About this codelab
1. Overview
The Google Assistant developer platform lets you create software to extend the functionality of Google Assistant, a virtual personal assistant, across more than 1 billion devices, including smart speakers, phones, cars, TVs, headphones, and more. Users engage the Assistant in conversation to get things done, such as buying groceries or booking a ride. As a developer, you can use the Assistant developer platform to easily create and manage delightful and effective conversational experiences between users and your own third-party fulfillment service.
This codelab covers intermediate-level concepts for developing with Google Assistant, Cloud Functions, and Cloud Firestore. In this codelab, you'll build a game called "Spelling Practice" that uses Google Assistant to ask users to spell words.
What you'll build
In this codelab, you'll build a sophisticated game with the following functionality:
- Receives spelling responses from the user and, depending on the value, modifies the conversational prompts
- Responds with hints related to spelling the word, like its definition or repeating the word
- Creates a game loop so a user can interact with the Assistant again after spelling the word
Before you start building, you can interact with the live Action on your Google Assistant-enabled device by saying "Hey Google, talk to Spelling Practice". The default path through this Action for a returning user looks like the following interaction:
When you've finished this codelab, your completed Action will have the following conversational flow:
What you'll learn
- How to interact with Cloud Firestore
- How to use slots to gather data from the user
- How to process a user's input and return a response
- How to use conditions to add logic to a scene
- How to add a game loop
What you'll need
The prerequisites for this codelab include the following:
- A web browser, such as Google Chrome
- An IDE to write Cloud Functions.
- A payment method. This codelab utilizes Cloud Functions for Firebase which requires your project to be on the Firebase Blaze pricing plan ( Learn more).
- A terminal to run shell commands
- Node.js 10 or later
2. Get the functions code
Clone the GitHub repository from the command line:
$ git clone https://github.com/FirebaseExtended/codelab-actions-firestore
3. Create a Firebase project and Set up your app
Create a Firebase project
- Sign in to Firebase.
- In the Firebase console, click Add Project (or Create a project), then name your Firebase project
- Click through the project creation options. Accept the Firebase terms if prompted. Skip setting up Google Analytics, because you won't be using Analytics for this app.
To learn more about Firebase projects, see Understand Firebase projects.
Upgrade to the Blaze pricing plan
In order to use Cloud Functions for Firebase, you'll need to upgrade your Firebase project to the Blaze pricing plan, which means you'll attach a Google Cloud Billing account to your project. This requires you to provide a credit card or other payment method.
All Firebase projects, including those on the Blaze plan, still have access to the no-cost usage quotas for Cloud Functions. The steps outlined in this codelab will fall within the no-cost usage limits. However, you will see small charges ( about $0.03) from Cloud Storage, which is used to host your Cloud Functions build images.
4. Install the Firebase CLI
The Firebase CLI (command line interface) enables you to deploy your Cloud Functions.
There are several options for installing the Firebase CLI depending on your operating system and use case. The following steps describe the most common option if you're also using Cloud Functions.
- Make sure you've installed npm which typically comes with Node.js.
- Install or upgrade the CLI by running the following npm command:
$ npm -g install firebase-tools
- Verify that the CLI has been installed correctly by running:
$ firebase --version
Make sure the version of the Firebase CLI is 9.0.0 or later so that it has all the latest features required for Cloud Functions. If not, run npm install -g firebase-tools to upgrade as shown above.
- Authorize the Firebase CLI by running:
$ firebase login
- From the spelling-functions-start directory, set up the Firebase CLI to use your Firebase project. Run the following command, select your Project ID, then follow the instructions. When prompted, you can choose any Alias, such as
for instance.
$ firebase use --add
5. The functions directory
Now you'll add functionality using the Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions to build the backend for the game, Spelling Practice.
Cloud Functions allows you to have code that runs in the cloud without having to set up a server. This codelab will show you how to build functions that react to Firebase Authentication, Cloud Storage, and Firebase Realtime Database events. Let's start with Authentication.
When using the Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions, your functions code will live under the functions
directory (by default). To make it easier for you, we've already created the functions/index.js
file where your code will go. Feel free to inspect the functions
directory before moving forward.
$ cd functions $ ls
Your functions code is also a Node.js app, and therefore needs a package.json
that gives some information about your app and lists dependencies.
If you aren't familiar with Node.js, it will help to learn more about it before continuing the codelab.
