Cloud Firestore 資料組合

Cloud Firestore 資料組合是由您透過 Cloud Firestore 文件和查詢快照建立的靜態資料檔案,且由您在 CDN、代管服務或其他解決方案上發布。資料套件包含您要提供給用戶端應用程式的文件,以及產生這些文件的查詢相關中繼資料。您使用用戶端 SDK 透過網路或本機儲存空間下載套件,然後將套件資料載入 Cloud Firestore 本機快取。載入軟體包後,用戶端應用程式即可從本機快取或後端查詢文件。

有了資料套件,應用程式就能在啟動時更快載入常見查詢結果,不需要呼叫 Cloud Firestore 後端。如果結果是從本機快取載入,您也可以享有較低的存取成本。您只需為將這 100 份文件彙整在一起所需的查詢付費,而不需要為 100 萬個應用程式執行個體付費。

Cloud Firestore 資料組合適用於其他 Firebase 後端產品。請查看由 Cloud Functions 建構的套件,並透過 Firebase Hosting 提供給使用者的整合解決方案


  1. 使用 Admin SDK 建構套件
  2. 從本機儲存空間或 CDN 提供套件
  3. 在用戶端載入套件


資料組合是由您建構的靜態二進位檔案,可用於封裝一或多個文件和/或查詢快照,以及從中擷取已命名查詢。如以下討論,您可以使用伺服器端 SDK 建構套件和用戶端 SDK,藉此將套件載入本機快取。

命名查詢是套裝組合中特別強大的功能。已命名查詢是可從套件擷取的 Query 物件,然後立即用於從快取或後端查詢資料,就像在應用程式內與 Cloud Firestore 通訊的任何部分一樣。


使用 Node.js 或 Java Admin SDK 時,您可以完全控制套件中包含的內容,以及如何放送這些內容。

var bundleId = "latest-stories";

var bundle = firestore.bundle(bundleId);

var docSnapshot = await firestore.doc('stories/stories').get();
var querySnapshot = await firestore.collection('stories').get();

// Build the bundle
// Note how querySnapshot is named "latest-stories-query"
var bundleBuffer = bundle.add(docSnapshot); // Add a document
                   .add('latest-stories-query', querySnapshot) // Add a named query.
Firestore db = FirestoreClient.getFirestore(app);

// Query the 50 latest stories
QuerySnapshot latestStories = db.collection("stories")
    .orderBy("timestamp", Direction.DESCENDING)

// Build the bundle from the query results
FirestoreBundle bundle = db.bundleBuilder("latest-stories")
    .add("latest-stories-query", latestStories)
from import firestore
from import FirestoreBundle

db = firestore.Client()
bundle = FirestoreBundle("latest-stories")

doc_snapshot = db.collection("stories").document("news-item").get()
query = db.collection("stories")._query()

# Build the bundle
# Note how `query` is named "latest-stories-query"
bundle_buffer: str = bundle.add_document(doc_snapshot).add_named_query(
    "latest-stories-query", query,


您可以透過 CDN 或從 Cloud Storage 等位置下載套件至用戶端應用程式。

假設先前建立的套件已儲存至名為 bundle.txt 的檔案,並發布至伺服器。這個套件檔案如同您能透過網路提供的任何其他素材資源,如簡易的 Node.js Express 應用程式所示。

const fs = require('fs');
const server = require('http').createServer();

server.on('request', (req, res) => {
  const src = fs.createReadStream('./bundle.txt');



您可以透過發出 HTTP 要求、呼叫儲存空間 API 或使用其他方法,從遠端伺服器擷取 Firestore 套件,以便在網路上擷取二進位檔案。

擷取完成後,應用程式會使用 Cloud Firestore 用戶端 SDK 呼叫 loadBundle 方法,該方法會傳回工作追蹤物件,您可以監控該物件的完成情形,就像監控 Promise 的狀態一樣。成功完成套件載入工作後,即可在本機快取中找到軟體包內容。


import { loadBundle, namedQuery, getDocsFromCache } from "firebase/firestore";

async function fetchFromBundle() {
  // Fetch the bundle from Firebase Hosting, if the CDN cache is hit the 'X-Cache'
  // response header will be set to 'HIT'
  const resp = await fetch('/createBundle');

  // Load the bundle contents into the Firestore SDK
  await loadBundle(db, resp.body);

  // Query the results from the cache
  const query = await namedQuery(db, 'latest-stories-query');
  const storiesSnap = await getDocsFromCache(query);

  // Use the results
  // ...


