Stay organized with collections
Save and categorize content based on your preferences.
To receive the Firebase Dynamic Links that you created,
you must include the Dynamic Links SDK in your app and register a listener to handle the
The Unity SDK works for both Android and iOS, with some additional setup required
for each platform.
Register your Unity project and configure it to use Firebase.
If your Unity project already uses Firebase, then it's already
registered and configured for Firebase.
If you don't have a Unity project, you can download a
sample app.
Add the FirebaseUnity SDK (specifically, FirebaseDynamicLinks.unitypackage) to
your Unity project.
Note that adding Firebase to your Unity project involves tasks both in the
Firebase console and in your open Unity project
(for example, you download Firebase config files from the console, then move
them into your Unity project).
Register to receive incoming Dynamic Links
To check for Dynamic Links, you need to register for the