The package.json
file already lists two required dependencies: the Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions and the Firebase Admin SDK. To install them locally, run npm install
from the functions
$ npm install
Let's now have a look at the index.js
/** * Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * ... */ // TODO(DEVELOPER): Import the Cloud Functions for Firebase and Firebase Admin modules here. Also import the Actions SDK here. // TODO(DEVELOPER): Write the getWordDetailsFromDictionaryAPI function here. // TODO(DEVELOPER): Write the createSpellingPracticeWord function here. // TODO(DEVELOPER): Write the app Handle getSpellingWordList function here. // TODO(DEVELOPER): Write the app Handle getSpellingWord function here. // TODO(DEVELOPER): Write the app Handle repeatSpellingWord function here. // TODO(DEVELOPER): Write the app Handle definitionOfSpellingWord function here. // TODO(DEVELOPER): Write the app Handle verifySpellingWord function here.
You'll first import the required modules, then write four functions in place of the TODOs. Continue to the next step of the codelab to import the modules.
6. Import the required modules
This codelab requires three modules.
- The
module allows us to write the triggers for our Cloud Functions - The
module allows us to use the Firebase platform on a server with admin access, for instance to write to the Cloud Firestore. - The Actions SDK Node.js Fulfillment Library fulfills Actions SDK handlers for the Google Assistant.
- Install the Actions SDK by running the following npm command:
$ npm install @assistant/conversation
- In the
file, replace the first TODO with the following.
These changes import each of the required modules.
Also, the Firebase Admin SDK can be configured automatically when deployed on a Cloud Functions environment or other Google Cloud container. This is what's happening when we call admin.initializeApp();
in the changes below.
/** * Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * ... */ // Import the Actions SDK const {conversation} = require('@assistant/conversation'); const https = require('https'); const app = conversation(); const cors = require('cors')({origin: true}); // Import the Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions. const functions = require('firebase-functions'); // Import and initialize the Firebase Admin SDK. const admin = require('firebase-admin'); admin.initializeApp(); // To access Cloud Firestore const db = admin.firestore(); // TODO(DEVELOPER): Write the getWordDetailsFromDictionaryAPI function here. // TODO(DEVELOPER): Write the createSpellingPracticeWord function here. // TODO(DEVELOPER): Write the shuffleWordList function here. // TODO(DEVELOPER): Write the app Handle getSpellingWordList function here. // TODO(DEVELOPER): Write the app Handle getSpellingWord function here. // TODO(DEVELOPER): Write the app Handle repeatSpellingWord function here. // TODO(DEVELOPER): Write the app Handle definitionOfSpellingWord function here. // TODO(DEVELOPER): Write the app Handle verifySpellingWord function here.
Now let's add business logic using functions to support Assistant Actions.
7. Create functions
Get the word definitions and write them to Cloud Firestore
You'll use the dictionaryapi.dev
public API to get the word definitions.
In the index.js
file, replace the TODO for getWordDetailsFromDictionaryAPI
with the following:
// Retrieves word definition and audio pronunciation from api.dictionaryapi.dev service // Function uses service provided by https://dictionaryapi.dev/ async function getWordDetailsFromDictionaryAPI(word) { let responseData=""; let req = https.request({ host: 'api.dictionaryapi.dev', port: 443, path:'/api/v2/entries/en/' + word, method:'GET' }, (res) => { res.setEncoding('utf8'); res.on('data', d => { responseData+=d; }) res.on('end',function(){ let object = JSON.parse(responseData) const wordListRef = db.collection('wordlist'); wordListRef.doc(object[0].word).set( object[0] ); return responseData; }); }); req.end(); }
Add a Cloud Firestore trigger
Next, you'll create a Cloud Function that triggers whenever a new document is created in Cloud Firestore. It will call the dictionaryapi.dev
API to get word definitions via the getWordDetailsFromDictionaryAPI
function we wrote just above.
In the index.js
file, replace the TODO for createSpellingPracticeWord
with the following:
// Firestore trigger that fetches word definitions through getWordDetailsFromDictionaryAPI for every new Firestore document
exports.createSpellingPracticeWord = functions.firestore .document('wordlist/{word}') .onCreate((snap, context) => { const newValue = snap.data(); const word = newValue.word; getWordDetailsFromDictionaryAPI(word); });
Get a list of words for the game
You can write a Cloud Function that retrieves a list of spelling practice words from Cloud Firestore for the Assistant. For this, we use the app handler.
In the index.js
file, replace the TODO for getSpellingWordList
with the following.
Adding this function to the special app.handle
is a way of making the function accessible from the Assistant.
