Firebase Admin .NET SDK
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Firebase Admin .NET SDK.
Classes |
AppOptions | Configurable options that can be specified when creating a FirebaseApp. |
FirebaseApp | This is the entry point to the Firebase Admin SDK. |
FirebaseException | Common error type for all exceptions raised by Firebase APIs. |
Classes |
AbstractFirebaseAuth | Exposes Firebase Auth operations that are available in both tenant-aware and tenant-unaware contexts. |
ActionCodeSettings | Defines the required continue/state URL with optional Android and iOS settings. |
DeleteUsersResult | Represents the result of the AbstractFirebaseAuth.DeleteUsersAsync(IReadOnlyList{string}) API. |
EmailIdentifier | Used for looking up an account by email. |
ErrorInfo | Represents an error encountered while performing a batch operation such as AbstractFirebaseAuth.ImportUsersAsync(IEnumerable{ImportUserRecordArgs}) or AbstractFirebaseAuth.DeleteUsersAsync(IReadOnlyList{string}). |
ExportedUserRecord | Contains metadata associated with a Firebase user account, along with password hash and salt. |
ExportedUserRecords | Contains a collection of Firebase user accounts. |
FirebaseAuth | This is the entry point to all server-side Firebase Authentication operations. |
FirebaseAuthException | Exception type raised by Firebase Auth APIs. |
FirebaseToken | Represents a valid, decoded Firebase ID token. |
GetUsersResult | Represents the result of the AbstractFirebaseAuth.GetUsersAsync(IReadOnlyCollection{UserIdentifier}) API. |
ImportUserRecordArgs | Represents a user account to be imported to Firebase Auth via the AbstractFirebaseAuth.ImportUsersAsync(IEnumerable{ImportUserRecordArgs}) API. |
ListUsersOptions | Options for the AbstractFirebaseAuth.ListUsersAsync(ListUsersOptions) API. |
PhoneIdentifier | Used for looking up an account by phone number. |
ProviderIdentifier | Used for looking up an account by provider. |
SessionCookieOptions | Options for the FirebaseAuth.CreateSessionCookieAsync(string, SessionCookieOptions) API. |
UidIdentifier | Used for looking up an account by uid. |
UserIdentifier | Identifies a user to be looked up. |
UserImportHash | Represents a hash algorithm and the related configuration parameters used to hash user passwords. |
UserImportOptions | A collection of options that can be passed to the FirebaseAuth.ImportUsersAsync API. |
UserImportResult | Represents the result of the AbstractFirebaseAuth.ImportUsersAsync(IEnumerable{ImportUserRecordArgs}) API. |
UserMetadata | Contains additional metadata associated with a user account. |
UserProvider | Represents a user identity provider that can be associated with a Firebase user. |
UserRecord | Contains metadata associated with a Firebase user account. |
UserRecordArgs | A specification for creating or updating user accounts. |
Interfaces |
IUserInfo | A collection of standard profile information for a user. |
Classes |
Bcrypt | Represents the Bcrypt password hashing algorithm. |
Hmac | Base class for Hmac type hashes. |
HmacMd5 | Represents the HMAC MD5 password hashing algorithm. |
HmacSha1 | Represents the HMAC SHA1 password hashing algorithm. |
HmacSha256 | Represents the HMAC SHA256 password hashing algorithm. |
HmacSha512 | Represents the HMAC SHA512 password hashing algorithm. |
Md5 | Represents the MD5 password hashing algorithm. |
Pbkdf2Sha256 | Represents the PBKDF2 SHA256 password hashing algorithm. |
PbkdfSha1 | Represents the PBKDF SHA1 password hashing algorithm. |
RepeatableHash | An abstract UserImportHash implementation for specifying a Rounds count in a given range. |
Scrypt | Represents the Scrypt password hashing algorithm. |
Sha1 | Represents the SHA1 password hashing algorithm. |
Sha256 | Represents the SHA256 password hashing algorithm. |
Sha512 | Represents the SHA512 password hashing algorithm. |
StandardScrypt | Represents the Standard Scrypt password hashing algorithm. |
Classes |
ListTenantsOptions | Options for listing tenants. |
Tenant | Represents a tenant in a multi-tenant application. |
TenantArgs | Arguments for creating and updating tenants. |
TenantAwareFirebaseAuth | The tenant-aware Firebase client. |
TenantManager | The tenant manager facilitates GCIP multitenancy related operations. |
TenantsPage | Contains a collection of tenants. |
Classes |
AuthProviderConfig | The base Auth provider configuration interface. |
AuthProviderConfigArgs< T > | The base auth provider configuration interface. |
AuthProviderConfigs< T > | A page of auth provider configurations. |
ListProviderConfigsOptions | Options for listing auth provider configurations. |
OidcProviderConfig | Represents an OIDC auth provider configuration. |
OidcProviderConfigArgs | Represents an OIDC auth provider configuration. |
SamlProviderConfig | Represents a SAML auth provider configuration. |
SamlProviderConfigArgs | Represents a SAML auth provider configuration. |
Classes |
Action | Represents an action available to users when the notification is presented. |
AndroidConfig | Represents the Android-specific options that can be included in a Message. |
AndroidFcmOptions | Represents Android FCM options. |
AndroidNotification | Represents the Android-specific notification options that can be included in a Message. |
ApnsConfig | Represents the APNS-specific options that can be included in a Message. |
ApnsFcmOptions | Represents Apple Push Notification Service FCM options. |
Aps | Represents the aps dictionary that is part of every APNs message. |
ApsAlert | Represents the alert property that can be included in the aps dictionary of an APNs payload. |
BatchResponse | Response from an operation that sends FCM messages to multiple recipients. |
CriticalSound | The sound configuration for APNs critical alerts. |
ErrorInfo | A topic management error. |
FcmOptions | Represents FCM options. |
FirebaseMessaging | This is the entry point to all server-side Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) operations. |
FirebaseMessagingException | Exception type raised by Firebase Cloud Messaging APIs. |
LightSettings | Represents light settings in an Android Notification. |
Message | Represents a message that can be sent via Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). |
MulticastMessage | Represents a message that can be sent to multiple devices via Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). |
Notification | Represents the notification parameters that can be included in a Message. |
SendResponse | The result of an individual send operation that was executed as part of a batch. |
TopicManagementResponse | The response produced by FCM topic management operations. |
WebpushConfig | Represents the Webpush protocol options that can be included in a Message. |
WebpushFcmOptions | Represents the Webpush-specific notification options that can be included in a Message. |
WebpushNotification | Represents the Webpush-specific notification options that can be included in a Message. |