// If you are using module bundlers.
import firebase from "firebase/app";
import "firebase/firestore";
import "firebase/firestore/bundle"; // This line enables bundle loading as a side effect.

// ...

async function fetchFromBundle() {
  // Fetch the bundle from Firebase Hosting, if the CDN cache is hit the 'X-Cache'
  // response header will be set to 'HIT'
  const resp = await fetch('/createBundle');

  // Load the bundle contents into the Firestore SDK
  await db.loadBundle(resp.body);

  // Query the results from the cache
  // Note: omitting "source: cache" will query the Firestore backend.
  const query = await db.namedQuery('latest-stories-query');
  const storiesSnap = await query.get({ source: 'cache' });

  // Use the results
  // ...
注意:這項產品不適用於 watchOS 和 App Clip 目標。
// Utility function for errors when loading bundles.
func bundleLoadError(reason: String) -> NSError {
  return NSError(domain: "FIRSampleErrorDomain",
                 code: 0,
                 userInfo: [NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey: reason])

func fetchRemoteBundle(for firestore: Firestore,
                       from url: URL) async throws -> LoadBundleTaskProgress {
  guard let inputStream = InputStream(url: url) else {
    let error = self.bundleLoadError(reason: "Unable to create stream from the given url: \(url)")
    throw error

  return try await firestore.loadBundle(inputStream)

// Fetches a specific named query from the provided bundle.
func loadQuery(named queryName: String,
               fromRemoteBundle bundleURL: URL,
               with store: Firestore) async throws -> Query {
  let _ = try await fetchRemoteBundle(for: store, from: bundleURL)
  if let query = await store.getQuery(named: queryName) {
    return query
  } else {
    throw bundleLoadError(reason: "Could not find query named \(queryName)")

// Load a query and fetch its results from a bundle.
func runStoriesQuery() async {
  let queryName = "latest-stories-query"
  let firestore = Firestore.firestore()
  let remoteBundle = URL(string: "")!

  do {
    let query = try await loadQuery(named: queryName,
                                    fromRemoteBundle: remoteBundle,
                                    with: firestore)
    let snapshot = try await query.getDocuments()
    // handle query results
  } catch {
注意:這項產品不適用於 watchOS 和 App Clip 目標。
// Utility function for errors when loading bundles.
- (NSError *)bundleLoadErrorWithReason:(NSString *)reason {
  return [NSError errorWithDomain:@"FIRSampleErrorDomain"
                         userInfo:@{NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey: reason}];

// Loads a remote bundle from the provided url.
- (void)fetchRemoteBundleForFirestore:(FIRFirestore *)firestore
                              fromURL:(NSURL *)url
                           completion:(void (^)(FIRLoadBundleTaskProgress *_Nullable,
                                                NSError *_Nullable))completion {
  NSInputStream *inputStream = [NSInputStream inputStreamWithURL:url];
  if (inputStream == nil) {
    // Unable to create input stream.
    NSError *error =
        [self bundleLoadErrorWithReason:
            [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Unable to create stream from the given url: %@", url]];
    completion(nil, error);

  [firestore loadBundleStream:inputStream
                   completion:^(FIRLoadBundleTaskProgress * _Nullable progress,
                                NSError * _Nullable error) {
    if (progress == nil) {
      completion(nil, error);

    if (progress.state == FIRLoadBundleTaskStateSuccess) {
      completion(progress, nil);
    } else {
      NSError *concreteError =
          [self bundleLoadErrorWithReason:
              [NSString stringWithFormat:
                  @"Expected bundle load to be completed, but got %ld instead",
      completion(nil, concreteError);
    completion(nil, nil);

// Loads a bundled query.
- (void)loadQueryNamed:(NSString *)queryName
   fromRemoteBundleURL:(NSURL *)url
         withFirestore:(FIRFirestore *)firestore
            completion:(void (^)(FIRQuery *_Nullable, NSError *_Nullable))completion {
  [self fetchRemoteBundleForFirestore:firestore
                           completion:^(FIRLoadBundleTaskProgress *progress, NSError *error) {
    if (error != nil) {
      completion(nil, error);

    [firestore getQueryNamed:queryName completion:^(FIRQuery *query) {
      if (query == nil) {
        NSString *errorReason =
            [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Could not find query named %@", queryName];
        NSError *error = [self bundleLoadErrorWithReason:errorReason];
        completion(nil, error);
      completion(query, nil);

