
FirebaseRemoteConfig Framework Reference


class RemoteConfigSettings : NSObject

Firebase Remote Config settings.

  • Indicates the default value in seconds to set for the minimum interval that needs to elapse before a fetch request can again be made to the Remote Config backend. After a fetch request to the backend has succeeded, no additional fetch requests to the backend will be allowed until the minimum fetch interval expires. Note that you can override this default on a per-fetch request basis using RemoteConfig.fetch(withExpirationDuration:). For example, setting the expiration duration to 0 in the fetch request will override the minimumFetchInterval and allow the request to proceed.



    var minimumFetchInterval: TimeInterval { get set }
  • Indicates the default value in seconds to abandon a pending fetch request made to the backend. This value is set for outgoing requests as the timeoutIntervalForRequest as well as the timeoutIntervalForResource on the NSURLSession‘s configuration.



    var fetchTimeout: TimeInterval { get set }