// Store the list of spelling words in Assistant session app.handle('getSpellingWordList', conv => { const wordListRef = db.collection('wordlist').limit(50); const snapshot = wordListRef; if (snapshot.empty) { console.log('No matching documents.'); return; } VocabularyList = [] return snapshot.get().then(snapshot => { snapshot.forEach(doc => { if (doc.data().word) { let definition = 'unknown'; let audio = 'unknown'; try { if(doc.data().hasOwnProperty('meanings')) { if(doc.data().meanings[0].hasOwnProperty('definitions')) { definition = doc.data().meanings[0].definitions[0].definition; } } if(doc.data().hasOwnProperty('phonetics')) { if(doc.data().phonetics.length > 0) audio = doc.data().phonetics[0].audio; } } catch (error) { console.log(error); } let obj = { word: doc.data().word, answer: doc.data().word.split("").join(" "), definition: definition, audio: audio } VocabularyList.push(obj); } // Shuffle the array let currentIndex = VocabularyList.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex; while (0 !== currentIndex) { randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); currentIndex -= 1; temporaryValue = VocabularyList[currentIndex]; VocabularyList[currentIndex] = VocabularyList[randomIndex]; VocabularyList[randomIndex] = temporaryValue; } conv.session.params.vocabWord = VocabularyList; conv.session.params.vocabWordIndex = 0; }); }); })
Get a word from Assistant session
You can write a Cloud Function that returns the next spelling word from the word list.
In the index.js
file, replace the TODO for getSpellingWord
with the following:
// Returns a spelling practice word to Google Assistant and uses Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) to format the response app.handle('getSpellingWord', conv => { if (!conv.session.params.vocabWord.empty) { conv.session.params.vocabWordIndex+=1; const ssml = '<speak>' + '<audio src="'+ conv.session.params.vocabWord[conv.session.params.vocabWordIndex].audio +'">Use phonetics to spell the word.</audio> ' + '</speak>'; conv.add(ssml); } else conv.add('Great job! You completed the Spelling practice'); });
Enable the game to repeat the word
You can write a Cloud Function that repeats the current word for the game.
In the index.js
file, replace the TODO for repeatSpellingWord
with the following:
// Returns current spelling word app.handle('repeatSpellingWord', conv => { if (!conv.session.params.vocabWord.empty) { const ssml = '<speak>' + '<audio src="'+ conv.session.params.vocabWord[conv.session.params.vocabWordIndex].audio +'">Use phonetics to spell the word. </audio> ' + '</speak>'; conv.add(ssml); } else conv.add('Great job! You completed the Spelling practice'); });
Get the definition of the word
You can write a Cloud Function that provides the definition of the current word for the game.
In the index.js
file, replace the TODO for definitionOfSpellingWord
with the following:
// Returns spelling word definition from Assistant session parameter app.handle('definitionOfSpellingWord', conv => { conv.add( 'It means ' + conv.session.params.vocabWord[conv.session.params.vocabWordIndex].definition); });
Check the user's spelling response
You can write a Cloud Function that verifies the user's response of how to spell the current word for the game.
In the index.js
file, replace the TODO for verifySpellingWord
with the following:
// Verifies user spelling response app.handle('verifySpellingWord', conv => { try { userResponse = conv.intent.params.userresponse.resolved.join(""); if (userResponse.toLowerCase() === conv.session.params.vocabWord[conv.session.params.vocabWordIndex].word.toLowerCase()) { conv.add('You are correct. Say next to continue.'); } else { conv.add('Sorry, wrong answer. The correct answer is ' + conv.session.params.vocabWord[conv.session.params.vocabWordIndex].answer + ' . Say next to continue.'); } } catch (error) { conv.add('Sorry. I did not understand your response' ); } }); exports.ActionsOnGoogleFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest(app);
Deploy all your functions
Your Cloud Functions will only be active after you've deployed them to Firebase.
From the root of the spelling-functions-start
directory, run the following command:
$ firebase deploy --only functions
This is the console output you should see:
i deploying functions i functions: ensuring necessary APIs are enabled... ⚠ functions: missing necessary APIs. Enabling now... i env: ensuring necessary APIs are enabled... ⚠ env: missing necessary APIs. Enabling now... i functions: waiting for APIs to activate... i env: waiting for APIs to activate... ✔ env: all necessary APIs are enabled ✔ functions: all necessary APIs are enabled i functions: preparing functions directory for uploading... i functions: packaged functions (X.XX KB) for uploading ✔ functions: functions folder uploaded successfully i starting release process (may take several minutes)... i functions: creating function createSpellingPracticeWord(us-central1)... ✔ functions[createSpellingPracticeWord(us-central1)]: Successful create operation. i functions: creating function ActionsOnGoogleFulfillment(us-central1)... ✔ functions[ActionsOnGoogleFulfillment(us-central1)]: Successful create operation. ✔ Deploy complete! Project Console: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/spelling-practice-1234/overview
Make a note of ActionsOnGoogleFulfillment function Http endpoint url for later use. To get the endpoint, open Firebase Console and then click spelling-practice project. Open Functions dashboard to view the functions endpoint.