- (void)runStoriesQuery {
  NSString *queryName = @"latest-stories-query";
  FIRFirestore *firestore = [FIRFirestore firestore];
  NSURL *bundleURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
  [self loadQueryNamed:queryName
            completion:^(FIRQuery *query, NSError *error) {
    // Handle query results


fun getBundleStream(urlString: String?): InputStream {
    val url = URL(urlString)
    val connection = url.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
    return connection.inputStream

fun fetchFromBundle() {
    val bundleStream = getBundleStream("")
    val loadTask = db.loadBundle(bundleStream)

    // Chain the following tasks
    // 1) Load the bundle
    // 2) Get the named query from the local cache
    // 3) Execute a get() on the named query
    loadTask.continueWithTask<Query> { task ->
        // Close the stream

        // Calling .result propagates errors
        val progress = task.getResult(

        // Get the named query from the bundle cache
    }.continueWithTask { task ->
        val query = task.getResult(!!

        // get() the query results from the cache
    }.addOnCompleteListener { task ->
        if (!task.isSuccessful) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Bundle loading failed", task.exception)

        // Get the QuerySnapshot from the bundle
        val storiesSnap = task.result

        // Use the results
        // ...


public InputStream getBundleStream(String urlString) throws IOException {
    URL url = new URL(urlString);
    HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
    return connection.getInputStream();

public void fetchBundleFrom() throws IOException {
    final InputStream bundleStream = getBundleStream("");
    LoadBundleTask loadTask = db.loadBundle(bundleStream);

    // Chain the following tasks
    // 1) Load the bundle
    // 2) Get the named query from the local cache
    // 3) Execute a get() on the named query
    loadTask.continueWithTask(new Continuation<LoadBundleTaskProgress, Task<Query>>() {
        public Task<Query> then(@NonNull Task<LoadBundleTaskProgress> task) throws Exception {
            // Close the stream

            // Calling getResult() propagates errors
            LoadBundleTaskProgress progress = task.getResult(Exception.class);

            // Get the named query from the bundle cache
            return db.getNamedQuery("latest-stories-query");
    }).continueWithTask(new Continuation<Query, Task<QuerySnapshot>>() {
        public Task<QuerySnapshot> then(@NonNull Task<Query> task) throws Exception {
            Query query = task.getResult(Exception.class);

            // get() the query results from the cache
            return query.get(Source.CACHE);
    }).addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
        public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<QuerySnapshot> task) {
            if (!task.isSuccessful()) {
                Log.w(TAG, "Bundle loading failed", task.getException());

            // Get the QuerySnapshot from the bundle
            QuerySnapshot storiesSnap = task.getResult();

            // Use the results
            // ...


// Get a bundle from a server
final url = Uri.https('', '/create-bundle');
final response = await http.get(url);
String body = response.body;
final buffer = Uint8List.fromList(body.codeUnits);

// Load a bundle from a buffer
LoadBundleTask task = FirebaseFirestore.instance.loadBundle(buffer);

// Use the cached named query
final results = await FirebaseFirestore.instance.namedQueryGet(
  options: const GetOptions(
    source: Source.cache,
db->LoadBundle("bundle_name", [](const LoadBundleTaskProgress& progress) {
  switch(progress.state()) {
    case LoadBundleTaskProgress::State::kError: {
      // The bundle load has errored. Handle the error in the returned future.
    case LoadBundleTaskProgress::State::kInProgress: {
      std::cout << "Bytes loaded from bundle: " << progress.bytes_loaded()
                << std::endl;
    case LoadBundleTaskProgress::State::kSuccess: {
      std::cout << "Bundle load succeeeded" << std::endl;
}).OnCompletion([db](const Future<LoadBundleTaskProgress>& future) {
  if (future.error() != Error::kErrorOk) {
    // Handle error...

  const std::string& query_name = "latest_stories_query";
  db->NamedQuery(query_name).OnCompletion([](const Future<Query>& query_future){
    if (query_future.error() != Error::kErrorOk) {
      // Handle error...

    const Query* query = query_future.result();
    query->Get().OnCompletion([](const Future<QuerySnapshot> &){
      // ...

請注意,如果您是從在 30 分鐘內建構的套件載入具名查詢,使用從後端讀取 (而非快取) 時,僅須支付更新文件所需的資料庫讀取費用,以符合後端儲存的內容;也就是說,您只需支付差異的費用。
