Tuesday, October 18, 2022
北美东部夏令时间上午 10:00
主旨演讲:Firebase 的新动态
Francis Ma
Director, Product Management
Francis is the Director of Product Management for Firebase. Prior to his current role, he led product management on Android with a focus on building the Android developer ecosystem. Before joining Google in 2011, Francis was an entrepreneur and tech startup founder. Prior to that, he was a lead software developer at Amazon. Francis earned his bachelor’s degree in computer engineering from the University of Waterloo.
Kara Yu
Product Manager
Kara is a product manager at Google, where she leads Firebase Growth and Extensions. She is passionate about helping developers accelerate their app development. Prior to Firebase, she worked as a product manager on YouTube Music. Prior to Google, she worked at Meteor and was involved with developing Scratch while at the MIT Media Lab. She earned Bachelor's Degrees in Economics and Math with Computer Science from MIT, and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Sonakshi Watel
UX Designer
Sonakshi is a UX designer at Google working on Firebase Extensions. A software engineer turned UX designer, she is passionate about making software development approachable for everyone. She has a Masters degree in Human-Computer Interaction from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. She loves coffee with oat milk and playing basketball. Potatoes are her favorite vegetable.
Tyler Crowe
Product Manager
Tyler is a product manager at Google with the Firebase team, where he leads Firebase Security which includes Firebase Auth, App Check, User Security and Developer Tools. His mission is to help developers build secure systems that protect users' privacy and to deliver a top quality developer workflow experience for serverless app developers. Before Firebase, Tyler worked on scaling YouTube Data. In his free time he enjoys biking and hiking with his dog.
David East
Developer Relations Engineer
David East has been at Firebase ever since it was a small startup. He has a strong passion for web development and has spent time working on the Angular team at Google.
Steve Wilber
Engineering Manager
Steve is an engineering lead building Firebase Remote Config, A/B Testing and Personalization. He was previously at Twitter where he worked on Crashlytics and was part of the team that launched Fabric. When he’s not helping developers grow their apps, you can find him mountain biking, surfing, or eyeing a new summit to climb.
北美东部夏令时间上午 10:30
#AskFirebase Live
在本次现场会议中,我们汇聚了来自 Firebase 各个团队的专家,为您解答亟待解决的问题。如果您有任何问题,请在会前使用 #AskFirebase# 标签发布到 Twitter 上,或是在会议期间发布到实时聊天中。我们将在 30 分钟内回答尽可能多的问题。
Peter Friese
Developer Advocate
Peter (Twitter: @peterfriese) is a Senior Developer Advocate on the Firebase team at Google. His mission is to help developers build insanely great apps on Apple’s platforms using Firebase. His current focus is on SwiftUI, Combine, async/await, and everything Auth. He publishes on his own blog and his YouTube channel.
Melissa Lopez
Software Engineer
Melissa is a software engineer for Firebase Performance Monitoring. She spends her summers volunteering for Google's Computer Science Summer Institute, an introduction to computer science for graduating high school seniors from historically underrepresented groups in the field. She enjoys long runs and baking big batches of cookies from her small New York City apartment.
Michael Bleigh
Group Tech Lead, Firebase Build Products
Michael is an engineer and entrepreneur currently leading technical direction for the Firebase Build products. Michael has been deeply engaged in the developer space for more than a decade, from creating open source projects like OmniAuth to founding developer-focused startup Divshot. He is passionate about the web platform and making developers' lives easier each and every day.
Daniel Lee
Software Engineer
Daniel is a software engineer on the Cloud Functions for Firebase team. Prior to joining Firebase, he was part of Google's SRE org where he grew appreciation for operational tools that makes for reliable and performant services. In his free time, Daniel likes to spend time with his 2 year old daughter at local playgrounds.
Arthur Thompson
Developer Relations Engineer
Arthur was a high school teacher for 7 years before joining Developer Relations at Google. He worked on Google Apps and Android before joining the Firebase Developer Relations team in 2015. Arthur is focused on Firebase libraries and support for platforms and frameworks like Flutter, Angular, React and others.
