עימוד נתונים באמצעות סמני שאילתות

בעזרת הסמן של השאילתה ב-Cloud Firestore, אפשר לפצל נתונים שמוחזרים על ידי שאילתה למקבצים בהתאם לפרמטרים שמגדירים בשאילתה.

הסמן של השאילתה מגדיר את נקודות ההתחלה והסיום של השאילתה, ומאפשר לכם:

  • החזרת קבוצת משנה של הנתונים.
  • עימוד תוצאות השאילתה.

עם זאת, כדי להגדיר טווח ספציפי לשאילתה, צריך להשתמש בשיטה where() שמתוארת בקטע שאילתות פשוטות.

הוספת סמן פשוט לשאילתה

משתמשים ב-method‏ startAt() או ב-method‏ startAfter() כדי להגדיר את נקודת ההתחלה של שאילתה. השיטה startAt() כוללת את נקודת ההתחלה, בעוד שהשיטה startAfter() לא כוללת אותה.

לדוגמה, אם משתמשים ב-startAt(A) בשאילתה, המערכת מחזירה את כל האלפבית. אם משתמשים ב-startAfter(A) במקום זאת, הפונקציה מחזירה את הערך B-Z.

import { query, orderBy, startAt } from "firebase/firestore";  

const q = query(citiesRef, orderBy("population"), startAt(1000000));
הערה: המוצר הזה לא זמין ליעדים של watchOS ו-App Clip.
// Get all cities with population over one million, ordered by population.
  .order(by: "population")
  .start(at: [1000000])
הערה: המוצר הזה לא זמין ליעדים של watchOS ו-App Clip.
// Get all cities with population over one million, ordered by population.
[[[db collectionWithPath:@"cities"]
    queryStartingAtValues:@[ @1000000 ]];
// Get all cities with a population >= 1,000,000, ordered by population,
// Get all cities with a population >= 1,000,000, ordered by population,
Query query = cities.orderBy("population").startAt(4921000L);
cities_ref = db.collection("cities")
query_start_at = cities_ref.order_by("population").start_at({"population": 1000000})
cities_ref = db.collection("cities")
query_start_at = cities_ref.order_by("population").start_at({"population": 1000000})
// Get all cities with a population >= 1,000,000, ordered by population,
const startAtRes = await db.collection('cities')
query := client.Collection("cities").OrderBy("population", firestore.Asc).StartAt(1000000)


מידע נוסף על התקנה ויצירה של לקוח Cloud Firestore זמין במאמר ספריות לקוח של Cloud Firestore.

$query = $citiesRef
Query query = citiesRef.OrderBy("Population").StartAt(1000000);
Query query = citiesRef.OrderBy("Population").StartAt(1000000);
query = cities_ref.order("population").start_at(1_000_000)

באופן דומה, משתמשים בשיטות endAt() או endBefore() כדי להגדיר נקודת קצה לתוצאות השאילתה.

import { query, orderBy, endAt } from "firebase/firestore";  

const q = query(citiesRef, orderBy("population"), endAt(1000000));
הערה: המוצר הזה לא זמין ליעדים של watchOS ו-App Clip.
// Get all cities with population less than one million, ordered by population.
  .order(by: "population")
  .end(at: [1000000])
הערה: המוצר הזה לא זמין ליעדים של watchOS ו-App Clip.
// Get all cities with population less than one million, ordered by population.
[[[db collectionWithPath:@"cities"]
    queryEndingAtValues:@[ @1000000 ]];
// Get all cities with a population <= 1,000,000, ordered by population,
// Get all cities with a population <= 1,000,000, ordered by population,
Query query = cities.orderBy("population").endAt(4921000L);
cities_ref = db.collection("cities")
query_end_at = cities_ref.order_by("population").end_at({"population": 1000000})
cities_ref = db.collection("cities")
query_end_at = cities_ref.order_by("population").end_at({"population": 1000000})
// Get all cities with a population <= 1,000,000, ordered by population,
const endAtRes = await db.collection('cities')
query := client.Collection("cities").OrderBy("population", firestore.Asc).EndAt(1000000)


מידע נוסף על התקנה ויצירה של לקוח Cloud Firestore זמין במאמר ספריות לקוח של Cloud Firestore.

