In order to call a Google Cloud API from your app, you need to create an intermediate REST API that handles authorization and protects secret values such as API keys. You then need to write code in your mobile app to authenticate to and communicate with this intermediate service.
One way to create this REST API is by using Firebase Authentication and Functions, which gives you a managed, serverless gateway to Google Cloud APIs that handles authentication and can be called from your mobile app with pre-built SDKs.
This guide demonstrates how to use this technique to call the Cloud Vision API from your app. This method will allow all authenticated users to access Cloud Vision billed services through your Cloud project, so consider whether this auth mechanism is sufficient for your use case before proceeding.
Before you begin
Configure your project
- If you haven't already, add Firebase to your Android project.
If you have not already enabled Cloud-based APIs for your project, do so now:
- Open the Firebase ML APIs page of the Firebase console.
If you have not already upgraded your project to the Blaze pricing plan, click Upgrade to do so. (You will be prompted to upgrade only if your project isn't on the Blaze plan.)
Only Blaze-level projects can use Cloud-based APIs.
- If Cloud-based APIs aren't already enabled, click Enable Cloud-based APIs.
- Configure your existing Firebase API keys to disallow access to the Cloud
Vision API:
- Open the Credentials page of the Cloud console.
- For each API key in the list, open the editing view, and in the Key Restrictions section, add all of the available APIs except the Cloud Vision API to the list.
Deploy the callable function
Next, deploy the Cloud Function you will use to bridge your app and the Cloud
Vision API. The functions-samples
repository contains an example
you can use.
By default, accessing the Cloud Vision API through this function will allow only authenticated users of your app access to the Cloud Vision API. You can modify the function for different requirements.
To deploy the function:
- Clone or download the functions-samples repo
and change to the
directory:git clone
cd Node-1st-gen/vision-annotate-image
- Install dependencies:
cd functions
npm install
cd ..
- If you don't have the Firebase CLI, install it.
- Initialize a Firebase project in the
directory. When prompted, select your project in the list.firebase init
- Deploy the function:
firebase deploy --only functions:annotateImage
Add Firebase Auth to your app
The callable function deployed above will reject any request from non-authenticated users of your app. If you have not already done so, you will need to add Firebase Auth to your app.
Add necessary dependencies to your app
implementation("") implementation("")
Now you are ready to start recognizing text in images.
1. Prepare the input image
In order to call Cloud Vision, the image must be formatted as a base64-encoded string. To process an image from a saved file URI:- Get the image as a
object:var bitmap: Bitmap = MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap(contentResolver, uri)
Bitmap bitmap = MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap(getContentResolver(), uri);
- Optionally, scale down the image to save on bandwidth. See the
Cloud Vision recommended image sizes.
private fun scaleBitmapDown(bitmap: Bitmap, maxDimension: Int): Bitmap { val originalWidth = bitmap.width val originalHeight = bitmap.height var resizedWidth = maxDimension var resizedHeight = maxDimension if (originalHeight > originalWidth) { resizedHeight = maxDimension resizedWidth = (resizedHeight * originalWidth.toFloat() / originalHeight.toFloat()).toInt() } else if (originalWidth > originalHeight) { resizedWidth = maxDimension resizedHeight = (resizedWidth * originalHeight.toFloat() / originalWidth.toFloat()).toInt() } else if (originalHeight == originalWidth) { resizedHeight = maxDimension resizedWidth = maxDimension } return Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, resizedWidth, resizedHeight, false) }
private Bitmap scaleBitmapDown(Bitmap bitmap, int maxDimension) { int originalWidth = bitmap.getWidth(); int originalHeight = bitmap.getHeight(); int resizedWidth = maxDimension; int resizedHeight = maxDimension; if (originalHeight > originalWidth) { resizedHeight = maxDimension; resizedWidth = (int) (resizedHeight * (float) originalWidth / (float) originalHeight); } else if (originalWidth > originalHeight) { resizedWidth = maxDimension; resizedHeight = (int) (resizedWidth * (float) originalHeight / (float) originalWidth); } else if (originalHeight == originalWidth) { resizedHeight = maxDimension; resizedWidth = maxDimension; } return Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, resizedWidth, resizedHeight, false); }
// Scale down bitmap size bitmap = scaleBitmapDown(bitmap, 640)
// Scale down bitmap size bitmap = scaleBitmapDown(bitmap, 640);
- Convert the bitmap object to a base64 encoded string:
// Convert bitmap to base64 encoded string val byteArrayOutputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream() bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, byteArrayOutputStream) val imageBytes: ByteArray = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray() val base64encoded = Base64.encodeToString(imageBytes, Base64.NO_WRAP)
// Convert bitmap to base64 encoded string ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, byteArrayOutputStream); byte[] imageBytes = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray(); String base64encoded = Base64.encodeToString(imageBytes, Base64.NO_WRAP);
The image represented by the
object must
be upright, with no additional rotation required.
2. Invoke the callable function to recognize text
To recognize text in an image, invoke the callable function, passing a JSON Cloud Vision request.