You have completed adding all the required functions. Now let's move to setting up Cloud Firestore.
8. Enable Cloud Firestore
You'll need to enable Cloud Firestore.
In the Firebase console's Build section, click Firestore. Then, click Create database.
Access to data in Cloud Firestore is controlled by Security Rules. First you need to set some basic rules on the data to get started. Click Firestore and then In the Rules tab of the Firebase console, add the following rules, then click Publish.
The following rules restrict data access to users who are signed in, which prevents unauthenticated users from reading or writing.
rules_version = '2'; service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { match /{document=**} { // // WARNING: These rules are insecure! We will replace them with // more secure rules later in the codelab // allow read, write: if request.auth != null; } } }
9. Add spelling words data to Cloud Firestore
In this step, you'll write spelling words data to Cloud Firestore so that you can generate a list of words for the Assistant (and the game).
Cloud Firestore data is structured into collections, documents, fields, and subcollections. Each word for the game will be stored as its own document in a top-level collection called wordlist
. For every new document in the Firestore collection, createSpellingPracticeWord function will be triggered to get the word details from the Dictionary API service.
Create a Cloud Firestore collection
- In the Firebase console, navigate to the Cloud Firestore section.
- Click + Start collection.
- In the Collection ID textbox, enter
, then click Next.
Next, we'll create a document for a word: agreement
- In the Document ID textbox, enter
. - In the Field textbox, enter
and in the Value textbox enteragreement
. - Click Save.
When you add this document to Cloud Firestore, it triggers your createSpellingPracticeWord function to fetch the definition details for the word. Add more words (for example: awe, car, true, tell, better, commute, ...) by creating a new document for each word.
10. Set up Google Assistant
The following sections describe how to set up your Google Assistant development environment and create your Actions project.
Check your Google permission settings
To test the Action you build in this codelab, you need to enable the necessary permissions so the simulator can access your Action. To enable permissions, follow these steps:
- Go to the Activity controls page.
- Sign in with your Google Account, if you have not already done so.
- Enable the following permissions:
- Web & App Activity
- Under Web & App Activity, select the checkbox next to Include Chrome history and activity from sites, apps, and devices that use Google services.
Create an Actions project
Your Actions project is a container for your Action. To create your Actions project for this codelab, follow these steps:
- Open the Actions console.
- Click New project.
- Accept terms of service
- Type in or select
which you created using Firebase Console. (The name is for your internal reference. Later, you can set an external name for your project.)
- Click Import project.
- In the What kind of Action do you want to build? screen, select the Custom card.
- Click Next.
- Select the Blank project card.
- Click Start building.
- Enter Spelling Practice for display name and click save.
Users start the conversation with your Action through invocation. For example, users can invoke your Action by saying a phrase like "Hey Google, talk to Spelling Practice", where Spelling Practice is the display name.
Your Action must have a display name if you want to deploy it to production; however, to test your Action, you don't need to define the display name. Instead, you can use the phrase "Talk to my test app" in the simulator to invoke your Action.
Configure fulfillment
You need to connect to the Assistant the event handlers for the Cloud Functions that you wrote and deployed earlier in this codelab.
To configure your fulfillment, follow these steps:
- Click Webhook in the side navigation.
- Select Https endpoint as fulfillment option:
- Enter the URL of your function's endpoint in the HTTPs endpoint textbox, then click Save.
In the next section, you'll customize the prompt for your main invocation in the Actions console.
Set up main invocation
You must edit the main invocation to define what happens after a user invokes your Action.
By default, Actions Builder provides a generic prompt when your invocation is triggered ("Start building your Action by defining main invocation.").
To modify the prompt that your Action sends back to the user when they invoke your Action, follow these steps:
- Click Main invocation in the navigation.
- Check
Call your webhook
and add the event handler namegetSpellingWordList
in the textbox. - In the code editor, replace the text in the
field with the following welcome message:Welcome to Spelling Practice
Note: You can use either YAML or JSON formatting to edit your prompts.
- Click Save.
Test the main invocation in the simulator
The Actions console provides a web tool for testing your Action called the simulator. The interface simulates hardware devices and their settings, so you can converse with your Action as if it were running on a Smart Display, phone, speaker, or KaiOS.
To test your Action's main invocation in the simulator, follow these steps:
- In the top navigation bar, click Test to go to the simulator.
- To invoke your Action in the simulator, type
Talk to Spelling Practice
in the input field on the top left, then press Enter on your keyboard.
When you trigger your Action's main invocation, the Assistant responds with your customized welcome message. At this point, the conversation ends after the Assistant responds with a greeting.
