In the Crashlytics dashboard, you can click into an issue and get a detailed event report. You can customize those reports to help you better understand what's happening in your app and the circumstances around events reported to Crashlytics.
Instrument your app to log custom keys, custom log messages, and user identifiers.
Report exceptions to Crashlytics.
Automatically get breadcrumb logs if your app uses the Firebase SDK for Google Analytics. These logs give you visibility into user actions leading up to a Crashlytics-collected event in your app.
Turn off automatic crash reporting and enable opt-in reporting for your users. Note that, by default, Crashlytics automatically collects crash reports for all your app's users.
Add custom keys
Custom keys help you get the specific state of your app leading up to a crash. You can associate arbitrary key/value pairs with your crash reports, then use the custom keys to search and filter crash reports in the Firebase console.
In the Crashlytics dashboard, you can search for issues that match a custom key.
When you're reviewing a specific issue in the console, you can view the associated custom keys for each event (Keys subtab) and even filter the events by custom keys (Filter menu at the top of the page).
Use the setCustomKey
instance method to set key/value pairs. Note that
is overloaded for the value
parameter to accept any primitive
or String
argument. Here are some examples:
val crashlytics = Firebase.crashlytics crashlytics.setCustomKeys { key("my_string_key", "foo") // String value key("my_bool_key", true) // boolean value key("my_double_key", 1.0) // double value key("my_float_key", 1.0f) // float value key("my_int_key", 1) // int value }
FirebaseCrashlytics crashlytics = FirebaseCrashlytics.getInstance(); crashlytics.setCustomKey("my_string_key", "foo" /* string value */); crashlytics.setCustomKey("my_bool_key", true /* boolean value */); crashlytics.setCustomKey("my_double_key", 1.0 /* double value */); crashlytics.setCustomKey("my_float_key", 1.0f /* float value */); crashlytics.setCustomKey("my_int_key", 1 /* int value */);
You can also modify the value of an existing key by calling the key and setting it to a different value. For example:
val crashlytics = Firebase.crashlytics crashlytics.setCustomKeys { key("current_level", 3) key("last_UI_action", "logged_in") }
FirebaseCrashlytics crashlytics = FirebaseCrashlytics.getInstance(); crashlytics.setCustomKey("current_level", 3); crashlytics.setCustomKey("last_UI_action", "logged_in");
Add key/value pairs in bulk by passing an instance of CustomKeysAndValues
the setCustomKeys
instance method:
For Kotlin, the existing functionality is simpler than using the
crashlytics.setCustomKeys { key("str_key", "hello") key("bool_key", true) key("int_key", 1) key("long_key", 1L) key("float_key", 1.0f) key("double_key", 1.0) }
CustomKeysAndValues keysAndValues = new CustomKeysAndValues.Builder() .putString("string key", "string value") .putString("string key 2", "string value 2") .putBoolean("boolean key", True) .putBoolean("boolean key 2", False) .putFloat("float key", 1.01) .putFloat("float key 2", 2.02) .build(); FirebaseCrashlytics.getInstance().setCustomKeys(keysAndValues);
Add custom log messages
To give yourself more context for the events leading up to a crash, you can add custom Crashlytics logs to your app. Crashlytics associates the logs with your crash data and displays them in the Crashlytics page of the Firebase console, under the Logs tab.
Use log
to help pinpoint issues. For example:
Set user identifiers
To diagnose an issue, it’s often helpful to know which of your users experienced a given crash. Crashlytics includes a way to anonymously identify users in your crash reports.
To add user IDs to your reports, assign each user a unique identifier in the form of an ID number, token, or hashed value:
If you ever need to clear a user identifier after you set it, reset the value to a blank string. Clearing a user identifier does not remove existing Crashlytics records. If you need to delete records associated with a user ID, contact Firebase support.
(Android NDK only) Add metadata to NDK crash reports
You can optionally include the crashlytics.h
header in your C++ code to add
metadata to NDK crash reports, such as custom keys,
custom logs,
user identifiers. All these options are described on
this page above.
is available as a header-only C++ library in the
Firebase Android SDK GitHub Repository.
Read the comments in the header file for instructions on using the NDK C++ APIs.
