tasks.TaskContext interface

Metadata about a call to a Task Queue function.


export interface TaskContext 


Property Type Description
auth AuthData The result of decoding and verifying an ODIC token.
executionCount number The total number of times that the task has received a response from the handler. Since Cloud Tasks deletes the task once a successful response has been received, all previous handler responses were failures. This number does not include failures due to 5XX error codes. Populated via the X-CloudTasks-TaskExecutionCount header.
headers Record<string, string> Raw request headers.
id string The "short" name of the task, or, if no name was specified at creation, a unique system-generated id. This is the "my-task-id" value in the complete task name, such as "task_name = projects/my-project-id/locations/my-location/queues/my-queue-id/tasks/my-task-id." Populated via the X-CloudTasks-TaskName header.
previousResponse number The HTTP response code from the previous retry. Populated via the X-CloudTasks-TaskPreviousResponse header
queueName string The name of the queue. Populated via the X-CloudTasks-QueueName header.
retryCount number The number of times this task has been retried. For the first attempt, this value is 0. This number includes attempts where the task failed due to 5XX error codes and never reached the execution phase. Populated via the X-CloudTasks-TaskRetryCount header.
retryReason string The reason for retrying the task. Populated via the X-CloudTasks-TaskRetryReason header.
scheduledTime string The schedule time of the task, as an RFC 3339 string in UTC time zone. Populated via the X-CloudTasks-TaskETA header, which uses seconds since January 1 1970.


The result of decoding and verifying an ODIC token.


auth?: AuthData;


The total number of times that the task has received a response from the handler. Since Cloud Tasks deletes the task once a successful response has been received, all previous handler responses were failures. This number does not include failures due to 5XX error codes. Populated via the X-CloudTasks-TaskExecutionCount header.


executionCount: number;


Raw request headers.


headers?: Record<string, string>;


The "short" name of the task, or, if no name was specified at creation, a unique system-generated id. This is the "my-task-id" value in the complete task name, such as "task_name = projects/my-project-id/locations/my-location/queues/my-queue-id/tasks/my-task-id." Populated via the X-CloudTasks-TaskName header.


id: string;


The HTTP response code from the previous retry. Populated via the X-CloudTasks-TaskPreviousResponse header


previousResponse?: number;


The name of the queue. Populated via the X-CloudTasks-QueueName header.


queueName: string;


The number of times this task has been retried. For the first attempt, this value is 0. This number includes attempts where the task failed due to 5XX error codes and never reached the execution phase. Populated via the X-CloudTasks-TaskRetryCount header.


retryCount: number;


The reason for retrying the task. Populated via the X-CloudTasks-TaskRetryReason header.


retryReason?: string;


The schedule time of the task, as an RFC 3339 string in UTC time zone. Populated via the X-CloudTasks-TaskETA header, which uses seconds since January 1 1970.


scheduledTime: string;