View event logs
When you are in the Test tab, the panel on the right shows the event logs, which display the conversation history as event logs. Each event log displays the events that happen during that turn of the conversation. To view the event log click the grey icon before the event.
Your Action currently has one event log, which shows both the user's input ("Talk to Spelling Practice") and your Action's response. The following screenshot shows your Action's event log:
11. Build the conversation for Spelling Practice
Now that you've defined what happens after a user invokes your Action, you can build out the rest of your Action's conversation. Spelling Practice has four scenes, and you must activate each scene before it can run. The most common way to activate a scene is to configure your Action so that, when a user matches a user intent within a scene, that intent triggers the transition to another scene and activates it.
Transition from main invocation to start scene
In this section, you create a new scene called Start
, which sends a prompt to the user asking if they would like to start playing Spelling Practice. You also add a transition from the main invocation to the new Start
To create this scene and add a transition to it, follow these steps:
- Click Develop in the top navigation. Then, click Main invocation in the left navigation.
- In the Transition section on the right, click the drop-down menu, then type
in the text field.
- Click Add. This creates a scene called
, and tells the Action to transition to theStart
scene after the Action delivers the welcome prompt to the user. - Click Scenes in the left navigation to show the list of scenes.
- Under Scenes, click Start to see the
scene. - Click + in the On enter section of the
scene. - Select Send prompts.
- Replace the sentence in the
field (Enter the response that users will see or hear...
) with a question to ask the user:Use phonetic alphabet to spell the word. For example alpha for a, bravo for b, charlie for c etc. Do you want to continue?
Suggestion chips offer clickable suggestions for the user that your Action processes as user input. In this section, you add suggestion chips that appear below the prompt you just configured (Do you want to play
Spelling Practice
) to support users on devices with screens.
To add suggestion chips to the Start
scene's prompt, follow these steps:
- In the
scene, click suggestions below the code editor. This action adds a single suggestion chip. - In the
field, replaceSuggested Response
. - Using the same formatting, manually add a suggestion chip titled
and'Help with Phonetics'
. Your code should look like the following snippet: - Click Save.
Test your Action in the simulator
At this point, your Action should transition from the main invocation to the Start scene and ask the user if they'd like to continue. Suggestion chips should also appear in the simulated display.
To test your Action in the simulator, follow these steps:
- In the navigation bar, click Test to take you to the simulator.
- To test your Action in the simulator, type
Talk to Spelling Practice
in the Input field. - Press Enter. Your Action should respond with the
Main invocation
prompt and the addedStart
scene prompt, "Welcome to Spelling Practice. Use the phonetic alphabet to spell the word. For example alpha for a, bravo for b, charlie for c etc. Do you want to continue?".
The following screenshot shows this interaction:
- Click the
orHelp with Phonetics
suggestion chip to respond to the prompt. (You can also say "Yes" or "No" or "Help with Phonetics" or enterYes
orHelp with Phonetics
in the Input field.)
When you respond to the prompt, your Action responds with a message indicating that it can't understand your input: "Sorry, I didn't catch that. Can you try again?" Since you haven't yet configured your Action to understand and respond to "Yes" or "No" input, your Action matches your input to a NO_MATCH
By default, the NO_MATCH
system intent provides generic responses, but you can customize these responses to indicate to the user that you didn't understand their input. The Assistant ends the user's conversation with your Action after it can't match user input three times.
Add no and phonetics intents
Now that users can respond to the question your Action poses, you can configure your Action to understand the users' responses ("Yes" or "No" or "Help with Phonetics"). In the following sections, you create user intents that are matched when the user says "Yes" or "No" or "Help with Phonetics" and add these intents to the Start
scene. We'll use system intent yes
and will create other intents.
Create no
Now, you need to create the no
intent to understand and respond to the user when they don't want to play the game. To create this intent, follow these steps:
- Click Develop in the navigation.
- Click Custom Intents in the navigation to open the list of intents.
- Click + (plus sign) at the end of the list of intents. Name the new intent
and press Enter. - Click no to open the
intent page. - In the Add training phrases section, click in to the Enter Phrase text box and enter the following phrases:
I don't want
- Click Save.
Add no
intent to Start
Now, the Action can understand when a user is expressing "no" or something similar to "no", like "nope". You need to add the no
user intent to the Start
scene because the user is responding to the Start
prompt ("Welcome to Spelling Practice. Use the phonetic alphabet to spell the word. For example alpha for a, bravo for b, charlie for c etc. Do you want to continue?").
To add this intent for the Start
scene, follow these steps:
- Click the Start scene in the navigation.
- Click the + (plus sign) in the
scene next to User intent handling. - In the Intent section, select no in the drop-down.
