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Optional auth: Auth | null
Returns PhoneAuthProvider
This corresponds to the sign-in method identifier as returned in firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail.
Starts a phone number authentication flow by sending a verification code to the given phone number. Returns an ID that can be passed to firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential to identify this flow.
For abuse prevention, this method also requires a firebase.auth.ApplicationVerifier. The Firebase Auth SDK includes a reCAPTCHA-based implementation, firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier.
Error Codes
- auth/captcha-check-failed
- Thrown if the reCAPTCHA response token was invalid, expired, or if this method was called from a non-whitelisted domain.
- auth/invalid-phone-number
- Thrown if the phone number has an invalid format.
- auth/missing-phone-number
- Thrown if the phone number is missing.
- auth/quota-exceeded
- Thrown if the SMS quota for the Firebase project has been exceeded.
- auth/user-disabled
- Thrown if the user corresponding to the given phone number has been disabled.
- auth/maximum-second-factor-count-exceeded
- Thrown if The maximum allowed number of second factors on a user has been exceeded.
- auth/second-factor-already-in-use
- Thrown if the second factor is already enrolled on this account.
- auth/unsupported-first-factor
- Thrown if the first factor being used to sign in is not supported.
- auth/unverified-email
- Thrown if the email of the account is not verified.
phoneInfoOptions: PhoneInfoOptions | string
The user's firebase.auth.PhoneInfoOptions. The phone number should be in E.164 format (e.g. +16505550101).
applicationVerifier: ApplicationVerifier
Returns Promise<string>
A Promise for the verification ID.
Static credential
Creates a phone auth credential, given the verification ID from firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.verifyPhoneNumber and the code that was sent to the user's mobile device.
Error Codes
- auth/missing-verification-code
- Thrown if the verification code is missing.
- auth/missing-verification-id
- Thrown if the verification ID is missing.
verificationId: string
The verification ID returned from firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.verifyPhoneNumber.
verificationCode: string
The verification code sent to the user's mobile device.
Returns AuthCredential
The auth provider credential.
Phone number auth provider.
// 'recaptcha-container' is the ID of an element in the DOM. var applicationVerifier = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier( 'recaptcha-container'); var provider = new firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider(); provider.verifyPhoneNumber('+16505550101', applicationVerifier) .then(function(verificationId) { var verificationCode = window.prompt('Please enter the verification ' + 'code that was sent to your mobile device.'); return firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential(verificationId, verificationCode); }) .then(function(phoneCredential) { return firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(phoneCredential); });
The Firebase Auth instance in which sign-ins should occur. Uses the default Auth instance if unspecified.