Firebase Admin .NET SDK Release Notes

To review release notes for the Firebase console and for other Firebase platforms and related SDKs, refer to the Firebase Release Notes.

Version 3.0.1 - 12 September, 2024

Cloud Messaging

  • Fixed an issue that caused EventTimestamp in Android Notifications to generate an invalid value. Thanks martinwiboe for the contribution.

Version 3.0.0 - 08 May, 2024

  • Dropped support for .NET Framework 4.6.1. You must now use .NET Framework 4.6.2+ or .NET 6.0+.

Version 2.4.1 - 04 April, 2024

  • Marked deprecated FCM batch send APIs with Obsolete tags.

  • Deprecated support for .NET Framework 4.6.1. The next major version of the Admin SDK will terminate support for this framework. You should upgrade your runtime frameworks accordingly.

Version 2.4.0 - 12 July, 2023

Cloud Messaging

  • Added SendEachAsync() and SendEachForMulticastAsync() APIs.
  • SendAllAsync() and SendMulticastAsync() APIs are now deprecated. Use SendEachAsync() and SendEachForMulticastAsync() APIs instead.

Version 2.3.0 - 24 March, 2022

Cloud Messaging

  • Added a series of new parameters to the AndroidNotification class that allow further customization of notifications that target Android devices. Thanks levimatheri for the contribution.

Version 2.2.0 - 17 June, 2021


  • Added the missing EMAIL_NOT_FOUND error code.
  • Added support for using the authorization code flow with OpenID Connect (OIDC) providers.

Version 2.1.0 - 14 April, 2021


  • FirebaseAuth and TenantManager APIs now support running against Firebase emulator suite. Enable the emulator mode by setting the FIREBASE_AUTH_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable to point to the emulator Auth endpoint. Thanks floppydisken for the contribution.

Version 2.0.0 - 04 November, 2020

  • Dropped support for netstandard1.5 and net45 target frameworks. Developers are now required to use netstandard2.0 or net461. Thanks DenSmoke for the contribution.
  • Upgraded the dependency Google.Api.Gax to the latest major version. Refer to the migration guide for more details on how this change might affect your code.

Cloud Messaging

  • MulticastMessage and SendAllAsync() APIs now support sending up to 500 messages in a batch.

Version 1.17.1 - 14 October, 2020


  • Updated the createCustomToken() API to use the new IAM credentials API for remote token signing.

Version 1.17.0 - 30 September, 2020

  • Support for net45 and netstandard1.5 frameworks has been deprecated. Developers are advised to use net461 or netstandard2.0.

Version 1.16.0 - 09 September, 2020


  • Added TenantManager class, which provides APIs for creating, updating, retrieving and deleting tenants in GCIP-enabled Firebase projects.
  • Added TenantAwareFirebaseAuth class, which provides APIs for tenant-scoped user management, token verification and IdP configuration management.
  • Added TenantNotFound and TenantIdMismatch error codes to the AuthErrorCode enum.
  • Added the nullable property TenantId to UserRecord and FirebaseToken classes.
  • Fixed a bug in the ImportUsersAsync() API that was preventing the correct handling of user import errors.

Version 1.15.0 - 29 July, 2020


  • Added OidcProviderConfig and SamlProviderConfig classes for representing OIDC and SAML identity provider configurations.
  • Added new APIs to FirebaseAuth to facilitate creating, retrieving, updating and deleting identity provider configurations.

Version 1.14.0 - 17 June, 2020


  • Added a new ImportUsersAsync() API for importing users in bulk.

Version 1.13.0 - 29 May, 2020


  • Added GetUsersAsync() and DeleteUsersAsync() APIs for retrieving and deleting user accounts in bulk.

Version 1.12.0 - 06 May, 2020


  • Added CreateSessionCookieAsync() method for creating Firebase session cookies from valid ID tokens.
  • Added VerifySessionCookieAsync() method for verifying Firebase session cookies in backend applications.

Version 1.11.0 - 23 April, 2020


  • Added RevokeRefreshTokensAsync() API for revoking any previously issued refresh tokens to a user.
  • Added VerifyIdTokenAsync() API overload that checks if a given ID token has been revoked since it was issued.

Version 1.10.0 - 09 April, 2020


  • Added GeneratePasswordResetLinkAsync() method for generating links for password reset flows.
  • Added GenerateEmailVerificationLinkAsync() method for generating links for email verification flows.
  • Added GenerateSignInWithEmailLinkAsync() method for generating links for email link sign-in flows.

Version 1.9.2 - 11 February, 2020


  • User management APIs now correctly raise ErrorCode.AlreadyExists when an already in-use email address is specified for a user. Thanks kcieslinski for the contribution.

Version 1.9.1 - 16 October, 2019

  • SDK automatically retries HTTP requests that are failing due to low-level I/O errors and HTTP 503 errors.


  • ExportedUserRecord does not expose password hashes that are redacted due to lack of permissions in the service account credentials.

  • Fixed an issue with IAM-based custom token signing, that resulted in permission errors.

Version 1.9.0 - 18 September, 2019

  • Fixed an issue that caused async API calls to deadlock in some environments. Thanks NiCoTinEz for the contribution.


  • Introduced a new FirebaseAuthException class and an AuthErrorCode enum type for improved error handling support. All user management APIs now throw instances of the FirebaseAuthException class. This is a subclass of the existing FirebaseException type.
  • ID token verification APIs now throw instances of the FirebaseAuthException class.
  • CreateCustomTokenAsync() APIs now throw FirebaseAuthException if an error occurs while signing custom tokens. If the service account is not correctly configured, this API throws an InvalidOperationException.

Version 1.8.0 - August 07, 2019

Cloud Messaging

Version 1.7.0 - June 27, 2019

  • Added netstandard2.0 to the TargetFrameworks list of the package.
  • Began compiling releases on the .NET Framework instead of Mono. This should resolve some of the library linkage issues reported by developers on previous versions of the SDK.


Version 1.6.0 - June 05, 2019


Cloud Messaging

Version 1.5.0 - May 30, 2019


Version 1.4.0 - April 18, 2019

  • The AppOptions class now supports specifying an HttpClientFactory, which is useful when deploying the SDK behind a proxy server.

Version 1.3.0 - March 28, 2019

Cloud Messaging

Version 1.2.1 - March 20, 2019


  • The VerifyIdTokenAsync() method now tolerates a clock skew of up to 5 minutes when comparing JWT timestamps.

Version 1.2.0 - February 14, 2019

Cloud Messaging

Version 1.1.0 - January 24, 2019


Version 1.0.0 - August 16, 2018

  • Initial release of the Admin .NET SDK. See Add the Firebase Admin SDK to your Server to get started.
  • You can configure the SDK to use service account credentials, user credentials (refresh tokens), or Google Cloud application default credentials to access your Firebase project.


  • The initial release includes the CreateCustomTokenAsync(), VerifyIdTokenAsync() methods for minting custom authentication tokens and verifying Firebase ID tokens.