使用 Firestore 构建排行榜

1. 简介

上次更新日期:2023 年 1 月 27 日




在此 Codelab 中,您将实现各种不同的排行榜,每个排行榜都适用于不同的场景。



  • 使用简单的记录计数来确定排名的简单实现
  • 费用低廉且定期更新的排行榜
  • 一个实时排行榜,其中包含一些树相关的废话
  • 用于对非常庞大的玩家群体进行近似排名的随机(概率)排行榜


  • 最新版本的 Chrome(107 或更高版本)
  • Node.js 16 或更高版本(如果您使用的是 nvm,请运行 nvm --version 查看版本号)
  • Firebase Blaze 付费方案(可选)
  • Firebase CLI v11.16.0 或更高版本
    如需安装 CLI,您可以运行 npm install -g firebase-tools 或参阅 CLI 文档以了解更多安装选项。
  • 了解 JavaScript、Cloud Firestore、Cloud Functions 和 Chrome 开发者工具

2. 准备工作


我们已将您完成此项目所需的一切都放入一个 Git 代码库中。首先,您需要获取相关代码,然后在您常用的开发环境中将其打开。在此 Codelab 中,我们使用的是 VS Code,但任何文本编辑器都可以执行此操作。

,然后解压缩下载的 ZIP 文件。


git clone https://github.com/FirebaseExtended/firestore-leaderboards-codelab.git



  • index.html 包含一些粘合脚本,可让我们从开发者控制台调用函数并查看其输出。我们将使用它与后端进行交互,并查看函数调用的结果。在实际场景中,您会直接从游戏中进行这些后端调用。我们在此 Codelab 中不使用游戏,因为每次您想向排行榜添加分数时都需要玩一场游戏,这会花费太长时间。
  • functions/index.js 包含我们所有的 Cloud Functions 函数。您将看到一些实用函数(如 addScoresdeleteScores),以及我们将在此 Codelab 中实现的函数,这些函数会在另一个文件中调用辅助函数。
  • functions/functions-helpers.js 包含我们要实现的空函数。对于每个排行榜,我们将实现读取、创建和更新功能,您将看到我们的实现选择如何影响我们实现的复杂程度及其扩展性能。
  • functions/utils.js 包含更多实用函数。在本 Codelab 中,我们不会涉及该文件。

创建和配置 Firebase 项目

  1. Firebase 控制台中,点击添加项目
  2. 如需创建新项目,请输入要使用的项目名称。
    此操作还会根据项目名称将项目 ID(显示在项目名称下方)设置为某个值。您可以选择点击项目 ID 上的修改图标,进一步对其进行自定义。
  3. 如果看到相关提示,请查看并接受 Firebase 条款
  4. 点击继续
  5. 选择为此项目启用 Google Analytics 选项,然后点击继续
  6. 选择要使用的现有 Google Analytics 账号,或选择创建新账号来创建新账号。
  7. 点击 Create project
  8. 项目创建完毕后,点击继续
  9. Build 菜单中,点击 Functions,然后在系统提示时升级项目以使用 Blaze 结算方案。
  10. 构建菜单中,点击 Firestore 数据库
  11. 在显示的创建数据库对话框中,选择以测试模式开始,然后点击下一步
  12. Cloud Firestore 位置下拉列表中选择一个区域,然后点击启用


  1. 在终端中,导航到项目根目录并运行 firebase use --add。选择您刚刚创建的 Firebase 项目。
  2. 在项目的根目录中,运行 firebase emulators:start --only hosting
  3. 在浏览器中,前往 localhost:5000
  4. 打开 Chrome 开发者工具的 JavaScript 控制台并导入 leaderboard.js
    const leaderboard = await import("http://localhost:5000/scripts/leaderboard.js");
  5. 在控制台中运行 leaderboard.codelab();。如果您看到欢迎消息,则说明一切就绪!否则,请关闭模拟器,然后重新运行第 2-4 步。