Kristen Richards
Group Product Manager
Kristen is the PM lead for Firebase Operate, a set of tools that help developers run their apps effectively and grow their businesses. She is based in Cambridge, MA. In her free time, she enjoys riding her bike, playing volleyball, and exploring new places!
北美东部夏令时间上午 11:30
下午 1:00
如何让您的 Firebase 应用成为不易遭受互联网攻击的安全应用
如今的互联网危机四伏。从暴力破解用户密码,到挑出应用各个部分的漏洞,诸如此类的案例层出不穷,而保护应用和数据安全也变得比以往更加困难。本次课程中,您将实际操作能够保障应用安全的 Firebase 工具,并重点体验我们最新推出的产品。 本次课程将涵盖以下内容: 准备工作:
Yuchen Shi
Software Engineer
Yuchen is a software engineer at Google working on Firebase App Check, Security Rules, Auth, and Emulator Suite. Yuchen graduated from a Master's program at CMU and worked at a startup Clarity Movement before joining Google.
Shruti Padamata
Software Engineer
Shruti is a software engineer at Firebase, working on identity and access products, mainly Firebase Security Rules and Firebase Installations service. She is passionate about privacy and security practices for user data. Shruti has a master's degree in computer science from Georgia Tech. Outside of work, she loves to dance and enjoys outdoor activities like hiking, backpacking, and biking.
北美东部夏令时间上午 11:30
下午 1:00
使用 Firebase 和 Angular Universal 构建实时 Web 应用
您可以借助 Angular 和 Firebase 大规模构建复杂应用。本次的专家讲堂汇聚了来自 Angular 和 Firebase 团队的成员,他们将介绍如何使用 Angular 的新功能(例如独立组件以及用于服务器端渲染的 Angular Universal)来架构和构建 Firebase 应用。在本次研讨会结束后,您将拥有一款具有用户身份验证功能且内容由服务器端渲染的实时协作 Web 应用。 本次课程将涵盖以下内容: 准备工作:
David East
Developer Relations Engineer
David East has been at Firebase ever since it was a small startup. He has a strong passion for web development and has spent time working on the Angular team at Google.
Mark Thompson
北美东部夏令时间上午 11:30
Cloud Functions for Firebase 的可观测性
有了 Cloud Functions for Firebase,您可以轻松地为您的应用构建和部署无服务器后端。不过您是否知道,Cloud Functions for Firebase 还附带了原生集成的 Google Cloud 运维套件(比如 Cloud Logging、Cloud Monitoring 和 Cloud Trace)?快来了解您可以如何利用 Google Cloud Platform,采用新型可观测性堆栈(比如 Open Telemetry)来有效监控 Cloud Functions。
Daniel Lee
Software Engineer
Daniel is a software engineer on the Cloud Functions for Firebase team. Prior to joining Firebase, he was part of Google's SRE org where he grew appreciation for operational tools that makes for reliable and performant services. In his free time, Daniel likes to spend time with his 2 year old daughter at local playgrounds.
北美东部夏令时间上午 11:45
中午 12:00
快速缓存:使用 Firestore 构建更高效的应用
Firestore SDK 具备缓存系统,有助于缩短延时、支持离线查询和变更,以及减少计费的文档读取次数。在本次讲座中,我们将探讨 Firestore 缓存的运作方式,以及它如何实现上述功能。我们还将介绍几种不同的策略,帮助您充分利用应用中的缓存。
Mark Duckworth
Software Engineer
Mark is an advocate for great developer experience. While earning a Master’s in Computer Science at Georgia Tech, he developed a passion for solving technical problems and empathy for software users. He has built API products in areas of computer vision, IoT, security, and databases. He is currently a Firestore SDK developer at Google and is based out of Colorado, where he likes to ride mountain bikes.
