Firebase Remote Config.
Function | Description |
getRemoteConfig(app) | Gets the RemoteConfig service for the default app or a given app.getRemoteConfig() can be called with no arguments to access the default app's RemoteConfig service or as getRemoteConfig(app) to access the RemoteConfig service associated with a specific app. |
Class | Description |
RemoteConfig | The Firebase RemoteConfig service interface. |
RemoteConfigFetchResponse | Represents a fetch response that can be used to interact with RC's client SDK. |
Enumeration | Description |
CustomSignalOperator | Defines supported operators for custom signal conditions. |
PercentConditionOperator | Defines supported operators for percent conditions. |
Interface | Description |
AndCondition | Represents a collection of conditions that evaluate to true if all are true. |
CustomSignalCondition | Represents a condition that compares provided signals against a target value. |
ExplicitParameterValue | Interface representing an explicit parameter value. |
FetchResponseData | JSON-serializable representation of evaluated config values. This can be consumed by Remote Config web client SDKs. |
GetServerTemplateOptions | Represents optional arguments that can be used when instantiating ServerTemplate. |
InAppDefaultValue | Interface representing an in-app-default value. |
InitServerTemplateOptions | Represents optional arguments that can be used when instantiating ServerTemplate synchronously. |
ListVersionsOptions | Interface representing options for Remote Config list versions operation. |
ListVersionsResult | Interface representing a list of Remote Config template versions. |
MicroPercentRange | Represents the limit of percentiles to target in micro-percents. The value must be in the range [0 and 100000000] |
NamedCondition | Represents a Remote Config condition in the dataplane. A condition targets a specific group of users. A list of these conditions comprise part of a Remote Config template. |
OneOfCondition | Represents a condition that may be one of several types. Only the first defined field will be processed. |
OrCondition | Represents a collection of conditions that evaluate to true if any are true. |
PercentCondition | Represents a condition that compares the instance pseudo-random percentile to a given limit. |
RemoteConfigCondition | Interface representing a Remote Config condition. A condition targets a specific group of users. A list of these conditions make up part of a Remote Config template. |
RemoteConfigParameter | Interface representing a Remote Config parameter. At minimum, a defaultValue or a conditionalValues entry must be present for the parameter to have any effect. |
RemoteConfigParameterGroup | Interface representing a Remote Config parameter group. Grouping parameters is only for management purposes and does not affect client-side fetching of parameter values. |
RemoteConfigTemplate | Represents a Remote Config client template. |
RemoteConfigUser | Interface representing a Remote Config user. |
ServerConfig | Represents the configuration produced by evaluating a server template. |
ServerTemplate | Represents a stateful abstraction for a Remote Config server template. |
ServerTemplateData | Represents the data in a Remote Config server template. |
Value | Wraps a parameter value with metadata and type-safe getters.Type-safe getters insulate application logic from remote changes to parameter names and types. |
Version | Interface representing a Remote Config template version. Output only, except for the version description. Contains metadata about a particular version of the Remote Config template. All fields are set at the time the specified Remote Config template is published. A version's description field may be specified in publishTemplate calls. |
Type Aliases
Type Alias | Description |
DefaultConfig | Defines the format for in-app default parameter values. |
EvaluationContext | Represents template evaluation input signals. |
ParameterValueType | Type representing a Remote Config parameter value data type. Defaults to STRING if unspecified. |
PredefinedSignals | Predefined template evaluation input signals. |
RemoteConfigParameterValue | Type representing a Remote Config parameter value. A RemoteConfigParameterValue could be either an ExplicitParameterValue or an InAppDefaultValue . |
ServerTemplateDataType | Represents the type of a Remote Config server template that can be set on ServerTemplate. This can either be a ServerTemplateData object or a template JSON string. |
TagColor | Colors that are associated with conditions for display purposes. |
UserProvidedSignals | Generic map of developer-defined signals used as evaluation input signals. |
ValueSource | Indicates the source of a value.