3. 实现一个简单的排行榜



functions/functions-helper.js 中,实现 createScore 函数,该函数非常简单:

async function createScore(score, playerID, firestore) {
  return firestore.collection("scores").doc().create({
    user: playerID,
    score: score,


async function updateScore(playerID, newScore, firestore) {
  const playerSnapshot = await firestore.collection("scores")
      .where("user", "==", playerID).get();
  if (playerSnapshot.size !== 1) {
    throw Error(`User not found in leaderboard: ${playerID}`);
  const player = playerSnapshot.docs[0];
  const doc = firestore.doc(player.id);
  return doc.update({
    score: newScore,


async function readRank(playerID, firestore) {
  const scores = await firestore.collection("scores")
      .orderBy("score", "desc").get();
  const player = `${playerID}`;
  let rank = 1;
  for (const doc of scores.docs) {
    const user = `${doc.get("user")}`;
    if (user === player) {
      return {
        user: player,
        rank: rank,
        score: doc.get("score"),
  // No user found
  throw Error(`User not found in leaderboard: ${playerID}`);


firebase deploy --only functions

然后,在 Chrome 的 JS 控制台中添加一些其他分数,以便我们了解自己在其他玩家中的排名。

leaderboard.addScores(); // Results may take some time to appear.


leaderboard.addScore(999, 11); // You can make up a score (second argument) here.

写入完成后,您应该会在控制台中看到一条响应,显示“Score created”(已创建得分)。看到错误?通过 Firebase 控制台打开 Functions 日志,了解具体问题。


leaderboard.updateScore(999, 0);
leaderboard.getRank(999); // we should be last place now (11)


如果您是 Firestore 爱好者,可能知道有 COUNT 个聚合查询,它会大幅提升此排行榜的性能。你说得对!使用 COUNT 查询时,虽然其性能仍然是线性的,但用户数量可适当增加到一百万以下。

不过,您可能会想,既然我们要枚举集合中的所有文档,那么我们可以为每个文档分配一个排名,这样当我们需要提取文档时,提取时间和内存开销将为 O(1)!这就引出了我们要介绍的下一种方法,即定期更新的排行榜。

4. 实现定期更新的排行榜


index.js 中添加以下代码:

// Also add this to the top of your file
const admin = require("firebase-admin");

exports.scheduledFunctionCrontab = functions.pubsub.schedule("0 2 * * *")
    // Schedule this when most of your users are offline to avoid
    // database spikiness.
    .onRun((context) => {
      const scores = admin.firestore().collection("scores");
      scores.orderBy("score", "desc").get().then((snapshot) => {
        let rank = 1;
        const writes = [];
        for (const docSnapshot of snapshot.docs) {
          const docReference = scores.doc(docSnapshot.id);
          writes.push(docReference.set({rank: rank}, admin.firestore.SetOptions.merge()));
        Promise.all(writes).then((result) => {
          console.log(`Writes completed with results: ${result}`);
      return null;

现在,我们的读取、更新和写入操作都非常简单。写入和更新保持不变,但读取会变为(在 functions-helpers.js 中):

async function readRank(playerID, firestore) {
  const scores = firestore.collection("scores");
  const playerSnapshot = await scores
      .where("user", "==", playerID).get();
  if (playerSnapshot.size === 0) {
    throw Error(`User not found in leaderboard: ${playerID}`);

  const player = playerSnapshot.docs[0];
  if (player.get("rank") === undefined) {
    // This score was added before our scheduled function could run,
    // but this shouldn't be treated as an error
    return {
    user: playerID,
    rank: null,
    score: player.get("score"),

  return {
    user: playerID,
    rank: player.get("rank"),
    score: player.get("score"),



接下来,点击得分集合旁边的 3 个点,删除 Firestore 数据库中的得分,为下一部分做准备。

Firestore 为启用了\n“删除集合”功能的文档页面评分

5. 实现实时树排行榜

这种方法通过将搜索数据存储在数据库集合本身中来实现。我们的目标是将所有内容存储在一个树中,而不是使用统一的集合,这样我们就可以通过移动文档来遍历树。这样,我们就可以对给定得分的排名执行二元(或 n 元)搜索。这会是什么样子?

