Resource: PublicJwkSet
The currently active set of public keys that can be used to verify App Check tokens.
This object is a JWK set as specified by section 5 of RFC 7517.
For security, the response must not be cached for longer than six hours.
JSON representation |
"keys": [
object ( |
Fields | |
keys[] |
The set of public keys. See section 5.1 of RFC 7517. |
A JWK as specified by section 4 of RFC 7517 and section 6.3.1 of RFC 7518.
JSON representation |
{ "kty": string, "use": string, "alg": string, "kid": string, "n": string, "e": string } |
Fields | |
kty |
use |
alg |
kid |
n |
e |