore

Make your Android pre-release testing workflows sustainable and repeatable in a CI/CD environment.

  • Рекомендации
  • Firebase App Distribution
  • Firebase

Engage your audience in meaningful ways with modifications to the style, targeting, and scheduling of your messages entirely through the Firebase console. Firebase In-App Messaging offers message templates for you to experiment with and customize

  • Концепция
  • Firebase In-App Messaging
  • Firebase

Depending on the type of app you're building, you might find it useful to detect which of your users or devices are actively online — otherwise known as detecting "presence." For example, if you're building an app like a social network or deploying

  • Руководство
  • Firebase
  • Firestore

Cloud Functions gives developers access to Firebase and Google Cloud events, along with scalable computing power to run code in response to those events. While it's expected that Firebase apps will use Cloud Functions in unique ways to meet their

  • Концепция
  • Cloud Functions for Firebase
  • Firebase

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