首先,我们需要能够将得分分布到大致均匀的存储分区中,这需要了解用户所记录的得分值;例如,如果您在竞技游戏中为技能评分构建一个排行榜,您用户的技能评分几乎总是呈正态分布。我们的随机分数生成函数使用 JavaScript 的 Math.random(),这样可以产生近似均匀的分布,因此我们会对分桶进行平均分配。

在此示例中,我们将使用 3 个存储分区以简单起见,但您可能会发现,如果您在真实应用中使用此实现,则存储分区越多,结果会越快出现 - 树的深度越浅,平均收集提取次数越少,锁争用越少。

玩家的排名由得分较高的玩家人数之和再加上该玩家本身的排名计算得出。scores 下的每个集合都将存储三个文档,每个文档包含一个范围、每个范围下的文档数量,以及三个对应的子集合。如需读取排名,我们将遍历此树,搜索得分并跟踪较大得分的总和。找到得分后,我们还会得到正确的总分。


functions-helpers.js 中:

async function createScore(playerID, score, firestore) {
   * This function assumes a minimum score of 0 and that value
   * is between min and max.
   * Returns the expected size of a bucket for a given score
   * so that bucket sizes stay constant, to avoid expensive
   * re-bucketing.
   * @param {number} value The new score.
   * @param {number} min The min of the previous range.
   * @param {number} max The max of the previous range. Must be greater than
   *     min.
   * @return {Object<string, number>} Returns an object containing the new min
   *     and max.
  function bucket(value, min, max) {
    const bucketSize = (max - min) / 3;
    const bucketMin = Math.floor(value / bucketSize) * bucketSize;
    const bucketMax = bucketMin + bucketSize;
    return {min: bucketMin, max: bucketMax};

   * A function used to store pending writes until all reads within a
   * transaction have completed.
   * @callback PendingWrite
   * @param {admin.firestore.Transaction} transaction The transaction
   *     to be used for writes.
   * @return {void}

   * Recursively searches for the node to write the score to,
   * then writes the score and updates any counters along the way.
   * @param {number} id The user associated with the score.
   * @param {number} value The new score.
   * @param {admin.firestore.CollectionReference} coll The collection this
   *     value should be written to.
   * @param {Object<string, number>} range An object with properties min and
   *     max defining the range this score should be in. Ranges cannot overlap
   *     without causing problems. Use the bucket function above to determine a
   *     root range from constant values to ensure consistency.
   * @param {admin.firestore.Transaction} transaction The transaction used to
   *     ensure consistency during tree updates.
   * @param {Array<PendingWrite>} pendingWrites A series of writes that should
   *     occur once all reads within a transaction have completed.
   * @return {void} Write error/success is handled via the transaction object.
  async function writeScoreToCollection(
      id, value, coll, range, transaction, pendingWrites) {
    const snapshot = await transaction.get(coll);
    if (snapshot.empty) {
      // This is the first score to be inserted into this node.
      for (const write of pendingWrites) {
      const docRef = coll.doc();
      transaction.create(docRef, {exact: {score: value, user: id}});

    const min = range.min;
    const max = range.max;

    for (const node of snapshot.docs) {
      const data = node.data();
      if (data.exact !== undefined) {
        // This node held an exact score.
        const newRange = bucket(value, min, max);
        const tempRange = bucket(data.exact.score, min, max);

        if (newRange.min === tempRange.min &&
          newRange.max === tempRange.max) {
          // The scores belong in the same range, so we need to "demote" both
          // to a lower level of the tree and convert this node to a range.
          const rangeData = {
            range: newRange,
            count: 2,
          for (const write of pendingWrites) {
          const docReference = node.ref;
          transaction.set(docReference, rangeData);
          transaction.create(docReference.collection("scores").doc(), data);
              {exact: {score: value, user: id}},
        } else {
          // The scores are in different ranges. Continue and try to find a
          // range that fits this score.

      if (data.range.min <= value && data.range.max > value) {
        // The score belongs to this range that may have subvalues.
        // Increment the range's count in pendingWrites, since
        // subsequent recursion may incur more reads.
        const docReference = node.ref;
        const newCount = node.get("count") + 1;
        pendingWrites.push((t) => {
          t.update(docReference, {count: newCount});
        const newRange = bucket(value, min, max);
        return writeScoreToCollection(

