Manage installed Firebase Extensions

To install or manage extensions, you must be assigned one of these roles: Owner or Editor or Firebase Admin.

  1. Go to your Firebase Extensions dashboard in the Firebase console.

  2. On the installed extension instance's card, click Manage.

In the Firebase console, you can monitor the activity of an installed extension, including checks on its health, usage, and logs.

Set budget alerts

Setting budget alerts is a good practice in general, but alerts may be especially important when you're trusting another party's code to run in your project.

Make sure that you set up budget alerts for your Firebase project.

View functions created by extensions

  1. Go to your Functions dashboard of the Firebase console.

  2. In the Dashboard tab, you can view the functions from Firebase Extensions (alongside any other functions that you've deployed for your project).

    Functions created by extensions have names, in the format: ext-extension-instance-id-functionName

    For example: ext-awesome-task-simplifier-onUserCreate

View Cloud Scheduler jobs created by extensions

  1. Open your project's Cloud Scheduler page in the Google Cloud console.

  2. In the Jobs list, you can view the Cloud Scheduler jobs from Firebase Extensions (alongside any other jobs you've created for your project).

    Jobs created by extensions have names in the format: firebase-ext-extension-instance-id-functionName

    For example: firebase-ext-awesome-task-simplifier-doTask

View and manage Cloud Tasks enqueued by extensions

Some extensions use Cloud Tasks to run longer-running tasks: most commonly, processing tasks that run at various points in an extension's lifecycle—installation, reconfiguration, and after upgrades.

Normally, these tasks run and complete automatically, without your intervention. However, if you ever need to manually manage an extension's queued tasks—for example, to pause the queue or remove from the queue a task that hasn't started yet—follow these steps:

  1. In the Firebase console Extensions section, open the extension instance's details page.

  2. On the details page, open the APIs and resources section. If the extension uses Cloud Tasks, there will be a Cloud Task queues section with one or more entries.

  3. Click View queue for the queue you want to manage. This will open the Queue Details page in the Google Cloud console, from which you can view queued tasks, pause the queue, remove tasks from the queue, and so on. See Manage queues and tasks in the Cloud Tasks documentation.

View Cloud Secret Manager secrets created by extensions

  1. Open your project's Secret Manager page in the Google Cloud console.

  2. In the Secrets list, you can view the secrets created for Firebase Extensions (alongside any other secrets you've created for your project).

    Secrets created by extensions have names in the format: ext-extension-instance-id-paramnName

    For example: ext-awesome-task-simplifier-API_KEY

    Secrets are labeled with the key firebase-extensions-managed. Don't remove this label unless you want to stop Firebase from managing the secret.

Check if an installed extension is healthy

You can review all the errors from functions (including those created by Firebase Extensions) in the console.

  1. In the Health tab of your Functions dashboard, you can view an overview of errors and performance information for all functions in your project.

  2. To view information for a specific extension, use the filter at the top of the page to select a specific function.

Check how often an installed extension is running

  1. In the Dashboard tab of your Functions dashboard, locate the specific function for the Firebase Extension that you want to check.

  2. Click (the overflow menu) on the far right-side of the entry, then select Detailed usage stats.

  3. In the displayed Google Cloud console, you can drill down into various invocations of a function and even inspect its source code.

View the logs for an extension

If you're trying to debug your project, or submit a bug report to Firebase, it's useful to view logs of the functions running in your project.

In the Logs tab of your Functions dashboard, use the filter at the top of the page to select the functions created by your extension.

Update an installed extension instance to the latest version

You can update an installed instance of an extension to its latest released version. You might want to update an installed instance because the instance is already actively running or set up in your testing, project, or app workflow.

When you update an instance, all the instance's extension-specific resources and logic is overwritten to use the new version's source code and files. The extension's instance ID and service account will not change.

During the update process, you'll be notified of any changes for the new version, and you'll be able to specify values for any new parameters.

  1. Go to your Firebase Extensions dashboard, then on the installed extension instance's card, click Manage.

  2. In the upper-right corner, click Update extension.

    If the extension doesn't have an available new version, the details page won't have an update button.

  3. Review what's new in the update and configure the extension (if needed).

  4. Click Update extension.

Reconfigure an installed extension instance

You can change the values of the user-configured parameters for an installed extension instance. These new values will be used in any future triggers of the instance, but all previous artifacts or structural elements created by the extension (like stored images or existing storage buckets) will not be changed.

  1. Go to your Firebase Extensions dashboard, then on the installed extension instance's card, click Manage.

  2. In the upper-right corner, click Reconfigure extension.

  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to reconfigure the parameter values for your extension.

  4. Click Save.

Uninstall an extension instance

You can uninstall an instance of an extension from your Firebase project. This action deletes the service account and all the resources (like a set of functions) that Firebase created specifically for that instance of the extension. However, the following are not deleted:

  • Any artifacts created by the extension (like stored images).

  • Any other resources in your project, like a database instance or Cloud Storage bucket. Even if the extension interacted with these other resources, they are not extension-specific, so they aren't deleted if the extension is uninstalled.

Here's how to uninstall an extension:

  1. Go to your Firebase Extensions dashboard, then on the installed extension instance's card, click Manage.

  2. At the bottom of the screen, click Uninstall extension.

  3. Review what will be deleted, then click Uninstall extension to confirm the deletion.