Connect a custom domain

You don't have to give up your unique, brand-centric domain names for apps deployed on Firebase App Hosting. You can use a custom domain (like or instead of a Firebase-generated domain for your Firebase-hosted site. Firebase App Hosting provisions an SSL certificate for each of your domains.

The rest of this document walks you through the steps to connect a custom domain in one of these ways:

To ensure uninterrupted service, your DNS records must be updated in a certain order. Follow the instructions to migrate a domain to prevent downtime for your app.

If downtime isn't a concern, such as when you are connecting a domain that is new to your web app, follow the instructions to connect a new domain.

Before you begin: DNS record types

The App Hosting Set up domain wizard could ask you to add or remove 1 to 5 DNS records, depending on your domain's current configuration. A record's Type determines its function. These are the types of records App Hosting might ask for:

Type Description Exclusive
A These records contain IPv4 values (e.g., which tell browsers what address to use when attempting to contact your domain. Yes
AAAA These records contain IPv6 values (e.g. 2001:4860:4860::8888), a different type of address record with roughly the same function as A records. App Hosting doesn't currently use AAAA records, but will ask you to remove any existing ones from our domain, if present. No
CNAME These records contain a separate domain name that should be used instead of your current domain to resolve DNS queries. CNAME records are only allowed on subdomains (e.g. App Hosting uses CNAME records for two reasons:
  • Easy onboarding: When possible, App Hosting asks you to CNAME to a preconfigured domain that starts with _custom-domain....
  • SSL certificate verification: App Hosting uses Cloud Certificate Manager to provision SSL certs for your Custom Domain. A CNAME record on an _acme-challenge... subdomain allows Certificate Manager to create and renew certificates for you. After onboarding, this record must not be removed or your certificate coverage will lapse.
TXT These records allow you to attach arbitrary metadata to your domain. App Hosting allows you to use a specific format of TXT record, fah-claim=[UUID], to indicate which Custom Domain it should serve on your domain. No
CAA These records function as an allowlist for specifying Certificate Authorities that are authorized to mint SSL certificates for your domain. App Hosting only requests CAA records if it's otherwise blocked from minting certificates for your domain. No

Before you begin: your custom domain name

When adding or editing DNS records, different domain providers expect you to enter different inputs for the Host (or host name) field within their DNS management sites. The App Hosting custom domain wizard requires you to input this same value in the Name field.

We've compiled common inputs from popular providers below. Refer to your domain provider's documentation for detailed instructions.

Domain type Custom domain name
Apex domain

Common inputs include:

  • @
  • The apex domain name (for example,
  • Leaving the Host field blank

Common inputs include:

  • The full subdomain name (for example,
  • Only the subdomain portion (for example, app only, and leaving out

Common domain providers

Here are some common domain providers and the types of input each might require. This information is kept up-to-date as much as possible, but refer to your domain provider's documentation for detailed instructions.

Host Input @ www
Host Input
Host Input @ www
Host Input @ www

Migrate a domain

If you want to ensure uninterrupted service without any downtime for your app, you must set up your DNS records in a certain order. After adding your domain, you'll first work through a process to verify your DNS records, and then you'll perform one more verification step to direct live requests to App Hosting.

Step 1: Add custom domain

  1. Open your project's App Hosting page.
  2. Select an App Hosting backend using the View Dashboard option.
  3. Select the Settings tab, then click Add custom domain.
  4. Enter the custom domain name that you'd like to connect to your App Hosting site.
  5. (Optional) Check the box to redirect all requests on the custom domain to a second specified domain (such that and redirect to the same content).
  6. Click Continue to setup to configure your DNS records and finish setting up your custom domain.

Step 2: Verify DNS records

  1. 1. The Migrate a domain wizard of the Firebase console will show the necessary records that need to be updated to point your page to Firebase App Hosting. Add, remove, and save records from your domain in your DNS provider with the following inputs for the required records:
    • Name: Enter your custom domain name for the records. The host you indicate is the domain on which you want to serve content; this domain can be an apex domain or subdomain. Your domain provider may list this term as "Host Name", "Name", or "Domain"
    • Record type: Add the provided DNS record.
    • Value: Assign the provided value to your records. Your domain provider may list this term as "Data", "Points To", "Content", "Address", or "IP Address". The content of the value field varies by record type, with A and AAAA records having IP addresses as values while TXT records are strings.
  2. Select Verify records. App Hosting will attempt to detect the changes you have main in your domain provider. It can take up to 24 hours for changes to propagate. You can check the status in the Settings > Domains view in the backend dashboard.