$query = $citiesRef
Query query = citiesRef.OrderBy("Population").EndAt(1000000);
Query query = citiesRef.OrderBy("Population").EndAt(1000000);
query = cities_ref.order("population").end_at(1_000_000)

שימוש בתמונת מצב של מסמך כדי להגדיר את הסמן של השאילתה

אפשר גם להעביר תמונת מצב של מסמך לתנאי הסמן בתור נקודת ההתחלה או נקודת הסיום של הסמן של השאילתה. הערכים בתמונת המצב של המסמך משמשים כערכים בסמן השאילתה.

לדוגמה, אפשר לצלם קובץ snapshot של המסמך 'תל אביב' במערך הנתונים של ערים ואוכלוסיות. לאחר מכן, משתמשים בתמונת המצב של המסמך כנקודת ההתחלה של הסמן של שאילתת האוכלוסייה. השאילתה תחזיר את כל הערים עם אוכלוסייה גדולה מזו של סן פרנסיסקו או שווה לה, כפי שהוגדר בתמונת המצב של המסמך.

import { collection, doc, getDoc, query, orderBy, startAt } from "firebase/firestore";  
const citiesRef = collection(db, "cities");

const docSnap = await getDoc(doc(citiesRef, "SF"));

// Get all cities with a population bigger than San Francisco
const biggerThanSf = query(citiesRef, orderBy("population"), startAt(docSnap));
// ...
var citiesRef = db.collection("cities");

return citiesRef.doc("SF").get().then((doc) => {
    // Get all cities with a population bigger than San Francisco
    var biggerThanSf = citiesRef

    // ...
הערה: המוצר הזה לא זמין ליעדים של watchOS ו-App Clip.
  .addSnapshotListener { (document, error) in
    guard let document = document else {
      print("Error retreving cities: \(error.debugDescription)")

    // Get all cities with a population greater than or equal to San Francisco.
    let sfSizeOrBigger = db.collection("cities")
      .order(by: "population")
      .start(atDocument: document)
הערה: המוצר הזה לא זמין ליעדים של watchOS ו-App Clip.
[[[db collectionWithPath:@"cities"] documentWithPath:@"SF"]
    addSnapshotListener:^(FIRDocumentSnapshot *snapshot, NSError *error) {
      if (snapshot == nil) {
        NSLog(@"Error retreiving cities: %@", error);
      // Get all cities with a population greater than or equal to San Francisco.
      FIRQuery *sfSizeOrBigger = [[[db collectionWithPath:@"cities"]
// Get the data for "San Francisco"
    .addOnSuccessListener { documentSnapshot ->
        // Get all cities with a population bigger than San Francisco.
        val biggerThanSf = db.collection("cities")

        // ...
// Get the data for "San Francisco"
        .addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<DocumentSnapshot>() {
            public void onSuccess(DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) {
                // Get all cities with a population bigger than San Francisco.
                Query biggerThanSf = db.collection("cities")

                // ...
  (documentSnapshot) {
    final biggerThanSf = db
  onError: (e) => print("Error: $e"),
// Fetch the snapshot with an API call, waiting for a maximum of 30 seconds for a result.
ApiFuture<DocumentSnapshot> future = db.collection("cities").document("SF").get();
DocumentSnapshot snapshot = future.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

