Disable Firebase Performance Monitoring

During app development and testing, you might find it useful to disable Performance Monitoring.

For example, by disabling Performance Monitoring during your app build process, you can:

  • Disable certain functionalities of Performance Monitoring in your debug builds, but re-enable the functionalities for your release build.

  • Disable Performance Monitoring when building your app, but allow your app to re-enable it at runtime.

  • Disable Performance Monitoring when building your app, and do not allow your app to re-enable it at runtime.

You can also build your app with Performance Monitoring enabled, but use Firebase Remote Config to give you flexibility to disable (and re-enable) Performance Monitoring in your production app. With this option, you can even configure your app to let users opt-in or opt-out of using Performance Monitoring.

Disable Performance Monitoring during your app build process

One situation where disabling Performance Monitoring during your app build process could be useful is to avoid reporting performance data from a pre-release version of your app during app development and testing.

To do so, see the platform-specific iOS+ and Android docs.

Disable your app at runtime using Remote Config

Firebase Remote Config lets you make changes to the behavior and appearance of your app, so it provides an ideal way to let you disable Performance Monitoring in deployed instances of your app.

For example, suppose you want to use a parameter called perf_disable to remotely control Performance Monitoring. Add the following to your startup code to enable or disable Performance Monitoring:

// Activate previously-fetched values, falling back on the defaults if
// nothing is available yet.
await FirebaseRemoteConfig.instance
await FirebaseRemoteConfig.instance.activate();

// Enable or disable Performance Monitoring based on the value of
// "perf_disable".
final perfMonDisabled =

// Fetch values for next time. (Don't await the result!)