Cloud Firestore 支援不可分割的讀取作業 以及寫入資料在一系列不可分割的作業中,所有作業都會成功,或是全部不予套用。原子運算分為兩種類型 在 Cloud Firestore 中:
您可以使用 Cloud Firestore 用戶端程式庫,將多個 單筆交易會將這些作業整合到單筆交易中。如果您想根據欄位的目前值或其他欄位的值更新欄位值,交易就非常實用。
交易包含任意數量的 get()
作業,後面接著任意數量的寫入作業,例如 set()
或 delete()
Cloud Firestore 會再次執行整筆交易。舉例來說
「Cloud Firestore」會重試交易。這項功能可確保交易使用最新且一致的資料。
交易絕不會有部分情形 並套用寫入權限所有寫入作業會在成功的交易結束時執行。
- 讀取作業必須在寫入作業之前執行。
- 如果並行編輯作業會影響交易讀取的文件,呼叫交易的函式 (交易函式) 可能會執行多次。
- 交易函式不應直接修改應用程式狀態。
- 交易會在用戶端離線時失敗。
import { runTransaction } from "firebase/firestore"; try { await runTransaction(db, async (transaction) => { const sfDoc = await transaction.get(sfDocRef); if (!sfDoc.exists()) { throw "Document does not exist!"; } const newPopulation = + 1; transaction.update(sfDocRef, { population: newPopulation }); }); console.log("Transaction successfully committed!"); } catch (e) { console.log("Transaction failed: ", e); }
// Create a reference to the SF doc. var sfDocRef = db.collection("cities").doc("SF"); // Uncomment to initialize the doc. // sfDocRef.set({ population: 0 }); return db.runTransaction((transaction) => { // This code may get re-run multiple times if there are conflicts. return transaction.get(sfDocRef).then((sfDoc) => { if (!sfDoc.exists) { throw "Document does not exist!"; } // Add one person to the city population. // Note: this could be done without a transaction // by updating the population using FieldValue.increment() var newPopulation = + 1; transaction.update(sfDocRef, { population: newPopulation }); }); }).then(() => { console.log("Transaction successfully committed!"); }).catch((error) => { console.log("Transaction failed: ", error); });
let sfReference = db.collection("cities").document("SF") do { let _ = try await db.runTransaction({ (transaction, errorPointer) -> Any? in let sfDocument: DocumentSnapshot do { try sfDocument = transaction.getDocument(sfReference) } catch let fetchError as NSError { errorPointer?.pointee = fetchError return nil } guard let oldPopulation =["population"] as? Int else { let error = NSError( domain: "AppErrorDomain", code: -1, userInfo: [ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Unable to retrieve population from snapshot \(sfDocument)" ] ) errorPointer?.pointee = error return nil } // Note: this could be done without a transaction // by updating the population using FieldValue.increment() transaction.updateData(["population": oldPopulation + 1], forDocument: sfReference) return nil }) print("Transaction successfully committed!") } catch { print("Transaction failed: \(error)") }
FIRDocumentReference *sfReference = [[self.db collectionWithPath:@"cities"] documentWithPath:@"SF"]; [self.db runTransactionWithBlock:^id (FIRTransaction *transaction, NSError **errorPointer) { FIRDocumentSnapshot *sfDocument = [transaction getDocument:sfReference error:errorPointer]; if (*errorPointer != nil) { return nil; } if (![[@"population"] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) { *errorPointer = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"AppErrorDomain" code:-1 userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: @"Unable to retreive population from snapshot" }]; return nil; } NSInteger oldPopulation = [[@"population"] integerValue]; // Note: this could be done without a transaction // by updating the population using FieldValue.increment() [transaction updateData:@{ @"population": @(oldPopulation + 1) } forDocument:sfReference]; return nil; } completion:^(id result, NSError *error) { if (error != nil) { NSLog(@"Transaction failed: %@", error); } else { NSLog(@"Transaction successfully committed!"); } }];
val sfDocRef = db.collection("cities").document("SF") db.runTransaction { transaction -> val snapshot = transaction.get(sfDocRef) // Note: this could be done without a transaction // by updating the population using FieldValue.increment() val newPopulation = snapshot.getDouble("population")!! + 1 transaction.update(sfDocRef, "population", newPopulation) // Success null }.addOnSuccessListener { Log.d(TAG, "Transaction success!") } .addOnFailureListener { e -> Log.w(TAG, "Transaction failure.", e) }