// Construct the query
Query query = db.collection("cities").orderBy("population").startAt(snapshot);
doc_ref = db.collection("cities").document("SF")

snapshot = doc_ref.get()
start_at_snapshot = (
doc_ref = db.collection("cities").document("SF")

snapshot = await doc_ref.get()
start_at_snapshot = (
    [db](const Future<DocumentSnapshot>& future) {
      if (future.error() == Error::kErrorOk) {
        const DocumentSnapshot& document_snapshot = *future.result();
        Query bigger_than_sf = db->Collection("cities")
        // ...
const docRef = db.collection('cities').doc('SF');
const snapshot = await docRef.get();
const startAtSnapshot = db.collection('cities')

await startAtSnapshot.limit(10).get();
cities := client.Collection("cities")
dsnap, err := cities.Doc("SF").Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
query := cities.OrderBy("population", firestore.Asc).StartAt(dsnap.Data()["population"]).Documents(ctx)


מידע נוסף על התקנה ויצירה של לקוח Cloud Firestore זמין במאמר ספריות לקוח של Cloud Firestore.

$citiesRef = $db->collection('samples/php/cities');
$docRef = $citiesRef->document('SF');
$snapshot = $docRef->snapshot();

$query = $citiesRef
CollectionReference citiesRef = db.Collection("cities");
DocumentReference docRef = citiesRef.Document("SF");
docRef.GetSnapshotAsync().ContinueWith((snapshotTask) =>
    Query query = citiesRef.OrderBy("Population").StartAt(snapshotTask.Result);
CollectionReference citiesRef = db.Collection("cities");
DocumentReference docRef = citiesRef.Document("SF");
DocumentSnapshot snapshot = await docRef.GetSnapshotAsync();
Query query = citiesRef.OrderBy("Population").StartAt(snapshot);
doc_ref = firestore.doc "#{collection_path}/SF"
snapshot = doc_ref.get
query = cities_ref.order("population").start_at(snapshot)

חלוקה לדפים של שאילתה

כדי לפצל שאילתות לדפים, משלבים בין סמני שאילתות לבין השיטה limit(). לדוגמה, אפשר להשתמש במסמך האחרון בקבוצה כתחילת הסמן של הקבוצה הבאה.

import { collection, query, orderBy, startAfter, limit, getDocs } from "firebase/firestore";  

// Query the first page of docs
const first = query(collection(db, "cities"), orderBy("population"), limit(25));
const documentSnapshots = await getDocs(first);

// Get the last visible document
const lastVisible = documentSnapshots.docs[documentSnapshots.docs.length-1];
console.log("last", lastVisible);

// Construct a new query starting at this document,
// get the next 25 cities.
const next = query(collection(db, "cities"),
var first = db.collection("cities")

return first.get().then((documentSnapshots) => {
  // Get the last visible document
  var lastVisible = documentSnapshots.docs[documentSnapshots.docs.length-1];
  console.log("last", lastVisible);

  // Construct a new query starting at this document,
  // get the next 25 cities.
  var next = db.collection("cities")
הערה: המוצר הזה לא זמין ליעדים של watchOS ו-App Clip.
// Construct query for first 25 cities, ordered by population
let first = db.collection("cities")
  .order(by: "population")
  .limit(to: 25)

first.addSnapshotListener { (snapshot, error) in
  guard let snapshot = snapshot else {
    print("Error retreving cities: \(error.debugDescription)")

  guard let lastSnapshot = snapshot.documents.last else {
    // The collection is empty.

  // Construct a new query starting after this document,
  // retrieving the next 25 cities.
  let next = db.collection("cities")
    .order(by: "population")
    .start(afterDocument: lastSnapshot)

  // Use the query for pagination.
  // ...
הערה: המוצר הזה לא זמין ליעדים של watchOS ו-App Clip.
FIRQuery *first = [[[db collectionWithPath:@"cities"]
[first addSnapshotListener:^(FIRQuerySnapshot *snapshot, NSError *error) {
  if (snapshot == nil) {
    NSLog(@"Error retreiving cities: %@", error);
  if (snapshot.documents.count == 0) { return; }
  FIRDocumentSnapshot *lastSnapshot = snapshot.documents.lastObject;

  // Construct a new query starting after this document,
  // retreiving the next 25 cities.
  FIRQuery *next = [[[db collectionWithPath:@"cities"]
  // Use the query for pagination.
  // ...
// Construct query for first 25 cities, ordered by population
val first = db.collection("cities")

    .addOnSuccessListener { documentSnapshots ->
        // ...

