You can install (and manage) any of the official Firebase extensions using either the Firebase console or the Firebase CLI (command-line interface).
Make sure to review the differences in the supported actions for the Firebase CLI and Firebase console.
To install or manage extensions, you must be assigned one of these roles: Owner or Editor or Firebase Admin.
To install an extension, your project must be on the Blaze (pay as you go) plan. Although there is no charge for installing an extension, you might be charged for your use of Firebase services or Cloud services such as Cloud Secret Manager, if your usage exceeds the services' free tier.
Before you begin
If you haven't already, add Firebase to your project and upgrade your Firebase project to the Blaze (pay as you go) plan.
Step 1: View detailed information about an extension
This step is optional, but strongly recommended.
Before installing a Firebase Extension, we recommend that you review detailed information about the extension, including:
- How the extension works, any pre-installation tasks, and details about the extension
- General identifying information and description
- Whether the extension's tasks require a billing account
- Google services (APIs) and access roles required for operation
- Resources created for the extension (like functions)
- Descriptions of user-configurable parameters
To view an extension's detailed information:
Browse official Firebase extensions in the Extensions Hub.
Click an extension's card to:
Display the detailed information for the extension.
Find the link to the extension's source code in the Firebase Extensions source repository.
In the extension's extension directory, you can view this detailed information in the
Step 2: Install an extension
During the installation process, you'll be prompted to review the basic specifications for the extension (such as APIs enabled, resources created, access granted, etc.). You'll be notified of any billing requirements, and you'll also be prompted to specify values for the extension's configurable parameters.
Browse official Firebase extensions in the Extensions Hub.
Click an extension's card, then review the detailed information for the extension, which can offer specific usage instructions and any pre-installation tasks.
Click Install, then follow the on-screen instructions to install the extension.
Step 3: Complete post-install setup
Some extensions have required or optional steps for you to complete before using them. Find these instructions in your extension's post-install details page in the Extensions dashboard of the Firebase console (the specific link to the dashboard is displayed in the terminal after installation).
You can also find these instructions in the
file included in
the extension's source directory.
Create Firebase resources
If you configured the extension to use Firebase resources (Cloud Firestore collections, Realtime Database paths, Cloud Storage buckets) that don't already exist, create them before using the extension.
Create Eventarc event handlers
Some extensions publish to Eventarc when important events happen during execution. If an extension publishes events and you enabled events during installation, you can write functions that react to these events with your own custom logic. This can be useful, for example, to notify users when long-running tasks complete, or to post-process the output of an extension function.
See the extension's documentation for a list of events (if any) it publishes. For example, see the event types for the Run Payments with Stripe extension.
Then, see Custom event triggers for information on writing Eventarc event handlers.
Install multiple extension instances
You can install the same extension more than once in the same project. Each installed instance can have its own customized configuration and its own extension resources. You identify and refer to each installed instance using its instance ID, which is unique within your project. You'll be prompted to confirm or edit the instance ID of each additional instance of the extension you install.
Next Steps
View the details and the configuration of your installed extension in the Firebase console.
Monitor the activity of your installed extension, including checks on its health, usage, and logs.
Using the Firebase console, manage your installed extension. For official Firebase extensions, you can reconfigure or uninstall your extension, as well as update your extension to the latest version.
As a best practice for all projects, make sure to set up budget alerts for your project and monitor your Usage and billing dashboard in the Firebase console.