北美东部夏令时间中午 12:00
使用 Remote Config 自动个性化定制应用体验
您的用户并不是千篇一律的,提供与用户切身相关的体验是吸引他们深度使用应用的关键。有了 Remote Config,您可以自动个性化定制应用体验,从而更好地贴合用户的需求。加入我们,了解如何制定有效的个性化定制策略、可优化的目标类型,以及已知的应用开发者最佳实践。
Xin Wei
Software Engineer
Xin is a Software Engineer at Google and has worked on various Firebase products, including Crashlytics, 3rd-party integrations, and Remote Config. He previously worked at Twitter, where he was part of the Fabric team. As a caffeine based life-form, Xin can often be found at various coffee and boba shops around the bay area, turning coffee into code. Xin also enjoys playing board games and solving puzzles at nearby escape rooms.
北美东部夏令时间中午 12:15
免费使用 Emulator Suite 中的 Firestore 快速、安全地进行开发
有了 Emulator Suite,使用 Firebase 进行本地开发将变得更快捷。您可以在本地快速测试修改,而且通常无需进行构建和部署。在本次讲座中,我们将介绍使用 Emulator Suite 进行本地开发改善了哪些常见痛点,比如在本地测试后将函数更改推送至生产环境,以便确切知道其在生产环境中的行为,并避免出现意外费用。最后,我们将讨论如何使用 Emulator Suite 在本地测试规则更改,以避免生产环境中出现意外服务中断。
Chris Thompson
Software Engineer
Chris is a Software Engineer working on the Firebase Emulator Suite at Google. Prior to joining the Firebase team he worked on multiple products including Google Currents, Google Chat, and on Android developer toolkits within Google. Prior to joining Google Chris received a Bachelor's degree at Brock University in Ontario, Canada
北美东部夏令时间下午 2:00
使用 Firebase 和 Jetpack Compose 构建可正式发布的 Android 应用
了解如何运用 MVVM 架构的最佳实践,使用 Firebase 和 Jetpack Compose 构建 Android 应用,并了解如何准备代码库以使用多种不同的环境。让我们一起使用 Cloud Firestore、Remote Config 和 Performance Monitoring 编写代码,打造拥有闪电般快速响应性能的 Android 应用! 本次课程将涵盖以下内容: 前提条件:
Marina Coelho
Developer Relations Engineer
Marina worked as a software developer for eight years before joining the Firebase team as a Developer Relations Engineer. Her mission is to help developers excel in building great apps using Firebase products. She graduated in Information Systems from a university in South Brazil and recently moved to London.
Vladimir Kryachko
Software Engineer
Vlad is a software engineer at Firebase. He works on core SDK infrastructure to help teams build high quality products faster. I am also a Kotlin enthusiast and help make Firebase Kotlin support better.
北美东部夏令时间下午 2:00
使用 Firebase 构建、发布和监控 Flutter 聊天应用
在本次研讨会中,我们将使用 Firebase 最新、最强大的功能(例如,MFA 和数据自动删除等)来一起构建 Flutter 聊天应用。开发者们还可以实际上手操作这些工具来增加经验,从而充满自信地发布新功能、监控崩溃情况,并在必要时回滚。 本次课程将涵盖以下内容: 准备工作:请确保在会前安装以下项目:
flutter doctor
Rosário P. Fernandes
Firebase DevRel Engineer
Rosário P. Fernandes is a Developer Relations Engineer on the Firebase Team, mainly focused on helping developers integrate Firebase into their Android App Development workflows. He’s originally from Mozambique, but is now based in London, UK. Rosário has been using Firebase since 2016 and has also contributed lots of improvements to its codebase. In his free-time, he enjoys playing chess, reading comic books and watching movies.
Alexander Nohe
Developer Relations Engineer
Alexander Nohe is a Developer Relations Engineer at Google currently working on Firebase and previously ChromeOS. Previously, Alexander was a product engineer working on mobile applications at the mapping company ESRI based in Redlands, California. Alexander earned a Bachelor's Degree in Geography with an emphasis on GIS and a Master's Degree in GIS management from Salisbury University in Salisbury, Maryland.
