您可以通过将多个身份验证提供方凭据关联至现有用户账号,让用户可以使用多个身份验证提供方登录您的应用。无论用户使用哪个身份验证提供方登录,系统均可通过同一 Firebase 用户 ID 识别用户。例如,使用密码登录的用户可以关联 Google 账号,以后便可使用这两种方法中的任意一种登录。或者,匿名用户可以关联 Facebook 账号,以后就可以使用 Facebook 账号登录并继续使用您的应用。
- 使用任意身份验证提供方或方法让用户登录。
- 按照新身份验证提供方的登录流程逐步进行,直到需要调用某一
方法时停止。例如:获取用户的 Google ID 令牌、Facebook 访问令牌或电子邮件地址和密码。 为此新身份验证提供方获取
:Google 登录
guard let authentication = user?.authentication, let idToken = authentication.idToken else { return } let credential = GoogleAuthProvider.credential(withIDToken: idToken, accessToken: authentication.accessToken)
FIRAuthCredential *credential = [FIRGoogleAuthProvider credentialWithIDToken:result.user.idToken.tokenString accessToken:result.user.accessToken.tokenString];
Facebook 登录
let credential = FacebookAuthProvider .credential(withAccessToken: AccessToken.current!.tokenString)
FIRAuthCredential *credential = [FIRFacebookAuthProvider credentialWithAccessToken:[FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken].tokenString];
let credential = EmailAuthProvider.credential(withEmail: email, password: password)
FIRAuthCredential *credential = [FIREmailAuthProvider credentialWithEmail:email password:password];
方法:user.link(with: credential) { authResult, error in // ... } }
[[FIRAuth auth].currentUser linkWithCredential:credential completion:^(FIRAuthDataResult *result, NSError *_Nullable error) { // ... }];
调用将会失败。在这种情况下,您必须根据需要为您的应用合并账号和相关数据:let prevUser = Auth.auth().currentUser Auth.auth().signIn(with: credential) { authResult, error in if let error = error { let authError = error as NSError if isMFAEnabled, authError.code == AuthErrorCode.secondFactorRequired.rawValue { // The user is a multi-factor user. Second factor challenge is required. let resolver = authError .userInfo[AuthErrorUserInfoMultiFactorResolverKey] as! MultiFactorResolver var displayNameString = "" for tmpFactorInfo in resolver.hints { displayNameString += tmpFactorInfo.displayName ?? "" displayNameString += " " } self.showTextInputPrompt( withMessage: "Select factor to sign in\n\(displayNameString)", completionBlock: { userPressedOK, displayName in var selectedHint: PhoneMultiFactorInfo? for tmpFactorInfo in resolver.hints { if displayName == tmpFactorInfo.displayName { selectedHint = tmpFactorInfo as? PhoneMultiFactorInfo } } PhoneAuthProvider.provider() .verifyPhoneNumber(with: selectedHint!, uiDelegate: nil, multiFactorSession: resolver .session) { verificationID, error in if error != nil { print( "Multi factor start sign in failed. Error: \(error.debugDescription)" ) } else { self.showTextInputPrompt( withMessage: "Verification code for \(selectedHint?.displayName ?? "")", completionBlock: { userPressedOK, verificationCode in let credential: PhoneAuthCredential? = PhoneAuthProvider.provider() .credential(withVerificationID: verificationID!, verificationCode: verificationCode!) let assertion: MultiFactorAssertion? = PhoneMultiFactorGenerator .assertion(with: credential!) resolver.resolveSignIn(with: assertion!) { authResult, error in if error != nil { print( "Multi factor finanlize sign in failed. Error: \(error.debugDescription)" ) } else { self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true) } } } ) } } } ) } else { self.showMessagePrompt(error.localizedDescription) return } // ... return } // User is signed in // ... } // Merge prevUser and currentUser accounts and data // ... }
FIRUser *prevUser = [FIRAuth auth].currentUser; [[FIRAuth auth] signInWithCredential:credential completion:^(FIRAuthDataResult * _Nullable authResult, NSError * _Nullable error) { if (isMFAEnabled && error && error.code == FIRAuthErrorCodeSecondFactorRequired) { FIRMultiFactorResolver *resolver = error.userInfo[FIRAuthErrorUserInfoMultiFactorResolverKey]; NSMutableString *displayNameString = [NSMutableString string]; for (FIRMultiFactorInfo *tmpFactorInfo in resolver.hints) { [displayNameString appendString:tmpFactorInfo.displayName]; [displayNameString appendString:@" "]; } [self showTextInputPromptWithMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Select factor to sign in\n%@", displayNameString] completionBlock:^(BOOL userPressedOK, NSString *_Nullable displayName) { FIRPhoneMultiFactorInfo* selectedHint; for (FIRMultiFactorInfo *tmpFactorInfo in resolver.hints) { if ([displayName isEqualToString:tmpFactorInfo.displayName]) { selectedHint = (FIRPhoneMultiFactorInfo *)tmpFactorInfo; } } [FIRPhoneAuthProvider.provider verifyPhoneNumberWithMultiFactorInfo:selectedHint UIDelegate:nil multiFactorSession:resolver.session completion:^(NSString * _Nullable verificationID, NSError * _Nullable error) { if (error) { [self showMessagePrompt:error.localizedDescription]; } else { [self showTextInputPromptWithMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Verification code for %@", selectedHint.displayName] completionBlock:^(BOOL userPressedOK, NSString *_Nullable verificationCode) { FIRPhoneAuthCredential *credential = [[FIRPhoneAuthProvider provider] credentialWithVerificationID:verificationID verificationCode:verificationCode]; FIRMultiFactorAssertion *assertion = [FIRPhoneMultiFactorGenerator assertionWithCredential:credential]; [resolver resolveSignInWithAssertion:assertion completion:^(FIRAuthDataResult * _Nullable authResult, NSError * _Nullable error) { if (error) { [self showMessagePrompt:error.localizedDescription]; } else { NSLog(@"Multi factor finanlize sign in succeeded."); } }]; }]; } }]; }]; } else if (error) { // ... return; } // User successfully signed in. Get user data from the FIRUser object if (authResult == nil) { return; } FIRUser *user = authResult.user; // ... }]; // Merge prevUser and currentUser accounts and data // ... }];
如果对 linkWithCredential:completion:
的调用成功,用户现在便可使用关联的任意身份验证提供方服务进行登录,并访问相同的 Firebase 数据。
如需取消身份验证提供方与用户账号的关联,请将提供方 ID 传递给 unlink
方法。您可以从 providerData
属性中获取与用户相关联的身份验证提供方的 ID。
Auth.auth().currentUser?.unlink(fromProvider: providerID!) { user, error in // ... }
[[FIRAuth auth].currentUser unlinkFromProvider:providerID completion:^(FIRUser *_Nullable user, NSError *_Nullable error) { // ... }];