final DocumentReference sfDocRef = db.collection("cities").document("SF"); db.runTransaction(new Transaction.Function<Void>() { @Override public Void apply(@NonNull Transaction transaction) throws FirebaseFirestoreException { DocumentSnapshot snapshot = transaction.get(sfDocRef); // Note: this could be done without a transaction // by updating the population using FieldValue.increment() double newPopulation = snapshot.getDouble("population") + 1; transaction.update(sfDocRef, "population", newPopulation); // Success return null; } }).addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Void aVoid) { Log.d(TAG, "Transaction success!"); } }) .addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() { @Override public void onFailure(@NonNull Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "Transaction failure.", e); } });
final sfDocRef = db.collection("cities").doc("SF"); db.runTransaction((transaction) async { final snapshot = await transaction.get(sfDocRef); // Note: this could be done without a transaction // by updating the population using FieldValue.increment() final newPopulation = snapshot.get("population") + 1; transaction.update(sfDocRef, {"population": newPopulation}); }).then( (value) => print("DocumentSnapshot successfully updated!"), onError: (e) => print("Error updating document $e"), );
DocumentReference sf_doc_ref = db->Collection("cities").Document("SF"); db->RunTransaction([sf_doc_ref](Transaction& transaction, std::string& out_error_message) -> Error { Error error = Error::kErrorOk; DocumentSnapshot snapshot = transaction.Get(sf_doc_ref, &error, &out_error_message); // Note: this could be done without a transaction by updating the // population using FieldValue::Increment(). std::int64_t new_population = snapshot.Get("population").integer_value() + 1; transaction.Update( sf_doc_ref, {{"population", FieldValue::Integer(new_population)}}); return Error::kErrorOk; }).OnCompletion([](const Future<void>& future) { if (future.error() == Error::kErrorOk) { std::cout << "Transaction success!" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Transaction failure: " << future.error_message() << std::endl; } });
DocumentReference cityRef = db.Collection("cities").Document("SF"); db.RunTransactionAsync(transaction => { return transaction.GetSnapshotAsync(cityRef).ContinueWith((snapshotTask) => { DocumentSnapshot snapshot = snapshotTask.Result; long newPopulation = snapshot.GetValue<long>("Population") + 1; Dictionary<string, object> updates = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Population", newPopulation} }; transaction.Update(cityRef, updates); }); });
請勿在交易函式中修改應用程式狀態。這樣做會導致並行問題,因為交易函式可能會執行多次,且無法保證會在 UI 執行緒上執行。而是將 交易函式中您需要的資訊。以下範例以前述範例為基礎,說明如何從交易中傳遞資訊:
import { doc, runTransaction } from "firebase/firestore"; // Create a reference to the SF doc. const sfDocRef = doc(db, "cities", "SF"); try { const newPopulation = await runTransaction(db, async (transaction) => { const sfDoc = await transaction.get(sfDocRef); if (!sfDoc.exists()) { throw "Document does not exist!"; } const newPop = + 1; if (newPop <= 1000000) { transaction.update(sfDocRef, { population: newPop }); return newPop; } else { return Promise.reject("Sorry! Population is too big"); } }); console.log("Population increased to ", newPopulation); } catch (e) { // This will be a "population is too big" error. console.error(e); }
// Create a reference to the SF doc. var sfDocRef = db.collection("cities").doc("SF"); db.runTransaction((transaction) => { return transaction.get(sfDocRef).then((sfDoc) => { if (!sfDoc.exists) { throw "Document does not exist!"; } var newPopulation = + 1; if (newPopulation <= 1000000) { transaction.update(sfDocRef, { population: newPopulation }); return newPopulation; } else { return Promise.reject("Sorry! Population is too big."); } }); }).then((newPopulation) => { console.log("Population increased to ", newPopulation); }).catch((err) => { // This will be an "population is too big" error. console.error(err); });