- Click Send prompts and update the
field with the following text:Good Bye
The code in your editor should look like the following snippet:
candidates: - first_simple: variants: - speech: >- Goodbye.
- In the Transition section, select End conversation from the dropdown.
- Click Save.
Test no
intent in simulator
At this point, your Action understands when the user does not want to play the game and returns the appropriate response.
To test this intent in the simulator, follow these steps:
- In the navigation bar, click Test.
- Type
Talk to Spelling Practice
in the Input field and pressEnter
. - Type
in the Input field and press Enter. Alternatively, click the No suggestion chip.
Add system YES
intent to Start
Now, we'll add SYSTEM intent "YES" to the Start
scene, since the user is responding yes to the Start
prompt ("Welcome to Spelling Practice. Use the phonetic alphabet to spell the word. For example alpha for a, bravo for b, charlie for c etc. Do you want to continue?").
To add this user intent to the Start
scene, follow these steps:
- Click the Start scene in the navigation.
- Click the + (plus sign) in the
scene next to User intent handling. - Under All System Intents, Select YES in the intent drop-down.
- Click Call your webhook and update the
event handler
textbox with the function you created earlier:getSpellingWordList
- In the Transition section, click the drop-down and select End conversation.
- Click Save.
Test YES
intent in simulator
At this point, your Action understands when the user wants to play the game and returns the appropriate response.
To test this intent in the simulator, follow these steps:
- In the navigation bar, click Test.
- To test your Action in the simulator, type
Talk to Spelling Practice
in the Input field and press Enter. - Type
in the Input field and press Enter. Alternatively, click theYes
suggestion chip.
Your Action fetches a list of all spelling practice words and stores them in session. Your Action then ends the session because you selected the End conversation
transition for the YES
Create Phonetics
To create the Phonetics
intent, follow these steps:
- Click Develop in the navigation.
- Click Custom Intents in the navigation to open the list of intents.
- Click + (plus sign) at the end of the list of intents. Name the new intent
and pressEnter
. - Click the
intent to open thephonetics
intent page. - In the Add training phrases section, click the Enter Phrase text box and enter the following phrases:
how do I spell words
help me with phonetics
phonetic alphabet
- Click Save.
Add phonetics
intent to Start
Now, the Action can understand when a user is expressing a "phonetics" intent. You can add the phonetics
user intent to the Start
scene, since the user is responding to the Start
prompt ("Welcome to Spelling Practice. Use the phonetic alphabet to spell the word. For example alpha for a, bravo for b, charlie for c etc. Do you want to continue?").
To add this user intent to the Start
scene, follow these steps:
- Click the Start scene in the navigation.
- Click the + (plus sign) in the
scene next to User intent handling. - Select phonetics in the intent drop-down.
- In the Transition section, click the drop-down and select End conversation.
- Click Save.
Transition from Start scene to Spelling scene
In this section, you create a new scene called Spelling, which sends a prompt to the user to spell the word using the phonetic alphabet.
To create this scene and add a transition to it, follow these steps:
- Click Develop in the top navigation. Then, click Start scene in the left navigation.
- In the User intent handling section click
when actions.intent.YES is matched
and on the right in the transition section, click the drop-down menu and typeSpelling
in the text field. - Click Add. This creates a scene called
, and tells the Action to transition to theSpelling
scene after the matching with YES intent. - Expand Scenes in the left navigation to show the list of scenes.
- Under Scenes, click Spelling to see the
scene. - Click + in the On enter section of the
scene. - Click Call your webhook and enter getSpellingWord in the event handler textbox.
- Select Send prompts.
- Replace the sentence in the
field (Enter the response that users will see or hear...
) with {}. The actual prompt will be populated by webhook.
Suggestion chips offer clickable suggestions for the user that your Action processes as user input.
To add suggestion chips to the Spelling
scene's prompt, follow these steps:
- In the
scene, click suggestions below the code editor. This action adds three suggestion chips. - In the
field, replaceSuggested Response
. - Using the same formatting, manually add a suggestion chip titled
. - Using the same formatting, manually add a suggestion chip titled
. Your code should look like the following snippet: - Click Save.
suggestions: - title: 'Repeat' - title: 'Skip' - title: 'Quit'
Create Repeat
To create the repeat
intent, follow these steps:
- Click Develop in the navigation.
- Click Custom Intents in the navigation to open the list of intents.
- Click + (plus sign) at the end of the list of intents. Name the new intent
and pressEnter
. - Click the
intent to open thedefinition
intent page. - In the Add training phrases section, click the Enter Phrase text box and enter the following phrases:
one more time please
say the word again
repeat the word
tell me again
- Click Save.