Gets the RemoteConfig service for the default app or a given app.
can be called with no arguments to access the default app's RemoteConfig
service or as getRemoteConfig(app)
to access the RemoteConfig
service associated with a specific app.
export declare function getRemoteConfig(app?: App): RemoteConfig;
Parameter | Type | Description |
app | App | Optional app for which to return the RemoteConfig service. If not provided, the default RemoteConfig service is returned. |
The default RemoteConfig
service if no app is provided, or the RemoteConfig
service associated with the provided app.
Example 1
// Get the `RemoteConfig` service for the default app
const defaultRemoteConfig = getRemoteConfig();
Example 2
// Get the `RemoteConfig` service for a given app
const otherRemoteConfig = getRemoteConfig(otherApp);
Defines the format for in-app default parameter values.
export type DefaultConfig = {
[key: string]: string | number | boolean;
Represents template evaluation input signals.
export type EvaluationContext = UserProvidedSignals & PredefinedSignals;
Type representing a Remote Config parameter value data type. Defaults to STRING
if unspecified.
export type ParameterValueType = 'STRING' | 'BOOLEAN' | 'NUMBER' | 'JSON';
Predefined template evaluation input signals.
export type PredefinedSignals = {
randomizationId?: string;
Type representing a Remote Config parameter value. A RemoteConfigParameterValue
could be either an ExplicitParameterValue
or an InAppDefaultValue
export type RemoteConfigParameterValue = ExplicitParameterValue | InAppDefaultValue;
Represents the type of a Remote Config server template that can be set on ServerTemplate. This can either be a ServerTemplateData object or a template JSON string.
export type ServerTemplateDataType = ServerTemplateData | string;
Colors that are associated with conditions for display purposes.
export type TagColor = 'BLUE' | 'BROWN' | 'CYAN' | 'DEEP_ORANGE' | 'GREEN' | 'INDIGO' | 'LIME' | 'ORANGE' | 'PINK' | 'PURPLE' | 'TEAL';
Generic map of developer-defined signals used as evaluation input signals.
export type UserProvidedSignals = {
[key: string]: string | number;
Indicates the source of a value.
- "static" indicates the value was defined by a static constant.
- "default" indicates the value was defined by default config.
- "remote" indicates the value was defined by config produced by evaluating a template.
export type ValueSource = 'static' | 'default' | 'remote';
Defines supported operators for custom signal conditions.
export declare enum CustomSignalOperator
Enumeration Members
Member | Value | Description |
Matches a numeric value equal to the target value. |
Matches a numeric value greater than or equal to the target value. |
Matches a numeric value greater than the target value. |
Matches a numeric value less than or equal to the target value. |
Matches a numeric value less than the target value. |
Matches a numeric value not equal to the target value. |
Matches if the actual version value is equal to the target value. |
Matches if the actual version value is greater than or equal to the target value. |
Matches if the actual version value is greater than the target value. |
Matches if the actual version value is less than or equal to the target value. |
Matches if the actual version value is less than the target value. |
Matches if the actual version value is not equal to the target value. |
Matches if at least one of the target values is a substring of the actual custom signal value (e.g. "abc" contains the string "a", "bc"). |
The target regular expression matches at least one of the actual values. The regex conforms to RE2 format. See |
Matches if none of the target values is a substring of the actual custom signal value. |
Matches if the actual value exactly matches at least one of the target values. |
A catchall error case. |
Defines supported operators for percent conditions.
export declare enum PercentConditionOperator
Enumeration Members
Member | Value | Description |
Target percentiles within an interval defined by a lower bound and an upper bound. The lower bound is an exclusive (open) bound and the micro_percent_range_upper_bound is an inclusive (closed) bound. A condition using this operator must specify microPercentRange. |
Target percentiles greater than the target percent. A condition using this operator must specify microPercent. |
Target percentiles less than or equal to the target percent. A condition using this operator must specify microPercent. |
A catchall error case. |