Include GWP-ASan reports to debug memory corruption issues
Crashlytics can help you debug crashes caused by native memory errors by collecting GWP-ASan reports. These memory-related errors can be associated with memory corruption within your app, which is the leading cause of app security vulnerabilities.
You can view this data in a new "Memory stack traces" tab when you click into an issue's details in the Crashlytics dashboard.
You can also use the new "GWP-ASan report" signal and filter to quickly view all issues with this data.
You can get GWP-ASan memory reports if you explicitly enable GWP-ASan in your app and use the Crashlytics SDK for NDK v18.3.6+ (Firebase BoM v31.3.0+). You can test your GWP-ASan setup using the example native code in the Android documentation.
Report non-fatal exceptions
In addition to automatically reporting your app’s crashes, Crashlytics lets you record non-fatal exceptions and sends them to you the next time your app launches.
Use the recordException
method to record non-fatal exceptions in your app's
blocks. For example:
try { methodThatThrows() } catch (e: Exception) { Firebase.crashlytics.recordException(e) // handle your exception here }
try { methodThatThrows(); } catch (Exception e) { FirebaseCrashlytics.getInstance().recordException(e); // handle your exception here }
Additionally, you can also attach custom keys to the specific non-fatal exception. For example:
try { methodThatThrows() } catch (e: Exception) { Firebase.crashlytics.recordException(e) { key("string key", "string value") key("boolean key", true) key("float key", Float.MAX_VALUE) } // handle your exception here }
try { methodThatThrows(); } catch (Exception e) { CustomKeysAndValues keysAndValues = new CustomKeysAndValues.Builder() .putString("string key", "string value") .putBoolean("boolean key", true) .putFloat("float key", Float.MAX_VALUE) .build(); FirebaseCrashlytics.getInstance().recordException(e, keysAndValues); // handle your exception here }
All recorded exceptions appear as non-fatal issues in the Firebase console. The issue summary contains all the state information you normally get from crashes, along with breakdowns by Android version and hardware device.
Crashlytics processes exceptions on a dedicated background thread to minimize the performance impact to your app. To reduce your users’ network traffic, Crashlytics batches logged exceptions together and sends them the next time the app launches.
Get breadcrumb logs
Breadcrumb logs give you a better understanding of the interactions that a user had with your app leading up to a crash, non-fatal, or ANR event. These logs can be helpful when trying to reproduce and debug an issue.
Breadcrumb logs are powered by Google Analytics, so to get breadcrumb logs, you need to enable Google Analytics for your Firebase project and add the Firebase SDK for Google Analytics to your app. Once these requirements are met, breadcrumb logs are automatically included with an event's data within the Logs tab when you view the details of an issue.
The Analytics SDK
automatically logs the screen_view
which enables the breadcrumb logs to show a list of screens viewed before the
crash, non-fatal, or ANR event. A screen_view
breadcrumb log contains a
Breadcrumb logs are also populated with any custom events that you manually log within the user’s session, including the event's parameter data. This data can help show a series of user actions leading up to a crash, non-fatal, or ANR event.
Note that you can control the collection and use of Google Analytics data, which includes the data that populates breadcrumb logs.
Enable opt-in reporting
By default, Crashlytics automatically collects crash reports for all your app's users. To give users more control over the data they send, you can enable opt-in reporting by disabling automatic reporting and only sending data to Crashlytics when you choose to in your code.
In the
block of yourAndroidManifest.xml
file, add ameta-data
tag to turn off automatic collection:<meta-data android:name="firebase_crashlytics_collection_enabled" android:value="false" />
Enable collection for select users by calling the Crashlytics data collection override at runtime. The override value persists across all subsequent launches of your app so Crashlytics can automatically collect reports for that user.
If the user later opts-out of data collection, you can pass
as the override value, which will apply the next time the user launches the app and will persist across all subsequent launches for that user.
Manage Crash Insights data
Crash Insights helps you resolve issues by comparing your anonymized stack traces to traces from other Firebase apps and letting you know if your issue is part of a larger trend. For many issues, Crash Insights even provides resources to help you debug the crash.
Crash Insights uses aggregated crash data to identify common stability trends. If you’d prefer not to share your app's data, you can opt-out of Crash Insights from the Crash Insights menu at the top of your Crashlytics issue list in the Firebase console.