
public class FirebaseInstanceId extends Object

This class is deprecated.
Firebase Instance ID has been replaced with FirebaseInstallations for app instance identifiers and FirebaseMessaging.getToken() for FCM registration tokens.

Firebase Instance ID provides a unique identifier for each app instance and a mechanism to authenticate and authorize actions (example: sending FCM messages).

Instance ID is stable except when:

  • App deletes Instance ID
  • App is restored on a new device
  • User uninstalls/reinstall the app
  • User clears app data

Once an Instance ID is generated, the library periodically sends information about the application and the device where it's running to the Firebase backend. To stop this, see deleteInstanceId().

To prove ownership of Instance ID and to allow servers to access data or services associated with the app, call getToken(String, String).

Public Method Summary

This method is deprecated. Use FirebaseInstallations.delete() and FirebaseMessaging.deleteToken() instead.
deleteToken(String senderId, String scope)
This method is deprecated. Use FirebaseMessaging.deleteToken() instead.
Returns time when instance ID was created.
This method is deprecated. Use FirebaseInstallations.getId() instead.
static FirebaseInstanceId
Returns an instance of this class.
static FirebaseInstanceId
getInstance(FirebaseApp app)
Returns an instance for the given FirebaseApp.
This method is deprecated. For an instance identifier, use FirebaseInstallations.getId() instead. For an FCM registration token, use FirebaseMessaging.getToken() instead.
getToken(String senderId, String scope)
This method is deprecated. Use FirebaseMessaging.getToken() instead.
This method is deprecated. In favour of getInstanceId().

Inherited Method Summary

equals(Object arg0)
final Class<?>
final void
final void
final void
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void
wait(long arg0)
final void

Public Methods

public void deleteInstanceId ()

This method is deprecated.
Use FirebaseInstallations.delete() and FirebaseMessaging.deleteToken() instead.

Delete the Instance ID and the data associated with it.

This stops the periodic sending of data to the Firebase backend started when the Instance ID was generated, unless another library that requires InstanceId (like FCM, RemoteConfig or Analytics) is used or it's configured to be executed automatically.

A new Instance ID will be generated at next app start if Firebase Cloud Messaging auto-init is enabled.

This is a blocking function so do not call it on the main thread.


public void deleteToken (String senderId, String scope)

This method is deprecated.
Use FirebaseMessaging.deleteToken() instead.

Revokes access to a scope (action) for a sender ID previously authorized by getToken().

This is a blocking function so do not call it on the main thread.

senderId ID of the sender that must no longer have access.
scope Action that the sender ID is no longer authorized to perform. Set the scope to FCM to revoke the authorization to send messages via FirebaseMessaging.
IOException if the request fails.

public long getCreationTime ()

Returns time when instance ID was created.

  • Time when instance ID was created (milliseconds since Epoch).

public String getId ()

This method is deprecated.
Use FirebaseInstallations.getId() instead.

Returns a stable identifier that uniquely identifies the app instance.

Once an Instance ID is generated, the library periodically sends information about the application and the device where it's running to the Firebase backend. To stop this, see deleteInstanceId().

  • The identifier for the application instance.

public static FirebaseInstanceId getInstance ()

Returns an instance of this class.

  • FirebaseInstanceId instance.

public static FirebaseInstanceId getInstance (FirebaseApp app)

Returns an instance for the given FirebaseApp.

app FirebaseApp instance.
  • FirebaseInstanceId instance.

public Task<InstanceIdResult> getInstanceId ()

This method is deprecated.
For an instance identifier, use FirebaseInstallations.getId() instead. For an FCM registration token, use FirebaseMessaging.getToken() instead.

Returns the ID and automatically generated token for this Firebase project.

This generates an Instance ID if it does not exist yet, which starts periodically sending information to the Firebase backend (see getId()).


public String getToken (String senderId, String scope)

This method is deprecated.
Use FirebaseMessaging.getToken() instead.

Returns a token that authorizes a sender ID to perform an action on behalf of the application identified by Instance ID.

This generates an Instance ID if it does not exist yet, which starts periodically sending information to the Firebase backend (see getId()).

This is similar to an OAuth2 token except, it applies to the application instance instead of a user.

This is a blocking function so do not call it on the main thread.

senderId ID of the sender that is authorized by the token.
scope Action authorized for senderId. Set the scope to FCM to get authorization to send messages via FirebaseMessaging.
  • a token that can identify and authorize the instance of the application on the device.
IOException if the request fails.

public String getToken ()

This method is deprecated.
In favour of getInstanceId().

Returns the automatically generated token for the default Firebase project.

This generates an Instance ID if it does not exist yet, which starts periodically sending information to the Firebase backend (see getId()).

  • the master token or null if the token is not yet available