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Learn from Data Connect product manager Tyler Crowe how you can use GraphQL to define the schema for your Firebase Data Connect apps, and how it will generate type-safe client SDKs (and more) from your schema. Watch more Firebase After Hours →

    This new version of the Firebase CLI is now available and includes updates that fix transitive dependencies on vulnerable versions of the cross-spawn library. Watch more Release Notes Shorts → https://goo.gle/frn-shorts #FirebaseShorts

      With Firebase Data Connect, you can now use SQL in your Firebase apps. Hear from Tyler Crowe (Data Connect product manager) what the future of Data Connect will look like. Watch more Firebase After Hours → https://goo.gle/FirebaseAfterHours #Firebase

        Custom signals for Remote Config in Firebase allow you to match arbitrary signals that you define in the app with conditions server side. This lets you tailor your app to specific local experiences. Learn more with Alexander Nohe in this week's deep

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