Google Cloud plugin

The Google Cloud plugin exports Firebase Genkit telemetry and logging data to the Cloud Observability suite, which powers the Firebase AI Monitoring dashboard.


npm i --save @genkit-ai/google-cloud

When running Genkit code locally that includes this plugin, you will also need the Google Cloud CLI tool installed.

Set up a Google Cloud account

This plugin requires a Google Cloud account/project. All Firebase projects include one by default (GCP Console), or you can sign up at

Prior to adding the plugin, make sure that the following APIs are enabled for your GCP project:

These APIs should be listed in the API dashboard for your project.

Click here to learn more about enabling and disabling APIs.

Genkit configuration

To enable Cloud Tracing, Logging, and Monitoring (metrics), simply call enableGoogleCloudTelemetry():

import { enableGoogleCloudTelemetry } from '@genkit-ai/google-cloud';


When running in production, telemetry will be exported automatically.

Authentication and authorization

The plugin requires a Google Cloud project ID and application credentials.

Google Cloud

If deploying your code to a Google Cloud environment (Cloud Functions, Cloud Run, etc), the project ID and credentials will be discovered automatically via Application Default Credentials.

You will need to apply the following roles to the service account that is running your code (i.e. 'attached service account') via the IAM Console:

  • roles/monitoring.metricWriter
  • roles/cloudtrace.agent
  • roles/logging.logWriter

Local Development

When doing local development, in order for your user credentials to be available to the plugin, additional steps are required.

  1. Set the GCLOUD_PROJECT environment variable to your Google Cloud project.

  2. Authenticate using the gcloud CLI:

    gcloud auth application-default login

Production environments outside of Google Cloud

If possible, it is still recommended to leverage the Application Default Credentials process to make credentials available to the plugin.

Typically this involves generating a service account key/pair and deploying those credentials to your production environment.

  1. Follow the instructions to set up a service account key.

  2. Ensure the service account has the following roles:

    • roles/monitoring.metricWriter
    • roles/cloudtrace.agent
    • roles/logging.logWriter
  3. Deploy the credential file to production (do not check into source code)

  4. Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable as the path to the credential file.

    GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS = "path/to/your/key/file"

In some serverless environments, you may not be able to deploy a credential file. In this case, as an alternative to steps 3 & 4 above, you can set the GCLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREDS environment variable with the contents of the credential file as follows:

  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "your-project-id",
  "private_key_id": "your-private-key-id",
  "private_key": "your-private-key",
  "client_email": "your-client-email",
  "client_id": "your-client-id",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "token_uri": "",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
  "client_x509_cert_url": "your-cert-url"

Plugin configuration

The enableGoogleCloudTelemetry() function takes an optional configuration object which configures the OpenTelemetry NodeSDK instance.

import { AlwaysOnSampler } from '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base';

  forceDevExport: false, // Set this to true to export telemetry for local runs
  sampler: new AlwaysOnSampler(),
  autoInstrumentation: true,
  autoInstrumentationConfig: {
    '@opentelemetry/instrumentation-fs': { enabled: false },
    '@opentelemetry/instrumentation-dns': { enabled: false },
    '@opentelemetry/instrumentation-net': { enabled: false },
  metricExportIntervalMillis: 5_000,

The configuration objects allows fine grained control over various aspects of the telemetry export outlined below.


Allows specifying credentials directly using JWTInput from the google-auth library.


For cases where exporting all traces isn't practical, OpenTelemetry allows trace sampling.

There are four preconfigured samplers:

autoInstrumentation & autoInstrumentationConfig

Enabling automatic instrumentation allows OpenTelemetry to capture telemetry data from third-party libraries without the need to modify code.


This field specifies the metrics export interval in milliseconds.


This field specifies the timeout for the metrics export in milliseconds.


Provides an override that disables metrics export while still exporting traces and logs.


Provides an override that disables exporting traces while still exprting metrics and logs.


Provides an override that disables collecting input and output logs.


This option will force Genkit to export telemetry and log data when running in the dev environment (e.g. locally).

Test your integration

When configuring the plugin, use forceDevExport: true to enable telemetry export for local runs. Navigate to the Google Cloud Logs, Metrics, or Trace Explorer to view telemetry.

Google Cloud Observability suite

Once your code (e.g. flow) is deployed, navigate to the Cloud Monitoring dashboard and select your project. From here, you can easily navigate between the Logs, Metrics and Trace explorers for production monitoring.

Logs and traces

From the left hand side menu, click 'Logs explorer' under the 'Explore' heading.

Here, you will see all logs that are associated with your deployed Genkit code, including console.log(). Any log which has the prefix [genkit] is a Genkit-internal log that contains information that may be interesting for debugging purposes. For example, Genkit logs in the format Config[...] contain metadata such as the temperature and topK values for specific LLM inferences. Logs in the format Output[...] contain LLM responses while Input[...] logs contain the prompts. Cloud Logging has robust ACLs that allow fine grained control over access to sensitive logs.