        // Get the last visible document
        val lastVisible = documentSnapshots.documents[documentSnapshots.size() - 1]

        // Construct a new query starting at this document,
        // get the next 25 cities.
        val next = db.collection("cities")

        // Use the query for pagination
        // ...
// Construct query for first 25 cities, ordered by population
Query first = db.collection("cities")

    .addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
        public void onSuccess(QuerySnapshot documentSnapshots) {
            // ...

            // Get the last visible document
            DocumentSnapshot lastVisible = documentSnapshots.getDocuments()
                    .get(documentSnapshots.size() -1);

            // Construct a new query starting at this document,
            // get the next 25 cities.
            Query next = db.collection("cities")

            // Use the query for pagination
            // ...
// Construct query for first 25 cities, ordered by population
final first = db.collection("cities").orderBy("population").limit(25);

  (documentSnapshots) {
    // Get the last visible document
    final lastVisible = documentSnapshots.docs[documentSnapshots.size - 1];

    // Construct a new query starting at this document,
    // get the next 25 cities.
    final next = db

    // Use the query for pagination
    // ...
  onError: (e) => print("Error completing: $e"),
// Construct query for first 25 cities, ordered by population.
CollectionReference cities = db.collection("cities");
Query firstPage = cities.orderBy("population").limit(25);

// Wait for the results of the API call, waiting for a maximum of 30 seconds for a result.
ApiFuture<QuerySnapshot> future = firstPage.get();
List<QueryDocumentSnapshot> docs = future.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS).getDocuments();

// Construct query for the next 25 cities.
QueryDocumentSnapshot lastDoc = docs.get(docs.size() - 1);
Query secondPage = cities.orderBy("population").startAfter(lastDoc).limit(25);

future = secondPage.get();
docs = future.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS).getDocuments();
cities_ref = db.collection("cities")
first_query = cities_ref.order_by("population").limit(3)

# Get the last document from the results
docs = first_query.stream()
last_doc = list(docs)[-1]

# Construct a new query starting at this document
# Note: this will not have the desired effect if
# multiple cities have the exact same population value
last_pop = last_doc.to_dict()["population"]

next_query = (
    cities_ref.order_by("population").start_after({"population": last_pop}).limit(3)
# Use the query for pagination
# ...
cities_ref = db.collection("cities")
first_query = cities_ref.order_by("population").limit(3)

# Get the last document from the results
docs = [d async for d in first_query.stream()]
last_doc = list(docs)[-1]

# Construct a new query starting at this document
# Note: this will not have the desired effect if
# multiple cities have the exact same population value
last_pop = last_doc.to_dict()["population"]

next_query = (
    cities_ref.order_by("population").start_after({"population": last_pop}).limit(3)
# Use the query for pagination
# ...
// Construct query for first 25 cities, ordered by population
Query first = db->Collection("cities").OrderBy("population").Limit(25);

first.Get().OnCompletion([db](const Future<QuerySnapshot>& future) {
  if (future.error() != Error::kErrorOk) {
    // Handle error...

  // Get the last visible document
  const QuerySnapshot& document_snapshots = *future.result();
  std::vector<DocumentSnapshot> documents = document_snapshots.documents();
  const DocumentSnapshot& last_visible = documents.back();

  // Construct a new query starting at this document,
  // get the next 25 cities.
  Query next = db->Collection("cities")

  // Use the query for pagination
  // ...
const first = db.collection('cities')

const snapshot = await first.get();

// Get the last document
const last = snapshot.docs[snapshot.docs.length - 1];

// Construct a new query starting at this document.
// Note: this will not have the desired effect if multiple
// cities have the exact same population value.
const next = db.collection('cities')

// Use the query for pagination
// ...
cities := client.Collection("cities")

// Get the first 25 cities, ordered by population.
firstPage := cities.OrderBy("population", firestore.Asc).Limit(25).Documents(ctx)
docs, err := firstPage.GetAll()
if err != nil {
	return err

// Get the last document.
lastDoc := docs[len(docs)-1]

// Construct a new query to get the next 25 cities.
secondPage := cities.OrderBy("population", firestore.Asc).

