Personalize and optimize your app within feature flags

Change the behavior and appearance of your client app or server without requiring users to download an app update.

Grow app engagement and reduce risk

Remote Config is a feature management tool that gives you fine-grained control over your app's behavior and appearance. This means you can personalize your app experience for different users, dynamically roll out or roll back features, and run experiments - all without setting up any complex infrastructure or releasing a new version.

Duas telas diferentes às segundas e sextas-feiras

Confidently manage and release new features

Implement feature flagging so you can gradually roll out new app features to ensure they are stable and performing well, before rolling them out broadly. If new features don't meet expectations or cause crashes, you can roll them back in realtime. Remote Config provides signals and safeguards to ensure only the most engaging, high-quality features are released to all of your users.

Personalizar seu app com IA

O Remote Config personalization permite que você aproveite o poder da IA para otimizar a experiência do usuário com o mínimo de trabalho. Basta especificar o objetivo que você quer maximizar e a personalização encontrará e aplicará continuamente a configuração de aplicativo correta para cada usuário, considerando o comportamento e as preferências dele. Por exemplo, é possível personalizar a dificuldade do jogo para corresponder às habilidades do jogador e aumentar o envolvimento e a duração da sessão.

Dois smartphones em dois idiomas diferentes
Smartphone com conteúdo diferente para públicos diferentes

Faça experimentos para testar ideias

Remote Config works seamlessly with A/B Testing so you can run experiments to test ideas and see the impact they have on key metrics. Want to see if your new checkout screen is actually driving more purchases? Want to try out a new ad format to see if it increases revenue? Use Remote Config with A/B Testing to get insight into which changes are helping you achieve your goals.


Learn more about Remote Config through our documentation.


Remote Config is a no cost tool within the Firebase platform.