
public interface AuthResult extends Parcelable

Result object obtained from operations that can affect the authentication state. Contains a method that returns the currently signed-in user after the operation has completed.


Public methods

abstract @Nullable AdditionalUserInfo

Returns IDP-specific information for the user if the provider is one of Facebook, Github, Google, or Twitter.

abstract @Nullable AuthCredential

Returns an AuthCredential instance which may be used to obtain the IDP accessToken and/or IDToken pertaining to a recently signed-in user.

abstract @Nullable FirebaseUser

Returns the currently signed-in FirebaseUser, or null if there isn't any (i.e. the user is signed out).

Inherited Constants

default static final int
default static final int

Inherited methods

abstract int
abstract void
writeToParcel(Parcel p, int p1)

Public methods


abstract @Nullable AdditionalUserInfo getAdditionalUserInfo()

Returns IDP-specific information for the user if the provider is one of Facebook, Github, Google, or Twitter.


abstract @Nullable AuthCredential getCredential()

Returns an AuthCredential instance which may be used to obtain the IDP accessToken and/or IDToken pertaining to a recently signed-in user. May be null. For IDPs using OAuth, this will be an instance of OAuthCredential.


abstract @Nullable FirebaseUser getUser()

Returns the currently signed-in FirebaseUser, or null if there isn't any (i.e. the user is signed out).