Step 3: Direct to App Hosting

  1. After App Hosting verifies the record updates, the Direct to App Hosting dialog displays the final record you must update to direct your domain to App Hosting. As before, add, remove, and save records from your domain in your DNS provider with the following inputs for the required records:
    • Name: Enter your custom domain name for the records. The host you indicate is the domain on which you want to serve content; this domain can be an apex domain or subdomain. Your domain provider may list this term as "Host Name", "Name", or "Domain"
    • Record type: Add the provided DNS record.
    • Value: Assign the provided value to your records. Your domain provider may list this term as "Data", "Points To", "Content", "Address", or "IP Address". The content of the value field varies by record type, with A and AAAA records having IP addresses as values while TXT records are strings.
  2. Select Verify records. App Hosting will attempt to detect the changes you have main in your domain provider. It can take up to 24 hours for changes to propagate. You can check the status in the Settings > Domains view in the backend dashboard.

Connect a new Domain

If downtime isn't a concern, such as when you are connecting a domain that is new to your web app, follow the instructions in this section.

Step 1: Add custom domain

  1. Open your project's App Hosting page.
  2. Select an App Hosting backend using the View Dashboard option.
  3. Select the Settings tab, then click Add custom domain.
  4. Enter the custom domain name that you'd like to connect to your App Hosting site.
  5. (Optional) Check the box to redirect all requests on the custom domain to a second specified domain (such that and redirect to the same content).
  6. Click Continue to setup to configure your DNS records and finish setting up your custom domain.

Step 2: Verify DNS records

  1. The Set up domain wizard of the Firebase console will show the necessary records that need to be updated to point your page to Firebase App Hosting. Add, remove, and save records from your domain in your DNS provider with the following inputs:
    • Name: Enter your custom domain name for the records. The host you indicate is the domain on which you want to serve content; this domain can be an apex domain or subdomain. Your domain provider may list this term as "Host Name", "Name", or "Domain"
    • Record type: Add the provided DNS record.
    • Value: Assign the provided value to your records. Your domain provider may list this term as "Data", "Points To", "Content", "Address", or "IP Address". The content of the value field varies by record type, with A and AAAA records having IP addresses as values while TXT records are strings.
  2. Select Verify records. App Hosting will attempt to detect the changes you have main in your domain provider. It can take up to 24 hours for changes to propagate. You can check the status in the Settings > Domains view in the backend dashboard.

Wait for SSL certificate provisioning

App Hosting can take up to a few hours to provision an SSL certificate for your domain after you update your DNS records. In some cases, it could require up to 24 hours after you point your DNS to Firebase App Hosting.

You can view this certificate using the browser's security tools. While the domain is provisioning, you might see an invalid certificate or have issues connecting to your domain. This is a normal part of the process and will resolve after your domain's certificate is available.

Note: Firebase App Hosting automatically reprovisions SSL certs, as needed, for custom domains.

Status descriptions for custom domains

Status Description
Needs setup

You may need to change a configuration with your DNS records.

  • In most cases, your DNS A records haven't propagated from your domain name provider to Firebase App Hosting servers.
    Troubleshooting tip: If it's been more than 24 hours, check that you've pointed your records to Firebase App Hosting.

  • In rarer cases, SSL challenges might be failing because your DNS records have A records or CNAME records that point to other hosting providers.
    Troubleshooting tip: Check that your A records point only to Firebase App Hosting, and remove all CNAME records.


You correctly set up your custom domain, but Firebase App Hosting hasn't provisioned an SSL certificate.

Occasionally, excessively restrictive CAA records can stall the minting of an SSL certificate for a custom domain. Ensure that the certificate authorities `` and `` are allowed to create SSL certs for your domain.

Minting Certificate

An SSL certificate is being produced for your domain.


Your custom domain has the proper DNS records and has an SSL certificate.
You can serve your site's content.