北美东部夏令时间下午 2:00
关于 Firebase 发布与监控类产品的高级提醒功能
您是否想对 Crashlytics、Performance Monitoring 和 App Distribution 发送的提醒拥有更多掌控权?您的团队可能会通过电子邮件以外的工具来获取关于应用问题的通知。在本次讲座中,我们将讲解您的团队可以如何使用 Firebase 提醒、EventArc 和 Cloud Functions for Firebase 来自定义提醒逻辑,并与 Firebase 以外的服务通信。
Mariah Hart
Product Manager
Mariah Hart is a Product Manager working on Firebase Performance Monitoring. Prior to joining Google, Mariah worked as a software engineer turned Product Manager for Windows and Mixed reality products at Microsoft. Previously, Mariah helped shape and define accessible virtual reality experiences for people with disabilities and now applies that passion to building tools that empower developers to build and maintain high-quality apps for their end-users to thrive. Mariah received a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Spelman College.
Adam Duke
Software Engineer
Adam is a software engineer working on Firebase Crashlytics. Prior to Google, Adam helped build, launch, and scale the Fabric platform at Twitter. While at Twitter, he was the first employee to have a startup he co-founded become a Twitter acquisition while already working at the company. Adam holds a B.S. in computer science from Widener University
北美东部夏令时间下午 2:15
通过 Firebase Messaging 吸引用户群
怎样才能最为有效地吸引应用用户中的特定细分群体?从用户群,到相关主题,再到导入的细分,Firebase Messaging 能从许多方面帮助您吸引用户群中的特定人群。快来了解您可以使用的多种受众群体定位类型,找出吸引目标受众群体的最佳方式。
Derek Chen
Software Engineer
Derek is a software engineer at Google. He works on the Firebase Cloud Messaging team where he enjoys building backend infrastructure to help developers reach and connect with their users. He currently lives in Marin where he loves to hike and boulder. In his free time, he loves exploring new places for food and artisanal boba tea.
北美东部夏令时间下午 2:30
使用 Firebase 构建 SwiftUI 应用
Apple 开发者,大家好!SwiftUI 是一种跨 Apple 平台构建界面的有效方式。也许您已经有了 SwiftUI 应用,或是打算自己动手构建一个。将 SwiftUI 和 Firebase 相集成能够让您以更快的速度构建和交付新功能。了解如何使用 Swift 的新式功能(例如,属性封装容器、Codable 和 SwiftUI View Modifier 等)来顺畅地对 Firebase Remote Config、Cloud Firestore 和 Google Analytics(分析)进行初始配置。
Charlotte Liang
Senior Software Engineer
Charlotte has been working on the Firebase Apple SDKs for 7 years. She’s primarily focusing on making Apple platform development flow easier and helping developers adopt modern technology, such as SwiftUI, watchOS, and WidgetKit, etc. Her passion is to help developers succeed with Firebase and build apps that can positively impact people's lives. Before joining Google, she used to be an iOS game developer and her favorite game is "Don't starve". Currently Charlotte is a second year MBA student at UC Berkeley Haas.
北美东部夏令时间下午 2:45
使用 Cloud Functions 和 Firebase Authentication 保护服务器上的数据
Firebase 安全规则能够有效保护来自客户端应用的数据访问,那么,我们应该如何管理来自服务器等受信任环境的访问呢?本次讲座将简要介绍几种策略来保护 Callable 函数、公共 HTTPS API 和 NextJS 网站,确保最终用户仅可访问他们本应访问的资源和数据。
Jeff Huleatt
Senior Developer Relations Engineer
Jeff is a Developer Relations Engineer for Firebase, and he's excited to help people make cool stuff on the web. Jeff works to make Firebase better for web developers with open source projects like the Firebase Emulator Suite, Firebase Hosting Github Action, and ReactFire.