let sfReference = db.collection("cities").document("SF") do { let object = try await db.runTransaction({ (transaction, errorPointer) -> Any? in let sfDocument: DocumentSnapshot do { try sfDocument = transaction.getDocument(sfReference) } catch let fetchError as NSError { errorPointer?.pointee = fetchError return nil } guard let oldPopulation =["population"] as? Int else { let error = NSError( domain: "AppErrorDomain", code: -1, userInfo: [ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Unable to retrieve population from snapshot \(sfDocument)" ] ) errorPointer?.pointee = error return nil } // Note: this could be done without a transaction // by updating the population using FieldValue.increment() let newPopulation = oldPopulation + 1 guard newPopulation <= 1000000 else { let error = NSError( domain: "AppErrorDomain", code: -2, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Population \(newPopulation) too big"] ) errorPointer?.pointee = error return nil } transaction.updateData(["population": newPopulation], forDocument: sfReference) return newPopulation }) print("Population increased to \(object!)") } catch { print("Error updating population: \(error)") }
FIRDocumentReference *sfReference = [[self.db collectionWithPath:@"cities"] documentWithPath:@"SF"]; [self.db runTransactionWithBlock:^id (FIRTransaction *transaction, NSError **errorPointer) { FIRDocumentSnapshot *sfDocument = [transaction getDocument:sfReference error:errorPointer]; if (*errorPointer != nil) { return nil; } if (![[@"population"] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) { *errorPointer = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"AppErrorDomain" code:-1 userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: @"Unable to retreive population from snapshot" }]; return nil; } NSInteger population = [[@"population"] integerValue]; population++; if (population >= 1000000) { *errorPointer = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"AppErrorDomain" code:-2 userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: @"Population too big" }]; return @(population); } [transaction updateData:@{ @"population": @(population) } forDocument:sfReference]; return nil; } completion:^(id result, NSError *error) { if (error != nil) { NSLog(@"Transaction failed: %@", error); } else { NSLog(@"Population increased to %@", result); } }];
val sfDocRef = db.collection("cities").document("SF") db.runTransaction { transaction -> val snapshot = transaction.get(sfDocRef) val newPopulation = snapshot.getDouble("population")!! + 1 if (newPopulation <= 1000000) { transaction.update(sfDocRef, "population", newPopulation) newPopulation } else { throw FirebaseFirestoreException( "Population too high", FirebaseFirestoreException.Code.ABORTED, ) } }.addOnSuccessListener { result -> Log.d(TAG, "Transaction success: $result") }.addOnFailureListener { e -> Log.w(TAG, "Transaction failure.", e) }
final DocumentReference sfDocRef = db.collection("cities").document("SF"); db.runTransaction(new Transaction.Function<Double>() { @Override public Double apply(@NonNull Transaction transaction) throws FirebaseFirestoreException { DocumentSnapshot snapshot = transaction.get(sfDocRef); double newPopulation = snapshot.getDouble("population") + 1; if (newPopulation <= 1000000) { transaction.update(sfDocRef, "population", newPopulation); return newPopulation; } else { throw new FirebaseFirestoreException("Population too high", FirebaseFirestoreException.Code.ABORTED); } } }).addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<Double>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Double result) { Log.d(TAG, "Transaction success: " + result); } }) .addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() { @Override public void onFailure(@NonNull Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "Transaction failure.", e); } });
final sfDocRef = db.collection("cities").doc("SF"); db.runTransaction((transaction) { return transaction.get(sfDocRef).then((sfDoc) { final newPopulation = sfDoc.get("population") + 1; transaction.update(sfDocRef, {"population": newPopulation}); return newPopulation; }); }).then( (newPopulation) => print("Population increased to $newPopulation"), onError: (e) => print("Error updating document $e"), );
// This is not yet supported.