    // No appropriate range was found, create an `exact` value.
    transaction.create(coll.doc(), {exact: {score: value, user: id}});

  const scores = firestore.collection("scores");
  const players = firestore.collection("players");
  return firestore.runTransaction((transaction) => {
    return writeScoreToCollection(
        playerID, score, scores, {min: 0, max: 1000}, transaction, [],
    ).then(() => {
      transaction.create(players.doc(), {
        user: playerID,
        score: score,

这显然比上一个实现(仅包含一个方法调用和六行代码)要复杂得多。实现此方法后,请尝试向数据库添加一些得分并观察所生成树的结构。在 JS 控制台中:



  - document
    range: 0-333.33
    count: 2
      - document
          score: 18
          user: 1
      - document
          score: 22
          user: 2


async function readRank(playerID, firestore) {
  const players = await firestore.collection("players")
      .where("user", "==", playerID).get();
  if (players.empty) {
    throw Error(`Player not found in leaderboard: ${playerID}`);
  if (players.size > 1) {
    console.info(`Multiple scores with player ${playerID}, fetching first`);
  const player = players.docs[0].data();
  const score = player.score;

  const scores = firestore.collection("scores");

   * Recursively finds a player score in a collection.
   * @param {string} id The player's ID, since some players may be tied.
   * @param {number} value The player's score.
   * @param {admin.firestore.CollectionReference} coll The collection to
   *     search.
   * @param {number} currentCount The current count of players ahead of the
   *     player.
   * @return {Promise<number>} The rank of the player (the number of players
   *     ahead of them plus one).
  async function findPlayerScoreInCollection(id, value, coll, currentCount) {
    const snapshot = await coll.get();
    for (const doc of snapshot.docs) {
      if (doc.get("exact") !== undefined) {
        // This is an exact score. If it matches the score we're looking
        // for, return. Otherwise, check if it should be counted.
        const exact = doc.data().exact;
        if (exact.score === value) {
          if (exact.user === id) {
            // Score found.
            return currentCount + 1;
          } else {
            // The player is tied with another. In this case, don't increment
            // the count.
        } else if (exact.score > value) {
          // Increment count
        } else {
          // Do nothing
      } else {
        // This is a range. If it matches the score we're looking for,
        // search the range recursively, otherwise, check if it should be
        // counted.
        const range = doc.data().range;
        const count = doc.get("count");
        if (range.min > value) {
          // The range is greater than the score, so add it to the rank
          // count.
          currentCount += count;
        } else if (range.max <= value) {
          // do nothing
        } else {
          const subcollection = doc.ref.collection("scores");
          return findPlayerScoreInCollection(
    // There was no range containing the score.
    throw Error(`Range not found for score: ${value}`);

  const rank = await findPlayerScoreInCollection(playerID, score, scores, 0);
  return {
    user: playerID,
    rank: rank,
    score: score,

更新留作额外练习。尝试使用 leaderboard.addScore(id, score)leaderboard.getRank(id) 方法在 JS 控制台中添加和提取得分,并观察排行榜在 Firebase 控制台中的变化。


  • 首先,由于事务需要锁定对文档的读取和写入,以确保其保持一致,因此此排行榜实现可能会遇到锁争用问题。
  • 其次,Firestore 对子集深度施加了 100 的限制,这意味着您需要避免在出现 100 个平分得分的分支后创建子树,而此实现不存在此问题。
  • 最后,只有在树是平衡的理想情况下,此排行榜才会按对数规律扩缩;如果树不平衡,此排行榜的最差性能表现再次是线性的。

完成后,请通过 Firebase 控制台删除 scoresplayers 集合,然后我们将继续实现最后一个排行榜。

6. 实现随机(概率)排行榜

运行插入代码时,您可能会注意到,如果并行运行该代码的次数过多,您的函数将开始失败,并显示与事务锁争用相关的错误消息。有一些方法不在本 Codelab 中探讨,但如果您不需要确切排名,则可以放弃之前方法中的所有复杂性,从而更简单、更快速地进行排名。我们来看看如何针对玩家的分数返回估算排名,而不是确切排名,以及这会如何改变数据库逻辑。

对于这种方法,我们将排行榜划分为 100 个分桶,每个分桶大约代表我们预计获得的得分的百分之一。即使不了解得分分布,这种方法也可以发挥作用,在这种情况下,我们无法保证得分在整个存储分区上大致均匀分布,但如果我们确实知道得分的分布方式,就可以实现更高的近似精确率。



// Add this line to the top of your file.
const admin = require("firebase-admin");

// Implement this method (again).
async function createScore(playerID, score, firestore) {
  const scores = await firestore.collection("scores").get();
  if (scores.empty) {
    // Create the buckets since they don't exist yet.
    // In a real app, don't do this in your write function. Do it once
    // manually and then keep the buckets in your database forever.
    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      const min = i * 100;
      const max = (i + 1) * 100;
      const data = {
        range: {
          min: min,
          max: max,
        count: 0,
      await firestore.collection("scores").doc().create(data);
    throw Error("Database not initialized");

  const buckets = await firestore.collection("scores")
      .where("range.min", "<=", score).get();
  for (const bucket of buckets.docs) {
    const range = bucket.get("range");
    if (score < range.max) {
      const writeBatch = firestore.batch();
      const playerDoc = firestore.collection("players").doc();
      writeBatch.create(playerDoc, {
        user: playerID,
        score: score,
          {count: admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(1)},
      const scoreDoc = bucket.ref.collection("scores").doc();
      writeBatch.create(scoreDoc, {
        user: playerID,
        score: score,
      return writeBatch.commit();



leaderboard.addScore(999, 0); // The params aren't important here.

现在数据库已正确初始化,我们可以运行 addScores 并在 Firebase 控制台中查看数据的结构。生成的结构比上一个实现要扁平得多,尽管它们在表面上看起来很相似。



async function readRank(playerID, firestore) {
  const players = await firestore.collection("players")
      .where("user", "==", playerID).get();
  if (players.empty) {
    throw Error(`Player not found in leaderboard: ${playerID}`);
  if (players.size > 1) {
    console.info(`Multiple scores with player ${playerID}, fetching first`);
  const player = players.docs[0].data();
  const score = player.score;

  const scores = await firestore.collection("scores").get();
  let currentCount = 1; // Player is rank 1 if there's 0 better players.
  let interp = -1;
  for (const bucket of scores.docs) {
    const range = bucket.get("range");
    const count = bucket.get("count");
    if (score < range.min) {
      currentCount += count;
    } else if (score >= range.max) {
      // do nothing
    } else {
      // interpolate where the user is in this bucket based on their score.
      const relativePosition = (score - range.min) / (range.max - range.min);
      interp = Math.round(count - (count * relativePosition));

  if (interp === -1) {
    // Didn't find a correct bucket
    throw Error(`Score out of bounds: ${score}`);

  return {
    user: playerID,
    rank: currentCount + interp,
    score: score,

由于我们让 addScores 函数生成均匀分布的得分,并且在分桶中使用线性插值,因此我们将获得非常准确的结果,排行榜的性能不会随着用户数量的增加而降低,并且我们在更新计数时也不必太担心锁争用。

7. 附录:欺诈

等一下,你可能会想,如果我通过浏览器标签页的 JS 控制台向 Codelab 写入值,难道我的任何玩家都会对排行榜撒谎,说自己获得了高分,但他们的得分并不公平?

是的,可以。如果您想防范作弊行为,最可靠的方法是通过安全规则禁止客户端对数据库进行写入,安全地访问 Cloud Functions 函数,以便客户端无法直接调用这些函数,然后在将得分更新发送到排行榜之前,先在服务器上验证游戏内操作。

请务必注意,这种策略并非针对作弊行为的万灵丹。如果诱惑力足够大,作弊者可以想方设法规避服务器端验证。许多大型热门视频游戏都在不断与作弊者玩猫捉游戏,以识别新的作弊行为并阻止其蔓延。这种现象的一个棘手后果是,每款游戏的服务器端验证本质上都是量身定制的;虽然 Firebase 提供了 App Check 等防滥用工具,可防止用户通过简单的脚本化客户端复制您的游戏,但 Firebase 不提供任何可全面防范作弊行为的服务。


8. 恭喜

恭喜!您已在 Firebase 上成功构建了四个不同的排行榜!您可以根据游戏对精确性和速度的需求,选择适合您的方案,价格合理。