// ...


מידע נוסף על התקנה ויצירה של לקוח Cloud Firestore זמין במאמר ספריות לקוח של Cloud Firestore.

$citiesRef = $db->collection('samples/php/cities');
$firstQuery = $citiesRef->orderBy('population')->limit(3);

# Get the last document from the results
$documents = $firstQuery->documents();
$lastPopulation = 0;
foreach ($documents as $document) {
    $lastPopulation = $document['population'];

# Construct a new query starting at this document
# Note: this will not have the desired effect if multiple cities have the exact same population value
$nextQuery = $citiesRef->orderBy('population')->startAfter([$lastPopulation]);
$snapshot = $nextQuery->documents();
CollectionReference citiesRef = db.Collection("cities");
Query firstQuery = citiesRef.OrderBy("Population").Limit(3);

// Get the last document from the results
firstQuery.GetSnapshotAsync().ContinueWith((querySnapshotTask) =>
    long lastPopulation = 0;
    foreach (DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot in querySnapshotTask.Result.Documents)
        lastPopulation = documentSnapshot.GetValue<long>("Population");

    // Construct a new query starting at this document.
    // Note: this will not have the desired effect if multiple cities have the exact same population value
    Query secondQuery = citiesRef.OrderBy("Population").StartAfter(lastPopulation);
    Task<QuerySnapshot> secondQuerySnapshot = secondQuery.GetSnapshotAsync();
CollectionReference citiesRef = db.Collection("cities");
Query firstQuery = citiesRef.OrderBy("Population").Limit(3);

// Get the last document from the results
QuerySnapshot querySnapshot = await firstQuery.GetSnapshotAsync();
long lastPopulation = 0;
foreach (DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot in querySnapshot.Documents)
    lastPopulation = documentSnapshot.GetValue<long>("Population");

// Construct a new query starting at this document.
// Note: this will not have the desired effect if multiple cities have the exact same population value
Query secondQuery = citiesRef.OrderBy("Population").StartAfter(lastPopulation);
QuerySnapshot secondQuerySnapshot = await secondQuery.GetSnapshotAsync();
cities_ref  = firestore.col collection_path
first_query = cities_ref.order("population").limit(3)

# Get the last document from the results.
last_population = 0
first_query.get do |city|
  last_population = city.data[:population]

# Construct a new query starting at this document.
# Note: this will not have the desired effect if multiple cities have the exact same population value.
second_query = cities_ref.order("population").start_after(last_population)
second_query.get do |city|
  puts "Document #{city.document_id} returned by paginated query cursor."

הגדרת הסמן על סמך כמה שדות

כשמשתמשים בסמן שמבוסס על ערך שדה (ולא על DocumentSnapshot), אפשר להוסיף שדות נוספים כדי למקם את הסמן בצורה מדויקת יותר. האפשרות הזו שימושית במיוחד אם קבוצת הנתונים כוללת כמה מסמכים עם אותו ערך בשדה הסמן, וכתוצאה מכך המיקום של הסמן לא ברור. אפשר להוסיף ערכי שדות נוספים לסמן כדי לציין בצורה מדויקת יותר את נקודת ההתחלה או הסיום, וכדי לצמצם את הבלבול.

לדוגמה, בקבוצת נתונים שמכילה את כל הערים שנקראות 'Springfield' בארצות הברית, יהיו כמה נקודות התחלה לשאילתה שמוגדרת להתחיל ב-'Springfield':

שם מדינה
Springfield מסצ'וסטס
Springfield מיסורי
Springfield וויסקונסין

כדי להתחיל ב-Springfield ספציפי, אפשר להוסיף את המדינה כתנאי משני בפסקת הסמן.

