Tutorial: Optimize hybrid monetization using AdMob, Google Analytics, and Firebases

Step 3: Set up Firebase Remote Config to show specific ads experiences

At the end of the last step, you learned about Google Analytics audiences. In this step, you'll create a Remote Config boolean-controlled parameter (called ad_control_switch) that leverages the "Purchasers" audience. You'll then add the logic to your app's code for what your app should display based on the value of that parameter.

Set up Remote Config parameters and conditions in the Firebase console

  1. In the Firebase console, open your Firebase project.

  2. In the left-side pane, expand the Engage section, and then select Remote Config.

  3. Click Create configuration (or Add parameter if you've used Remote Config before).

  4. In the Create parameter panel, complete the following steps:

    1. In the Parameter name field, enter ad_control_switch.

    2. From the Data type dropdown menu, select Boolean.

    3. Click Create new, and then select Create new condition.

  5. In the Define a new condition dialog, complete the following steps:

    1. In the Name field, enter Purchasers Group (or any other easily identifiable name for the condition).

    2. From the Applies if... dropdown menu, select User audience(s).

    3. From the Select audiences(s) dropdown menu, select Purchasers.

    4. Click Save condition.

  6. Back in the Create parameter panel, complete the following steps:

    1. For the Value of Purchasers Group, select false.

    2. For the Default value, select true.

  7. Click Save, and then Publish changes.

This configuration will check if the user is in the "Purchasers" audience (that is, they are a paying user):

  • If the user is in the "Purchasers" audience, then Remote Config will return the value of false for the ad_control_switch parameter.

  • If the user is not in the "Purchasers" audience, then Remote Config will return the value of true for the ad_control_switch parameter.

In the following steps, you will implement Remote Config in your app to handle these parameter values.

Add the Remote Config SDK to your app

Before using Remote Config in your application code, add the Remote Config SDK to your app's codebase. Note that your app should already have the Google Mobile Ads (AdMob) SDK and the Google Analytics for Firebase SDK from previous steps of this tutorial.

Add and install the Remote Config pod in your podfile:

pod 'Firebase/RemoteConfig'

Add the Remote Config library dependency to your build.gradle file:

implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-config:22.1.0'

From the root of your Flutter project, run the following command to install the Remote Config plugin:

flutter pub add firebase_remote_config

Download and install the latest Firebase Unity SDK, and then add the Remote Config package to your project:

Configure the Remote Config instance

So that you app can use the Remote Config parameter values, configure the Remote Config instance so that it can fetch new values for the client app instance.

In this example, Remote Config is configured to check for new parameter values once every hour.

remoteConfig = RemoteConfig.remoteConfig()
let settings = RemoteConfigSettings()
settings.minimumFetchInterval = 3600
remoteConfig.configSettings = settings
remoteConfig = Firebase.remoteConfig
val configSettings = remoteConfigSettings {
    minimumFetchIntervalInSeconds = 3600
mFirebaseRemoteConfig = FirebaseRemoteConfig.getInstance();
FirebaseRemoteConfigSettings configSettings = new FirebaseRemoteConfigSettings.Builder()
remoteConfig = FirebaseRemoteConfig.instance;
  final configSettings = FirebaseRemoteConfigSettings(
    minimumFetchInterval: Duration(hours: 1),
  await remoteConfig.setConfigSettings(configSettings);

  // Use the `onConfigUpdated` callback to listen for changes to the config settings.
  remoteConfig.onConfigUpdated.listen((_) {
    print('Config settings confirmed');
var remoteConfig = FirebaseRemoteConfig.DefaultInstance;
var configSettings = new ConfigSettings {
  MinimumFetchInternalInMilliseconds =
        (ulong)(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0).TotalMilliseconds)
        .ContinueWithOnMainThread(task => {
          Debug.Log("Config settings confirmed");

Fetch and activate Remote Config

Fetch and activate the Remote Config parameter so that it can start using the new parameter values.

You want to make this call as early as possible in your app's loading phase because this call is asynchronous and you need the Remote Config value pre-fetched so that your app knows whether to show an ad.

remoteConfig.fetch() { (status, error) -> Void in
  if status == .success {
    print("Config fetched!")
    self.remoteConfig.activate() { (changed, error) in
      // ...
  } else {
    print("Config not fetched")
    print("Error: \(error?.localizedDescription ?? "No error available.")")
        .addOnCompleteListener(this) { task ->
            if (task.isSuccessful) {
                val updated = task.result
                Log.d(TAG, "Config params updated: $updated")
            } else {
                Log.d(TAG, "Config params failed to update")
        .addOnCompleteListener(this, new OnCompleteListener<Boolean>() {
            public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<Boolean> task) {
                if (task.isSuccessful()) {
                    boolean updated = task.getResult();
                    Log.d(TAG, "Config params updated: " + updated);
                } else {
                    Log.d(TAG, "Config params failed to update");
remoteConfig = FirebaseRemoteConfig.instance;

// Fetch and activate the latest Remote Config values.
final updated = await remoteConfig.fetchAndActivate();

// Check if the config params were updated successfully.
if (updated) {
  print('Config params updated');
} else {
  print('Config params failed to update');

// Load the ad unit.
remoteConfig.FetchAndActivateAsync().ContinueWithOnMainThread(task => {
  if (task.IsFaulted) {
    Debug.LogWarning("Config params failed to update");
  } else {
    Debug.Log("Config params updated: " + task.Result);

Your app is now configured to handle the Remote Config parameter that you created earlier in this step.

Use the Remote Config parameter value

Use the pre-fetched Remote Config value in the loadAdUnit() function to determine whether the app instance should do one of the following:

  • The ad_control_switch parameter value resolves to true: show the interstitial ad (because the user is a non-paying user).

  • The ad_control_switch parameter value resolves to false: do not show the ad (because the user is a paying user).

private func loadAdUnit() {
  let showAds = remoteConfig["ad_control_switch"].boolValue

  if showAds {
    // Load interstitial ad (implemented ad unit)
    // per AdMob instructions (the first step of this tutorial).
  } else {
    // Don't show ads.
private fun loadAdUnit() {
  var showAds = remoteConfig.getBoolean(ad_control_switch)

  if (showAds) {
      // Load interstitial ad (implemented ad unit)
      // per AdMob instructions (the first step of this tutorial).
    } else {
      // Don't show ads.
private void loadAdUnit() {
    boolean showAds =

    if (showAds) {
      // Load interstitial ad (implemented ad unit)
      // per AdMob instructions (the first step of this tutorial).
    } else {
      // Don't show ads.
void _loadAdUnit() {
  bool showAds = remoteConfig.getBool(ad_control_switch);

  if (showAds) {
    // Load interstitial ad (implemented ad unit)
    // per AdMob instructions (the first step of this tutorial).
  } else {
    // Don't show ads.
void LoadAdUnit() {
  bool showAds =

  if (showAds) {
    // Load interstitial ad (implemented ad unit)
    // per AdMob instructions (the first step of this tutorial).
  } else {
    // Don't show ads.

Release your app

Since the logic for showing the ad or not is within your codebase, you need to release a new version of your app that contains this logic.

If you followed the steps of this tutorial, your app should immediately start serving a customized in-app ads experience to your users. You can monitor your ads revenue in both your AdMob account and in the Google Analytics dashboards (either in the Firebase console or the Google Analytics UI).

And that's it! You've completed the tutorial for optimizing hybrid monetization using AdMob, Google Analytics, and Firebase.

Step 2: Set up Google Analytics

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