DocumentReference cityRef = db.Collection("cities").Document("SF"); db.RunTransactionAsync(transaction => { return transaction.GetSnapshotAsync(cityRef).ContinueWith((task) => { long newPopulation = task.Result.GetValue<long>("Population") + 1; if (newPopulation <= 1000000) { Dictionary<string, object> updates = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Population", newPopulation} }; transaction.Update(cityRef, updates); return true; } else { return false; } }); }).ContinueWith((transactionResultTask) => { if (transactionResultTask.Result) { Console.WriteLine("Population updated successfully."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Sorry! Population is too big."); } });
- 交易包含寫入作業後的讀取作業。 讀取作業必須一律在任何寫入作業之前執行。
- 交易讀取了在交易外修改的文件。 在這種情況下,交易會自動再次執行。 每項交易的重試次數沒有限制。
交易超出 10 MiB 的最大要求大小上限。
交易大小取決於交易修改的文件和索引項目大小。如果是刪除作業,則包含 以及刪除的索引項目大小 回應作業。
失敗的交易傳回錯誤,也不會將任何內容寫入 資料庫您不需要復原交易,Cloud Firestore 會自動執行這項作業。
如果您不需要讀取作業集合中的任何文件,可以將多個寫入作業做為單一批次執行,其中包含 set()
或 delete()
作業的任何組合。批次中的每項作業都會分別計入 Cloud Firestore 用量。一批寫入完成
import { writeBatch, doc } from "firebase/firestore"; // Get a new write batch const batch = writeBatch(db); // Set the value of 'NYC' const nycRef = doc(db, "cities", "NYC"); batch.set(nycRef, {name: "New York City"}); // Update the population of 'SF' const sfRef = doc(db, "cities", "SF"); batch.update(sfRef, {"population": 1000000}); // Delete the city 'LA' const laRef = doc(db, "cities", "LA"); batch.delete(laRef); // Commit the batch await batch.commit();
// Get a new write batch var batch = db.batch(); // Set the value of 'NYC' var nycRef = db.collection("cities").doc("NYC"); batch.set(nycRef, {name: "New York City"}); // Update the population of 'SF' var sfRef = db.collection("cities").doc("SF"); batch.update(sfRef, {"population": 1000000}); // Delete the city 'LA' var laRef = db.collection("cities").doc("LA"); batch.delete(laRef); // Commit the batch batch.commit().then(() => { // ... });
// Get new write batch let batch = db.batch() // Set the value of 'NYC' let nycRef = db.collection("cities").document("NYC") batch.setData([:], forDocument: nycRef) // Update the population of 'SF' let sfRef = db.collection("cities").document("SF") batch.updateData(["population": 1000000 ], forDocument: sfRef) // Delete the city 'LA' let laRef = db.collection("cities").document("LA") batch.deleteDocument(laRef) // Commit the batch do { try await batch.commit() print("Batch write succeeded.") } catch { print("Error writing batch: \(error)") }
// Get new write batch FIRWriteBatch *batch = [self.db batch]; // Set the value of 'NYC' FIRDocumentReference *nycRef = [[self.db collectionWithPath:@"cities"] documentWithPath:@"NYC"]; [batch setData:@{} forDocument:nycRef]; // Update the population of 'SF' FIRDocumentReference *sfRef = [[self.db collectionWithPath:@"cities"] documentWithPath:@"SF"]; [batch updateData:@{ @"population": @1000000 } forDocument:sfRef]; // Delete the city 'LA' FIRDocumentReference *laRef = [[self.db collectionWithPath:@"cities"] documentWithPath:@"LA"]; [batch deleteDocument:laRef]; // Commit the batch [batch commitWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable error) { if (error != nil) { NSLog(@"Error writing batch %@", error); } else { NSLog(@"Batch write succeeded."); } }];
val nycRef = db.collection("cities").document("NYC") val sfRef = db.collection("cities").document("SF") val laRef = db.collection("cities").document("LA") // Get a new write batch and commit all write operations db.runBatch { batch -> // Set the value of 'NYC' batch.set(nycRef, City()) // Update the population of 'SF' batch.update(sfRef, "population", 1000000L) // Delete the city 'LA' batch.delete(laRef) }.addOnCompleteListener { // ... }
// Get a new write batch WriteBatch batch = db.batch(); // Set the value of 'NYC' DocumentReference nycRef = db.collection("cities").document("NYC"); batch.set(nycRef, new City()); // Update the population of 'SF' DocumentReference sfRef = db.collection("cities").document("SF"); batch.update(sfRef, "population", 1000000L); // Delete the city 'LA' DocumentReference laRef = db.collection("cities").document("LA"); batch.delete(laRef); // Commit the batch batch.commit().addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<Void>() { @Override public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<Void> task) { // ... } });
