為 Cloud Functions 啟用 App Check 強制執行功能

瞭解 App Check 對使用者的影響後,如果您已準備好繼續操作,可以為可叫用的函式啟用 App Check 強制執行功能。


如要在可呼叫的函式中開始強制執行 App Check 權杖規定,請修改函式,以便檢查有效的 App Check 權杖,如下所示。啟用強制執行功能後,所有未經驗證的要求都會遭到拒絕。

  1. 安裝 Cloud Functions SDK。

    將專案的 firebase-functions 依附元件更新至 4.0.0 以上版本:

    npm install firebase-functions@">=4.0.0"

    將專案的 firebase-functions 依附元件更新至 4.0.0 以上版本:

    npm install firebase-functions@">=4.0.0"

    firebase-functions 新增至 functions/requirements.txt

    firebase-functions >= 0.1.0


    ./venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. 為函式啟用 App Check 執行階段強制執行選項:

    const functions = require("firebase-functions/v1");
    exports.yourV1CallableFunction = functions
          enforceAppCheck: true, // Reject requests with missing or invalid App Check tokens.
      .https.onCall((data, context) => {
            // context.app contains data from App Check, including the app ID.
            // Your function logic follows.
    const { onCall } = require("firebase-functions/v2/https");
    exports.yourV2CallableFunction = onCall(
        enforceAppCheck: true, // Reject requests with missing or invalid App Check tokens.
      (request) => {
        // request.app contains data from App Check, including the app ID.
        // Your function logic follows.
    from firebase_functions import https_fn
        enforce_app_check=True  # Reject requests with missing or invalid App Check tokens.
    def your_callable_function(req: https_fn.CallableRequest) -> https_fn.Response:
        # req.app contains data from App Check, including the app ID.
        # Your function logic follows.
  3. 重新部署函式:

    firebase deploy --only functions

這些變更部署完成後,可呼叫的函式就會需要有效的 App Check 權杖。當您呼叫可呼叫的函式時,Cloud Functions 用戶端 SDK 會自動附加 App Check 權杖。

重播防護 (Beta 版)

為避免可呼叫的函式遭到重播攻擊,您可以在驗證後使用 App Check 權杖。權杖使用完畢後,就無法再次使用。



  1. Cloud 控制台中,將「Firebase App Check 權杖驗證工具」角色授予函式使用的服務帳戶。

    • 如果您明確初始化 Admin SDK,並指定專案的 Admin SDK 服務帳戶憑證,系統就會授予必要的角色。
    • 如果您使用第 1 代 Cloud Functions 搭配預設的 Admin SDK 設定,請將角色授予 App Engine 預設服務帳戶。請參閱「變更服務帳戶權限」。
    • 如果您使用第 2 代 Cloud Functions 搭配預設的 Admin SDK 設定,請將角色授予預設運算服務帳戶
  2. 在函式定義中將 consumeAppCheckToken 設為 true

    const functions = require("firebase-functions/v1");
    exports.yourV1CallableFunction = functions
          enforceAppCheck: true, // Reject requests with missing or invalid App Check tokens.
          consumeAppCheckToken: true  // Consume the token after verification.
      .https.onCall((data, context) => {
          // context.app contains data from App Check, including the app ID.
          // Your function logic follows.
    const { onCall } = require("firebase-functions/v2/https");
    exports.yourV2CallableFunction = onCall(
        enforceAppCheck: true, // Reject requests with missing or invalid App Check tokens.
        consumeAppCheckToken: true  // Consume the token after verification.
      (request) => {
        // request.app contains data from App Check, including the app ID.
        // Your function logic follows.
  3. 更新應用程式用戶端程式碼,以便在呼叫函式時取得可消耗的限用權杖:

    let options = HTTPSCallableOptions(requireLimitedUseAppCheckTokens: true)
    let yourCallableFunction =
        Functions.functions().httpsCallable("yourCallableFunction", options: options)
    do {
        let result = try await yourCallableFunction.call()
    } catch {
        // ...
    import { getFunctions, httpsCallable } from "firebase/functions";
    const yourCallableFunction = httpsCallable(
      { limitedUseAppCheckTokens: true },
    await yourCallableFunction();
    val yourCallableFunction = Firebase.functions.getHttpsCallable("yourCallableFunction") {
        limitedUseAppCheckTokens = true
    val result = yourCallableFunction.call().await()
    HttpsCallableReference yourCallableFunction = FirebaseFunctions.getInstance().getHttpsCallable(
            new HttpsCallableOptions.Builder()
    Task<HttpsCallableResult> result = yourCallableFunction.call();