// Will return all Springfields
import { collection, query, orderBy, startAt } from "firebase/firestore";  
const q1 = query(collection(db, "cities"),

// Will return "Springfield, Missouri" and "Springfield, Wisconsin"
const q2 = query(collection(db, "cities"),
   startAt("Springfield", "Missouri"));
// Will return all Springfields

// Will return "Springfield, Missouri" and "Springfield, Wisconsin"
   .startAt("Springfield", "Missouri");
הערה: המוצר הזה לא זמין ליעדים של watchOS ו-App Clip.
// Will return all Springfields
  .order(by: "name")
  .order(by: "state")
  .start(at: ["Springfield"])

// Will return "Springfield, Missouri" and "Springfield, Wisconsin"
  .order(by: "name")
  .order(by: "state")
  .start(at: ["Springfield", "Missouri"])
הערה: המוצר הזה לא זמין ליעדים של watchOS ו-App Clip.
// Will return all Springfields
[[[[db collectionWithPath:@"cities"]
    queryStartingAtValues:@[ @"Springfield" ]];
// Will return "Springfield, Missouri" and "Springfield, Wisconsin"
[[[[db collectionWithPath:@"cities"]
   queryStartingAtValues:@[ @"Springfield", @"Missouri" ]];
// Will return all Springfields

// Will return "Springfield, Missouri" and "Springfield, Wisconsin"
    .startAt("Springfield", "Missouri")
// Will return all Springfields

// Will return "Springfield, Missouri" and "Springfield, Wisconsin"
        .startAt("Springfield", "Missouri");
// Will return all Springfields

// Will return "Springfield, Missouri" and "Springfield, Wisconsin"
    .startAt(["Springfield", "Missouri"]);
// Will return all Springfields
Query query1 = db.collection("cities").orderBy("name").orderBy("state").startAt("Springfield");

// Will return "Springfield, Missouri" and "Springfield, Wisconsin"
Query query2 =
    db.collection("cities").orderBy("name").orderBy("state").startAt("Springfield", "Missouri");
start_at_name = (
    db.collection("cities").order_by("name").start_at({"name": "Springfield"})

start_at_name_and_state = (
    .start_at({"name": "Springfield", "state": "Missouri"})
start_at_name = (
    .start_at({"name": "Springfield"})

start_at_name_and_state = (
    .start_at({"name": "Springfield", "state": "Missouri"})
// This is not yet supported.
// Will return all Springfields
const startAtNameRes = await db.collection('cities')

// Will return 'Springfield, Missouri' and 'Springfield, Wisconsin'
const startAtNameAndStateRes = await db.collection('cities')
  .startAt('Springfield', 'Missouri')
// Will return all Springfields.
	OrderBy("name", firestore.Asc).
	OrderBy("state", firestore.Asc).

// Will return Springfields where state comes after Wisconsin.
	OrderBy("name", firestore.Asc).
	OrderBy("state", firestore.Asc).
	StartAt("Springfield", "Wisconsin")


מידע נוסף על התקנה ויצירה של לקוח Cloud Firestore זמין במאמר ספריות לקוח של Cloud Firestore.

// Will return all Springfields
$query1 = $db

// Will return "Springfield, Missouri" and "Springfield, Wisconsin"
$query2 = $db
    ->startAt(['Springfield', 'Missouri']);
Query query1 = db.Collection("cities").OrderBy("Name").OrderBy("State").StartAt("Springfield");
Query query2 = db.Collection("cities").OrderBy("Name").OrderBy("State").StartAt("Springfield", "Missouri");
Query query1 = db.Collection("cities").OrderBy("Name").OrderBy("State").StartAt("Springfield");
Query query2 = db.Collection("cities").OrderBy("Name").OrderBy("State").StartAt("Springfield", "Missouri");
# Will return all Springfields
query1 = firestore.col(collection_path).order("name").order("state").start_at("Springfield")

# Will return "Springfield, Missouri" and "Springfield, Wisconsin"
query2 = firestore.col(collection_path).order("name").order("state").start_at(["Springfield", "Missouri"])