This will bring up a trace preview pane providing a quick glance of the details of the trace. To get to the full details, click the "View in Trace" link at the top right of the pane.

The most prominent navigation element in Cloud Trace is the trace scatter plot. It contains all collected traces in a given time span.

Clicking on each data point will show its details below the scatter plot.

The detailed view contains the flow shape, including all steps, and important timing information. Cloud Trace has the ability to interleave all logs associated with a given trace within this view. Select the "Show expanded" option in the "Logs & events" drop down.

The resultant view allows detailed examination of logs in the context of the trace, including prompts and LLM responses.


Viewing all metrics exported by Genkit can be done by clicking on 'Metrics management' under the 'Configure' heading in the left hand side menu.

The metrics management console contains a tabular view of all collected metrics, including those that pertain to Cloud Run and its surrounding environment. Clicking on the 'Workload' option will reveal a list that includes Genkit-collected metrics. Any metric with the genkit prefix constitutes an internal Genkit metric.

Genkit collects several categories of metrics including: feature, action, and generate. Each metric has several useful dimensions facilitating robust filtering and grouping.

Common dimensions include:

  • flow_name - the top-level name of the flow.
  • flow_path - the span and its parent span chain up to the root span.
  • error_code - in case of an error, the corresponding error code.
  • error_message - in case of an error, the corresponding error message.
  • model - the name of the model.

Feature metrics

Features are the top-level entry-point to your Genkit code. In most cases, this will be a flow. Otherwise, this will be the top-most span in a trace.

Name Type Description
genkit/feature/requests Counter Number of requests
genkit/feature/latency Histogram Execution latency in ms

Each feature metric contains the following dimensions:

Name Description
name The name of the feature. In most cases, this is the top-level Genkit flow
status 'success' or 'failure' depending on whether or not the feature request succeeded
error Only set when status=failure. Contains the error type that caused the failure
source The Genkit source language. Eg. 'ts'
sourceVersion The Genkit framework version

Action metrics

Actions represent a generic step of execution within Genkit. Each of these steps will have the following metrics tracked:

Name Type Description
genkit/action/requests Counter Number of times this action has been executed
genkit/action/latency Histogram Execution latency in ms

Each action metric contains the following dimensions:

Name Description
name The name of the action
featureName The name of the parent feature being executed
path The path of execution from the feature root to this action. eg. '/myFeature/parentAction/thisAction'
status 'success' or 'failure' depending on whether or not the action succeeded
error Only set when status=failure. Contains the error type that caused the failure
source The Genkit source language. Eg. 'ts'
sourceVersion The Genkit framework version

Generate metrics

These are special action metrics relating to actions that interact with a model. In addition to requests and latency, input and output are also tracked, with model specific dimensions that make debugging and configuration tuning easier.

Name Type Description
genkit/ai/generate/requests Counter Number of times this model has been called
genkit/ai/generate/latency Histogram Execution latency in ms
genkit/ai/generate/input/tokens Counter Input tokens
genkit/ai/generate/output/tokens Counter Output tokens
genkit/ai/generate/input/characters Counter Input characters
genkit/ai/generate/output/characters Counter Output characters
genkit/ai/generate/input/images Counter Input images
genkit/ai/generate/output/images Counter Output images
genkit/ai/generate/input/audio Counter Input audio files
genkit/ai/generate/output/audio Counter Output audio files

Each generate metric contains the following dimensions:

Name Description
modelName The name of the model
featureName The name of the parent feature being executed
path The path of execution from the feature root to this action. eg. '/myFeature/parentAction/thisAction'
latencyMs The response time taken by the model
status 'success' or 'failure' depending on whether or not the feature request succeeded
error Only set when status=failure. Contains the error type that caused the failure
source The Genkit source language. Eg. 'ts'
sourceVersion The Genkit framework version

Visualizing metrics can be done through the Metrics Explorer. Using the left hand side menu, click 'Metrics explorer' under the 'Explore' heading.

Select a metrics by clicking on the 'Select a metric' dropdown, selecting 'Generic Node', 'Genkit', and a metric.

The visualization of the metric will depend on its type (counter, histogram, etc). The Metrics Explorer provides robust aggregation and querying facilities to help graph metrics by their various dimensions.

Telemetry delay

There may be a slight delay before telemetry for a particular execution of a flow is displayed in Cloud's operations suite. In most cases, this delay is under 1 minute.

Quotas and limits

There are several quotas that are important to keep in mind:


Cloud Logging, Cloud Trace, and Cloud Monitoring have generous free tiers. Specific pricing can be found at the following links: