Add Firebase to your Flutter app quiz

Let's do a quick test! You must answer at least 3 questions correctly to pass this quiz.

Firebase and Flutter
  1. Fill-in-the-blanks

    Enter one or more words to complete the sentence.

    The plugins let you easily use Firebase in your Flutter apps.

  2. Match the Firebase products with the descriptions.

    Each answer only matches one item.

    Firebase Security Rules

    • Allows your user to sign in to your app
    • Save structured data on the cloud and get instant notifications when data changes
    • Secure your database

    Firebase Authentication

    • Allows your user to sign in to your app
    • Save structured data on the cloud and get instant notifications when data changes
    • Secure your database

    Cloud Firestore

    • Allows your user to sign in to your app
    • Save structured data on the cloud and get instant notifications when data changes
    • Secure your database
  3. Cloud Firestore is a ___ database, and data stored in the database is split into collections, documents, fields, and subcollections.

  4. True or false? Password-less sign-in relies on Firebase Dynamic Links to authenticate in Firebase directly from the user’s email without requiring a password.

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