First, initialize an instance of Cloud Functions:
private lateinit var functions: FirebaseFunctions // ... functions = Firebase.functions
private FirebaseFunctions mFunctions; // ... mFunctions = FirebaseFunctions.getInstance();
Define a method for invoking the function:
private fun annotateImage(requestJson: String): Task<JsonElement> { return functions .getHttpsCallable("annotateImage") .call(requestJson) .continueWith { task -> // This continuation runs on either success or failure, but if the task // has failed then result will throw an Exception which will be // propagated down. val result = task.result?.data JsonParser.parseString(Gson().toJson(result)) } }
private Task<JsonElement> annotateImage(String requestJson) { return mFunctions .getHttpsCallable("annotateImage") .call(requestJson) .continueWith(new Continuation<HttpsCallableResult, JsonElement>() { @Override public JsonElement then(@NonNull Task<HttpsCallableResult> task) { // This continuation runs on either success or failure, but if the task // has failed then getResult() will throw an Exception which will be // propagated down. return JsonParser.parseString(new Gson().toJson(task.getResult().getData())); } }); }
Create the JSON request. The Cloud Vision API supports two Types of text detection:
. See the Cloud Vision OCR Docs for the difference between the two use cases.// Create json request to cloud vision val request = JsonObject() // Add image to request val image = JsonObject() image.add("content", JsonPrimitive(base64encoded)) request.add("image", image) // Add features to the request val feature = JsonObject() feature.add("type", JsonPrimitive("TEXT_DETECTION")) // Alternatively, for DOCUMENT_TEXT_DETECTION: // feature.add("type", JsonPrimitive("DOCUMENT_TEXT_DETECTION")) val features = JsonArray() features.add(feature) request.add("features", features)
// Create json request to cloud vision JsonObject request = new JsonObject(); // Add image to request JsonObject image = new JsonObject(); image.add("content", new JsonPrimitive(base64encoded)); request.add("image", image); //Add features to the request JsonObject feature = new JsonObject(); feature.add("type", new JsonPrimitive("TEXT_DETECTION")); // Alternatively, for DOCUMENT_TEXT_DETECTION: //feature.add("type", new JsonPrimitive("DOCUMENT_TEXT_DETECTION")); JsonArray features = new JsonArray(); features.add(feature); request.add("features", features);
Optionally, provide language hints to assist with language detection (see supported languages):
val imageContext = JsonObject() val languageHints = JsonArray() languageHints.add("en") imageContext.add("languageHints", languageHints) request.add("imageContext", imageContext)
JsonObject imageContext = new JsonObject(); JsonArray languageHints = new JsonArray(); languageHints.add("en"); imageContext.add("languageHints", languageHints); request.add("imageContext", imageContext);
Finally, invoke the function:
annotateImage(request.toString()) .addOnCompleteListener { task -> if (!task.isSuccessful) { // Task failed with an exception // ... } else { // Task completed successfully // ... } }
annotateImage(request.toString()) .addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<JsonElement>() { @Override public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<JsonElement> task) { if (!task.isSuccessful()) { // Task failed with an exception // ... } else { // Task completed successfully // ... } } });
3. Extract text from blocks of recognized text
If the text recognition operation succeeds, a JSON response of BatchAnnotateImagesResponse will be returned in the task's result. The text annotations can be found in thefullTextAnnotation
You can get the recognized text as a string in the text
field. For example:
val annotation = task.result!!.asJsonArray[0].asJsonObject["fullTextAnnotation"].asJsonObject
System.out.format("%nComplete annotation:")
System.out.format("%n%s", annotation["text"].asString)
JsonObject annotation = task.getResult().getAsJsonArray().get(0).getAsJsonObject().get("fullTextAnnotation").getAsJsonObject();
System.out.format("%nComplete annotation:%n");
System.out.format("%s%n", annotation.get("text").getAsString());
You can also get information specific to regions of the image. For each block
, word
, and symbol
, you can get the text recognized in the region
and the bounding coordinates of the region. For example:
for (page in annotation["pages"].asJsonArray) {
var pageText = ""
for (block in page.asJsonObject["blocks"].asJsonArray) {
var blockText = ""
for (para in block.asJsonObject["paragraphs"].asJsonArray) {
var paraText = ""
for (word in para.asJsonObject["words"].asJsonArray) {
var wordText = ""
for (symbol in word.asJsonObject["symbols"].asJsonArray) {
wordText += symbol.asJsonObject["text"].asString
"Symbol text: %s (confidence: %f)%n",
"Word text: %s (confidence: %f)%n%n",
System.out.format("Word bounding box: %s%n", word.asJsonObject["boundingBox"])
paraText = String.format("%s%s ", paraText, wordText)
System.out.format("%nParagraph: %n%s%n", paraText)
System.out.format("Paragraph bounding box: %s%n", para.asJsonObject["boundingBox"])
System.out.format("Paragraph Confidence: %f%n", para.asJsonObject["confidence"].asFloat)
blockText += paraText
pageText += blockText
for (JsonElement page : annotation.get("pages").getAsJsonArray()) {
StringBuilder pageText = new StringBuilder();
for (JsonElement block : page.getAsJsonObject().get("blocks").getAsJsonArray()) {
StringBuilder blockText = new StringBuilder();
for (JsonElement para : block.getAsJsonObject().get("paragraphs").getAsJsonArray()) {
StringBuilder paraText = new StringBuilder();
for (JsonElement word : para.getAsJsonObject().get("words").getAsJsonArray()) {
StringBuilder wordText = new StringBuilder();
for (JsonElement symbol : word.getAsJsonObject().get("symbols").getAsJsonArray()) {
System.out.format("Symbol text: %s (confidence: %f)%n", symbol.getAsJsonObject().get("text").getAsString(), symbol.getAsJsonObject().get("confidence").getAsFloat());
System.out.format("Word text: %s (confidence: %f)%n%n", wordText.toString(), word.getAsJsonObject().get("confidence").getAsFloat());
System.out.format("Word bounding box: %s%n", word.getAsJsonObject().get("boundingBox"));
paraText.append(wordText.toString()).append(" ");
System.out.format("%nParagraph:%n%s%n", paraText);
System.out.format("Paragraph bounding box: %s%n", para.getAsJsonObject().get("boundingBox"));
System.out.format("Paragraph Confidence: %f%n", para.getAsJsonObject().get("confidence").getAsFloat());