Add repeat
intent to Spelling
Now, the Action can understand when a user is expressing a "repeat" intent. You can add the repeat
user intent to the Spelling
scene, since the user is responding to the Spelling
prompt ("Spell the word using phonetic alphabet").
To add this user intent to the Spelling
scene, follow these steps:
- Click the Spelling scene in the navigation.
- Click the + (plus sign) in the
scene next to User intent handling. - Select repeat in the intent drop-down.
- Checkthe Call your webhook and enter repeatSpellingWord in the event handler textbox to get the word definition.
- Check Send prompts.
- Replace the sentence in the
field (Enter the response that users will see or hear...
) with ‘'. The actual prompt will be populated by webhook.
Add suggestion chips to "When Repeat is matched"
- In "When Repeat is matched" under User Intent handling, click suggestions below the code editor. This action adds three suggestion chips.
- In the
field, replaceSuggested Response
. - Using the same formatting, manually add a suggestion chip titled
.Your code should look like the following snippet:
suggestions: - title: 'Skip' - title: 'Quit'
- Click Save.
Create definition
To create the definition
intent, follow these steps:
- Click Develop in the navigation.
- Click Custom Intents in the navigation to open the list of intents.
- Click + (plus sign) at the end of the list of intents. Name the new intent
and pressEnter
. - Click the
intent to open thedefinition
intent page. - In the Add training phrases section, click the Enter Phrase text box and enter the following phrases:
I would like to know the definition
tell me the definition
what does it mean
what is the definition?
- Click Save.
Add definition
intent to Spelling
Now, the Action can understand when a user is expressing a "definition" intent. You can add the definition
user intent to the Spelling
scene, since the user is responding to the Spelling
prompt ("Spell the word using phonetic alphabet").
To add this user intent to the Spelling
scene, follow these steps:
- Click the Spelling scene in the navigation.
- Click the + (plus sign) in the
scene next to User intent handling. - Select definition in the intent drop-down.
- Check the Call your webhook and enter definitionOfSpellingWord in the event handler textbox to get the word definition.
- Check Send prompts.
- Replace the sentence in the
field (Enter the response that users will see or hear...
) with ‘‘`. The actual prompt will be populated by webhook.
Add suggestion chips to the webhook response
- In the
scene, click suggestions below the code editor. This action adds three suggestion chips. - In the
field, replaceSuggested Response
. - Using the same formatting, manually add a suggestion chip titled
.Your code should look like the following snippet:
suggestions: - title: 'Skip' - title: 'Quit'
- Click Save.
Create skip
To create the skip
intent, follow these steps:
- Click Develop in the navigation.
- Click Intents in the navigation to open the list of intents.
- Click + (plus sign) at the end of the list of intents. Name the new intent
and pressEnter
. - Click the
intent to open theskip
intent page. - In the Add training phrases section, click the Enter Phrase text box and enter the following phrases:
next word
go next
skip word
- Click Save.
Add Skip
intent to Spelling
Now, the Action can understand when a user is expressing a "skip" intent. You can add the skip
user intent to the Spelling
scene, since the user is responding to the Spelling
prompt ("Spell the word using phonetic alphabet").
To add this user intent to the Spelling
scene, follow these steps:
- Click the Spelling scene in the navigation.
- Click the + (plus sign) in the
scene next to User intent handling. - Select skip in the intent drop-down.
- In the Transition section on the right, click the drop-down menu and select
- Click Save.
Create quit
To create the Quit
intent, follow these steps:
- Click Develop in the navigation.
- Click Intents in the navigation to open the list of intents.
- Click + (plus sign) at the end of the list of intents. Name the new intent
and pressEnter
. - Click the
intent to open the definition intent page. - In the Add training phrases section, click the Enter Phrase text box and enter the following phrases:
I quit
- Click Save.
Add Quit
intent to Spelling
Now, the Action can understand when a user is expressing a "quit" intent. You can add the quit
user intent to the Spelling
scene, since the user is responding to the Spelling
prompt ("Spell the word using phonetic alphabet").
To add this user intent to the Spelling
scene, follow these steps:
- Click the Spelling scene in the navigation.
- Click the + (plus sign) in the
scene next to User intent handling. - Select quit in the intent drop-down.
- In the Transition section on the right, click the drop-down menu and select
End conversation
. - Click Save.
Create phonetic_alphabet
In this section, you create a new type called phonetic_alphabet
, which specifies the phonetic alphabet options the users can choose to spell the word. You can also define a few synonyms for these options in case a user says something similar. In a later section, you add the phonetic_alphabet
type to a slot to specify that you want to obtain the user's response.
