Ollama plugin

The Ollama plugin provides interfaces to any of the local LLMs supported by Ollama.


npm i --save genkitx-ollama


This plugin requires that you first install and run ollama server. You can follow the instructions on: https://ollama.com/download

You can use the Ollama CLI to download the model you are interested in. For example:

ollama pull gemma

To use this plugin, specify it when you call configureGenkit().

import { ollama } from 'genkitx-ollama';

export default configureGenkit({
  plugins: [
      models: [
          name: 'gemma',
          type: 'generate', // type: 'chat' | 'generate' | undefined
      serverAddress: '', // default local address


If you would like to access remote deployments of ollama that require custom headers (static, such as API keys, or dynamic, such as auth headers), you can specify those in the ollama config plugin:

Static headers:

  models: [{ name: 'gemma'}],
  requestHeaders: {
    'api-key': 'API Key goes here'
  serverAddress: 'https://my-deployment',

You can also dynamically set headers per request. Here's an example of how to set an ID token using the Google Auth library:

import { GoogleAuth } from 'google-auth-library';
import { ollama, OllamaPluginParams } from 'genkitx-ollama';
import { configureGenkit, isDevEnv } from '@genkit-ai/core';

const ollamaCommon = { models: [{ name: 'gemma:2b' }] };

const ollamaDev = {
  serverAddress: '',
} as OllamaPluginParams;

const ollamaProd = {
  serverAddress: 'https://my-deployment',
  requestHeaders: async (params) => {
    const headers = await fetchWithAuthHeader(params.serverAddress);
    return { Authorization: headers['Authorization'] };
} as OllamaPluginParams;

export default configureGenkit({
  plugins: [
    ollama(isDevEnv() ? ollamaDev : ollamaProd),

// Function to lazily load GoogleAuth client
let auth: GoogleAuth;
function getAuthClient() {
  if (!auth) {
    auth = new GoogleAuth();
  return auth;

// Function to fetch headers, reusing tokens when possible
async function fetchWithAuthHeader(url: string) {
  const client = await getIdTokenClient(url);
  const headers = await client.getRequestHeaders(url); // Auto-manages token refresh
  return headers;

async function getIdTokenClient(url: string) {
  const auth = getAuthClient();
  const client = await auth.getIdTokenClient(url);
  return client;


This plugin doesn't statically export model references. Specify one of the models you configured using a string identifier:

const llmResponse = await generate({
  model: 'ollama/gemma',
  prompt: 'Tell me a joke.',