This quickstart describes how to set up Firebase Crashlytics in your app with the Firebase Crashlytics SDK so that you can get comprehensive crash reports in the Firebase console. With Crashlytics for Android, you get reports for crashes, non-fatal errors, and "Application Not Responding" (ANR) errors.
Setting up Crashlytics requires tasks both in the Firebase console and your IDE (like adding a Firebase configuration file and the Crashlytics SDK). To finish setup, you'll need to force a test crash to send your first crash report to Firebase.
Before you begin
If you haven't already, add Firebase to your Android project. If you don't have an Android app, you can download a sample app.
Recommended: To automatically get breadcrumb logs to understand user actions leading up to a crash, non-fatal, or ANR event, you need to enable Google Analytics in your Firebase project.
If your existing Firebase project doesn't have Google Analytics enabled, you can enable Google Analytics from the Integrations tab of your
in the > Project settingsFirebase console. If you're creating a new Firebase project, enable Google Analytics during the project creation workflow.
Make sure your app has the following minimum required versions:
- Gradle 8.0
- Android Gradle plugin 8.1.0
- Google services Gradle plugin 4.4.1
Step 1: Add the Crashlytics SDK to your app
In your module (app-level) Gradle file (usually<project>/<app-module>/build.gradle.kts
add the dependency for the Crashlytics library for Android. We recommend using the
Firebase Android BoM
to control library versioning.
To take advantage of breadcrumb logs, also add the Firebase SDK for Google Analytics to your app. Make sure that Google Analytics is enabled in your Firebase project.
dependencies { // Import the BoM for the Firebase platform implementation(platform("")) // Add the dependencies for the Crashlytics and Analytics libraries // When using the BoM, you don't specify versions in Firebase library dependencies implementation("") implementation("") }
By using the Firebase Android BoM, your app will always use compatible versions of Firebase Android libraries.
(Alternative) Add Firebase library dependencies without using the BoM
If you choose not to use the Firebase BoM, you must specify each Firebase library version in its dependency line.
Note that if you use multiple Firebase libraries in your app, we strongly recommend using the BoM to manage library versions, which ensures that all versions are compatible.
dependencies { // Add the dependencies for the Crashlytics and Analytics libraries // When NOT using the BoM, you must specify versions in Firebase library dependencies implementation("") implementation("") }
Step 2: Add the Crashlytics Gradle plugin to your app
In your root-level (project-level) Gradle file (
), add the Crashlytics Gradle plugin to theplugins
plugins { // Make sure that you have the AGP plugin 8.1+ dependency id("") version "8.1.4" apply false // ... // Make sure that you have the Google services Gradle plugin 4.4.1+ dependency id("") version "4.4.2" apply false // Add the dependency for the Crashlytics Gradle plugin id("") version "3.0.3" apply false }
plugins { // Make sure that you have the AGP plugin 8.1+ dependency id '' version '8.1.4' apply false // ... // Make sure that you have the Google services Gradle plugin 4.4.1+ dependency id '' version '4.4.2' apply false // Add the dependency for the Crashlytics Gradle plugin id '' version '3.0.3' apply false }
In your module (app-level) Gradle file (usually
), add the Crashlytics Gradle plugin:Kotlin
plugins { id("") // ... // Make sure that you have the Google services Gradle plugin id("") // Add the Crashlytics Gradle plugin id("") }
plugins { id '' // ... // Make sure that you have the Google services Gradle plugin id '' // Add the Crashlytics Gradle plugin id '' }
Step 3: Force a test crash to finish setup
To finish setting up Crashlytics and see initial data in the Crashlytics dashboard of the Firebase console, you need to force a test crash.
Add code to your app that you can use to force a test crash.
You can use the following code in your app's
to add a button to your app that, when pressed, causes a crash. The button is labeled "Test Crash".Kotlin
val crashButton = Button(this) crashButton.text = "Test Crash" crashButton.setOnClickListener { throw RuntimeException("Test Crash") // Force a crash } addContentView(crashButton, ViewGroup.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT))
Button crashButton = new Button(this); crashButton.setText("Test Crash"); crashButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View view) { throw new RuntimeException("Test Crash"); // Force a crash } }); addContentView(crashButton, new ViewGroup.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
Build and run your app.
Force the test crash in order to send your app's first crash report:
Open your app from your test device or emulator.
In your app, press the "Test Crash" button that you added using the code above.
After your app crashes, restart it so that your app can send the crash report to Firebase.
Go to the Crashlytics dashboard of the Firebase console to see your test crash.
If you've refreshed the console and you're still not seeing the test crash after five minutes, enable debug logging to see if your app is sending crash reports.
And that's it! Crashlytics is now monitoring your app for crashes, non-fatal errors, and ANRs. Visit the Crashlytics dashboard to view and investigate all your reports and statistics.
Next steps
- Customize your crash report setup by adding opt-in reporting, logs, keys, and tracking of non-fatal errors.
- Integrate with Google Play so that you can filter your Android app's crash reports by Google Play track directly in the Crashlytics dashboard. This allows you to better focus your dashboard on specific builds.
In Android Studio, view and filter Crashlytics data.
- Use the App Quality Insights (AQI) window in Android Studio to view Crashlytics data alongside your code — no need to jump back and forth between the Crashlytics dashboard and the IDE to start debugging top issues.
- Learn how to use the AQI window in the Android Studio documentation.
- We'd love to hear from you! Send us feedback about the AQI window by filing a bug report.