To create the phonetic_alphabet
type, follow these steps:
- Click Develop in the navigation.
- Click the + (plus sign) under Types.
- Type
and pressEnter
. - Click
to open the options. - In the What kind of values will this Type support? section, select the Words and synonyms option
- Enter the following entries and corresponding values in the Add entries section:
a | alpha, apple, amsterdam |
b | bravo, butter, baltimore |
c | charlie, cat, casablanca |
d | delta, dog, denmark |
e | echo, edward, edison |
f | foxtrot, fox, florida |
g | golf, george, gallipoli |
h | hotel, harry, havana |
i | india, ink, italia |
j | juliette, johnny, jerusalem |
k | kilo, king, kilogramme |
l | lima, love, london |
m | mike, money, madagascar |
n | november, new york, nancy |
o | oscar, orange, oslo |
p | papa, paris, peter |
q | quebec, queen |
r | romeo, roma, robert |
s | sierra, sugar, santiago |
t | tango, tommy, tripoli |
u | uniform, umbrella, uncle |
v | victor, vinegar, Valencia |
w | whiskey, william, washington |
x | x-ray |
y | yankee, yellow, yorker |
z | zulu, zebra, zurich |
Your key-value table should look like the following:
- Click Save.
Configure slot filling
Next, you need to configure slot filling in the Spelling scene. To configure the slot-filling logic, follow these steps:
- Click the Spelling scene in the navigation.
- Click the + (plus sign) in the
scene for Slot filling. - In the Enter slot name field, add
as the slot name. - In the Select type drop-down, select phonetic_alphabet as the slot type.
- Check This slot accepts a list of values
- Check This slot is required.
- Select Customize slot value writeback option and enter userresponse in the session parameter textbox.
- Click Save.
Add Condition to Spelling
To add Condition to the Spelling
scene, follow these steps:
- Click the Spelling scene in the navigation.
- Click the + (plus sign) in the
scene next to Condition. - Enter
scene.slots.status == "FINAL"
as condition - Check the Call your webhook and enter verifySpellingWord in the event handler textbox to verify the user response.
- Check Send prompts.
- Replace the sentence in the
field (Enter the response that users will see or hear...
) with {}. The actual prompt will be populated by webhook.
Add suggestion chips to the webhook response
- In the
scene, click suggestions below the code editor. This action adds three suggestion chips. - In the
field, replaceSuggested Response
. - Using the same formatting, manually add a suggestion chip titled
.Your code should look like the following snippet:
suggestions: - title: 'Next' - title: 'Quit'
- Click Save.
12. Test Spelling Practice in the simulator
To test your Action in the simulator, follow these steps:
- In the navigation bar, click Test to take you to the simulator.
- To test your Action in the simulator, type
Talk to Spelling Practice
in the Input field. - Press Enter. Your Action should respond with the
Main invocation
prompt and the addedStart
scene prompt, "Welcome to Spelling Practice. Use the phonetic alphabet to spell the word. For example alpha for a, bravo for b, charlie for c etc. Do you want to continue?". - Say Yes to continue
- Simulator will play a word sound to spell
- You can spell the word using phonetic alphabets. For example, for better say or type "bravo echo tango tango echo romeo"
- Simulator will respond with either the correct or incorrect response.
- Say next to continue to the next word or say quit to exit the game loop.
13. Congratulations
Congratulations, you've successfully built your game, Spelling Practice!
You now know the key steps required to build a game using Cloud Firestore, Cloud Functions, and Google Assistant Action Builder.
What you covered
- How to interact with Cloud Firestore
- How to use slots to gather data from the user
- How to process a user's input and return a response
- How to use conditions to add logic to a scene
- How to add a game loop
Additional learning resources
You can explore these resources for learning about building Actions for Google Assistant:
- Documentation for developing Actions for Google Assistant
- Actions on Google GitHub page for sample code and libraries
- The official Reddit community for developers working with the Google Assistant
- Conversation design guidelines for best practices and guidelines regarding Conversational Actions
- Introduction to Cloud Firestore
Clean up your project [recommended]
To avoid incurring possible charges, it is recommended to remove projects that you don't intend to use. To delete the projects you created in this codelab, follow these steps:
- To delete your Firebase project and resources, complete the steps listed in the Shutting down (deleting) projects section.
Caution: Ensure that you select the correct project for deletion on the Google Cloud Console's Settings page.
- Optional: To immediately remove your project from the Actions console, complete the steps listed in the Deleting a project section. If you don't complete this step, your project will automatically be removed after approximately 30 days.
Follow @ActionsOnGoogle & @Firebase on Twitter to stay tuned to our latest announcements and tweet to #GoogleIO to share what you have built!