Cloud Functions locations

Cloud Functions is regional, which means the infrastructure that runs your function is located in specific regions and is managed by Google to be redundantly available across all the zones within those regions.

When selecting what regions to run your functions in, your primary considerations should be latency and availability. You can generally select regions close to your users, but you should also consider the location of the other products and services that your app uses. Using services across multiple regions can affect your app's latency, as well as pricing.

By default, functions run in the us-central1 region. Note that this may be different from the region of an event source, such as a Cloud Storage bucket. Learn how to specify the region where a function runs later in this page.

Supported regions

In the lists in this section, the energy_savings_leaf icon indicates that the electricity for this region is produced with low carbon emissions. For more information, see Carbon free energy for Google Cloud regions.

Tier 1 pricing

Cloud Functions is available in the following regions with Tier 1 pricing:

Region Location Supported product versions CO2 emissions
asia-east1 Taiwan 1st gen, 2nd gen
asia-east2 Hong Kong 1st gen only
asia-northeast1 Tokyo 1st gen, 2nd gen
asia-northeast2 Osaka 1st gen, 2nd gen
europe-north1 Finland 2nd gen only energy_savings_leaf
europe-southwest1 Madrid 2nd gen only
europe-west1 Belgium 1st gen, 2nd gen energy_savings_leaf
europe-west4 Netherlands 2nd gen only
europe-west8 Milan 2nd gen only
europe-west9 Paris 2nd gen only energy_savings_leaf
me-west1 Tel Aviv 2nd gen only
europe-west2 London 1st gen only
us-central1 Iowa 1st gen, 2nd gen energy_savings_leaf
us-east1 South Carolina 1st gen, 2nd gen
us-east4 Northern Virginia 1st gen, 2nd gen
us-east5 Columbus 2nd gen only
us-south1 Dallas 2nd gen only
us-west1 Oregon 1st gen, 2nd gen energy_savings_leaf

Tier 2 pricing

Cloud Functions is available in the following regions with Tier 2 pricing:

Region Location Supported product versions CO2 emissions
asia-east2 Hong Kong 2nd gen only
asia-northeast3 Seoul 1st gen, 2nd gen
asia-southeast1 Singapore 1st gen, 2nd gen
asia-southeast2 Jakarta 1st gen, 2nd gen
asia-south1 Mumbai 2nd gen only
asia-south2 Delhi, India 2nd gen only
australia-southeast1 Sydney 1st gen, 2nd gen
australia-southeast2 Melbourne 2nd gen only
europe-central2 Warsaw 1st gen, 2nd gen
europe-west2 London 2nd gen only
europe-west3 Frankfurt 1st gen, 2nd gen energy_savings_leaf
europe-west6 Zurich 1st gen, 2nd gen energy_savings_leaf
europe-west10 Berlin 2nd gen only
europe-west12 Turin 2nd gen only
me-central1 Doha 2nd gen only
me-central2 Dammam 2nd gen only
northamerica-northeast1 Montreal 1st gen, 2nd gen energy_savings_leaf
northamerica-northeast2 Toronto 2nd gen only energy_savings_leaf
southamerica-east1 Sao Paulo 1st gen, 2nd gen energy_savings_leaf
southamerica-west1 Santiago, Chile 2nd gen only
us-west2 Los Angeles 1st gen, 2nd gen
us-west3 Salt Lake City 1st gen, 2nd gen
us-west4 Las Vegas 1st gen, 2nd gen

Functions in a given region in a given project must have unique (case insensitive) names, but functions across regions or across projects may share the same name.

Best practices for specifying a region

By default, functions run in the us-central1 region. Note that this may be different from the region of an event source, such as a Cloud Storage bucket. If you need to specify the region where a function runs, follow the recommendations in this section for each function trigger type.

To set the region where a function runs, set the region parameter in the function definition as shown:


exports.firestoreAsia = onDocumentCreated(
    document: "my-collection/{docId}",
    region: "asia-northeast1",
  (event) => {},


# Before
def firestore_trigger(event):

# After
def firestore_trigger_asia(event):

You can specify multiple regions by passing multiple comma-separated region strings in region. Also note that, when specifying a region for many background trigger types, you'll need to specify the correct event filter along with the region. In the example above, this is the Cloud Firestore document that emits the event. For a Cloud Storage trigger the event filter could be bucket; for a Pub/Sub trigger it would be topic, and so on.

See change a function's region for more information on changing the region for a function that's handling production traffic.

HTTP and client-callable functions

For HTTP and callable functions, we recommend that you first set your function to the destination region, or closest to where most expected customers are located, and then alter your original function to redirect its HTTP request to the new function (they can have the same name). If clients of your HTTP function support redirects, you can simply change your original function to return an HTTP redirect status (301) along with the URL of your new function. If your clients do not handle redirects well, you can proxy the request from the original function to the new function by initiating a new request from the original function to the new function. The final step is to ensure that all clients are calling the new function.

Client-side location selection for callable functions

Regarding the callable function, client callable setups should follow the same guidelines as HTTP functions. The client can also specify a region, and must do so if the function runs in any region other than us-central1.

To set regions on the client, specify the desired region at initialization:


lazy var functions = Functions.functions(region:"europe-west1")


@property(strong, nonatomic) FIRFunctions *functions;
// ...
self.functions = [FIRFunctions functionsWithRegion:@"europe-west1"];


var functions ='europe-west1');


private FirebaseFunctions mFunctions;
// ...
mFunctions = FirebaseFunctions.getInstance("europe-west1");


firebase::functions::Functions* functions;
// ...
functions = firebase::functions::Functions::GetInstance("europe-west1");


firebase.Functions.FirebaseFunctions functions;

functions = Firebase.Functions.FirebaseFunctions.GetInstance("europe-west1");

Background functions

Background functions adopt an at-least-once event delivery semantic, which means that under some circumstances they may receive duplicate events. So, you should implement functions to be idempotent. If your function is already idempotent, then you can redeploy the function in the new region with the same event trigger and remove the old function after you verify that the new function is correctly receiving traffic. During this transition, both functions will receive events. See change a function's region for the recommended sequence of commands to change regions for functions.

If your function is not currently idempotent, or its idempotency does not extend beyond the region, then we recommend that you first implement idempotency before moving the function.

Optimal region recommendations differ by event trigger type:

Trigger Type Region Recommendation
Cloud Firestore Closest region to the Cloud Firestore instance location (see next section)
Realtime Database Always us-central1
Cloud Storage Closest region to the Cloud Storage bucket location (see next section)
Others If you are interacting with a Realtime Database instance, a Cloud Firestore instance, or a Cloud Storage bucket inside of the function, then the recommended region is the same as if you had a function triggered by one of those resources. Otherwise, use the default region of us-central1. Functions connected to Firebase Hosting can be in any region, but see the hosting serverless overview for recommendations.

Selecting regions based on Cloud Firestore and Cloud Storage locations

The available regions for functions do not always match precisely with the regions available for your Cloud Firestore database and your Cloud Storage buckets.

Note that if your function and your resource (database instance or Cloud Storage bucket) are in different locations, then you could potentially experience increased latency and billing costs.

Here's a mapping of the closest functions-supported regions for Cloud Firestore and Cloud Storage, for cases where the same region is not supported:

Region/Multi-region for Cloud Firestore and Cloud Storage Nearest region for functions
nam5 or us-central (multi-region) us-central1
eur3 or europe-west (multi-region) europe-west1
europe-west4 (Netherlands) europe-west1
asia-south1 (Mumbai) asia-east2
asia-south2 (Delhi) asia-east2
australia-southeast2 (Melbourne) australia-southeast1