Import the required modules
To get started, import the modules required for handling Firebase Test Lab events:
// The Cloud Functions for Firebase SDK to set up triggers and logging.
const {onTestMatrixCompleted} = require("firebase-functions/v2/testLab");
const {logger} = require("firebase-functions");
# The Cloud Functions for Firebase SDK to set up triggers and logging.
from firebase_functions import test_lab_fn, params
# The requests library to send web requests to Slack.
import requests
Trigger a function on TestMatrix completion
To trigger a Firebase Test Lab function, define a handler for the test matrix completion event. In this example, the function triggers on test completion, retrieves the test matrix data from the CloudEvent object, and sends the corresponding test results to a Slack channel:
exports.posttestresultstoslack = onTestMatrixCompleted(
{secrets: ["SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL"]},
async (event) => {
// Obtain Test Matrix properties from the CloudEvent
const {testMatrixId, state, outcomeSummary} =;
// Create the title of the message
const title = `${getSlackmoji(state)} ${getSlackmoji(
)} ${testMatrixId}`;
// Create the details of the message
const details = `Status: *${state}* ${getSlackmoji(
)}\nOutcome: *${outcomeSummary}* ${getSlackmoji(outcomeSummary)}
// Post the message to slack
const slackResponse = await postToSlack(title, details);
// Log the response
def posttestresultstoslack(
event: test_lab_fn.CloudEvent[test_lab_fn.TestMatrixCompletedData]) -> None:
"""Posts a test matrix result to Slack."""
# Obtain Test Matrix properties from the CloudEvent
test_matrix_id =
state =
outcome_summary =
# Create the title of the message
title = f"{slackmoji(state)} {slackmoji(outcome_summary)} {test_matrix_id}"
# Create the details of the message
details = (f"Status: *{state}* {slackmoji(state)}\n"
f"Outcome: *{outcome_summary}* {slackmoji(outcome_summary)}")
# Post the message to Slack
response = post_to_slack(title, details)
# Log the response
print(response.status_code, response.text)
Access client details
Test matrices may be created from different sources or workflows. It is
therefore often desirable to create functions that perform different actions
based on the source or other important context of the test. To help with this,
allows you to pass arbitrary information when starting a test that can
be accessed later in your function. For example:
gcloud beta firebase test android run \
--app=path/to/app.apk \
--client-details testType=pr,link=<path/to/pull-request>
And then to access the information in your function:
const testType =;
const link =;
test_type: str | None ="testType")
link: str | None ="link")