// Get a new write batch final batch = db.batch(); // Set the value of 'NYC' var nycRef = db.collection("cities").doc("NYC"); batch.set(nycRef, {"name": "New York City"}); // Update the population of 'SF' var sfRef = db.collection("cities").doc("SF"); batch.update(sfRef, {"population": 1000000}); // Delete the city 'LA' var laRef = db.collection("cities").doc("LA"); batch.delete(laRef); // Commit the batch batch.commit().then((_) { // ... });
// Get a new write batch WriteBatch batch = db->batch(); // Set the value of 'NYC' DocumentReference nyc_ref = db->Collection("cities").Document("NYC"); batch.Set(nyc_ref, {}); // Update the population of 'SF' DocumentReference sf_ref = db->Collection("cities").Document("SF"); batch.Update(sf_ref, {{"population", FieldValue::Integer(1000000)}}); // Delete the city 'LA' DocumentReference la_ref = db->Collection("cities").Document("LA"); batch.Delete(la_ref); // Commit the batch batch.Commit().OnCompletion([](const Future<void>& future) { if (future.error() == Error::kErrorOk) { std::cout << "Write batch success!" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Write batch failure: " << future.error_message() << std::endl; } });
WriteBatch batch = db.StartBatch(); // Set the data for NYC DocumentReference nycRef = db.Collection("cities").Document("NYC"); Dictionary<string, object> nycData = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "name", "New York City" } }; batch.Set(nycRef, nycData); // Update the population for SF DocumentReference sfRef = db.Collection("cities").Document("SF"); Dictionary<string, object> updates = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Population", 1000000} }; batch.Update(sfRef, updates); // Delete LA DocumentReference laRef = db.Collection("cities").Document("LA"); batch.Delete(laRef); // Commit the batch batch.CommitAsync();
批次寫入和交易一樣,都是不可分割的。與交易不同 寫入文件時,不需要確保讀取文件不會經過修改,而產生原始檔案 減少故障狀況且不會重試 以及因重試次數過多而導致失敗即使使用者裝置處於離線狀態,系統也會執行批次寫入作業。
包含數百個文件的批次寫入作業可能需要許多索引更新,且可能會超過交易大小限制。在這種情況下,請減少 個文件。如要撰寫大量文件,建議您使用 改為執行大量寫入作業或平行處理個別寫入作業。
針對行動/網路用戶端程式庫,您可以使用 Cloud Firestore Security Rules 驗證資料。如要確保相關文件
使用 getAfter()
安全性規則函式,在一系列作業完成後但在 Cloud Firestore 提交作業前,存取及驗證文件狀態。
舉例來說,假設 cities
」最愛。每個 country
文件都會使用 last_updated
欄位,追蹤上次更新與該國家/地區相關的任何城市的時間。下列安全性規則規定,對 city
文件進行更新時,也必須同時更新相關國家/地區的 last_updated
service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { // If you update a city doc, you must also // update the related country's last_updated field. match /cities/{city} { allow write: if request.auth != null && getAfter( /databases/$(database)/documents/countries/$( ).data.last_updated == request.time; } match /countries/{country} { allow write: if request.auth != null; } } }
交易或批次寫入作業的安全性規則有限制 除了 一般處理批次中每項文件作業的呼叫限制為 10 個
service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{db}/documents { function prefix() { return /databases/{db}/documents; } match /chatroom/{roomId} { allow read, write: if request.auth != null && roomId in get(/$(prefix())/users/$(request.auth.uid)).data.chats || exists(/$(prefix())/admins/$(request.auth.uid)); } match /users/{userId} { allow read, write: if request.auth != null && request.auth.uid == userId || exists(/$(prefix())/admins/$(request.auth.uid)); } match /admins/{userId} { allow read, write: if request.auth != null && exists(/$(prefix())/admins/$(request.auth.uid)); } } }
// 0 document access calls used, because the rules evaluation short-circuits // before the exists() call is invoked. db.collection('user').doc('myuid').get(...); // 1 document access call used. The maximum total allowed for this call // is 10, because it is a single document request. db.collection('chatroom').doc('mygroup').get(...); // Initializing a write batch... var batch = db.batch(); // 2 document access calls used, 10 allowed. var group1Ref = db.collection("chatroom").doc("group1"); batch.set(group1Ref, {msg: "Hello, from Admin!"}); // 1 document access call used, 10 allowed. var newUserRef = db.collection("users").doc("newuser"); batch.update(newUserRef, {"lastSignedIn": new Date()}); // 1 document access call used, 10 allowed. var removedAdminRef = db.collection("admin").doc("otheruser"); batch.delete(removedAdminRef); // The batch used a total of 2 + 1 + 1 = 4 document access calls, out of a total // 20 allowed. batch.commit();