firebase_functions.options module

Module for options that can be used to configure Cloud Functions deployments.



class firebase_functions.options.AlertType(value)

Bases: str, Enum

The underlying alert type of the Firebase alerts provider.

APP_DISTRIBUTION_IN_APP_FEEDBACK = 'appDistribution.inAppFeedback'

App Distribution in-app feedback alerts.

APP_DISTRIBUTION_NEW_TESTER_IOS_DEVICE = 'appDistribution.newTesterIosDevice'

App Distribution new tester iOS device alerts.

BILLING_PLAN_AUTOMATED_UPDATE = 'billing.planAutomatedUpdate'

Billing automated plan update alerts.

BILLING_PLAN_UPDATE = 'billing.planUpdate'

Billing plan update alerts.

CRASHLYTICS_NEW_ANR_ISSUE = 'crashlytics.newAnrIssue'

Crashlytics new ANR issue alerts.

CRASHLYTICS_NEW_FATAL_ISSUE = 'crashlytics.newFatalIssue'

Crashlytics new fatal issue alerts.

CRASHLYTICS_NEW_NONFATAL_ISSUE = 'crashlytics.newNonfatalIssue'

Crashlytics new non-fatal issue alerts.

CRASHLYTICS_REGRESSION = 'crashlytics.regression'

Crashlytics regression alerts.

CRASHLYTICS_STABILITY_DIGEST = 'crashlytics.stabilityDigest'

Crashlytics stability digest alerts.

CRASHLYTICS_VELOCITY = 'crashlytics.velocity'

Crashlytics velocity alerts.

PERFORMANCE_THRESHOLD = 'performance.threshold'

Performance threshold alerts.


class firebase_functions.options.AppDistributionOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, retry: bool | Expression[bool] | Sentinel | None = None, app_id: str | None = None)

Bases: EventHandlerOptions

Options specific to app distribution functions. Internal use only.

app_id: str | None = None

An optional app ID to scope down alerts.


class firebase_functions.options.BillingOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, retry: bool | Expression[bool] | Sentinel | None = None)

Bases: EventHandlerOptions

Options specific to billing alert functions. Internal use only.


class firebase_functions.options.BlockingOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, id_token: bool | None = None, access_token: bool | None = None, refresh_token: bool | None = None)

Bases: RuntimeOptions

Options that can be set on an Auth Blocking trigger. Internal use only.

access_token: bool | None = None

Pass the access token credential to the function.

id_token: bool | None = None

Pass the ID Token credential to the function.

refresh_token: bool | None = None

Pass the refresh token credential to the function.


class firebase_functions.options.CorsOptions(cors_origins: str | list[str] | Pattern | None = None, cors_methods: str | list[str] | None = None)

Bases: object

CORS options for HTTP functions. Internally this maps to Flask-Cors configuration. See:

cors_methods: str | list[str] | None = None

The method(s) which the allowed origins are allowed to access. These are included in the Access-Control-Allow-Methods response headers to the preflight OPTIONS requests.

cors_origins: str | list[str] | Pattern | None = None

The origin(s) to allow requests from. An origin configured here that matches the value of the Origin header in a preflight OPTIONS request is returned as the value of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header.


class firebase_functions.options.CrashlyticsOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, retry: bool | Expression[bool] | Sentinel | None = None, app_id: str | None = None)

Bases: EventHandlerOptions

Options specific to Crashlytics alert functions. Internal use only.

app_id: str | None = None

An optional app ID to scope down alerts.


class firebase_functions.options.DatabaseOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, reference: str, instance: str | None = None)

Bases: RuntimeOptions

Options specific to Realtime Database function types. Internal use only.

instance: str | None = None

Specify the handler to trigger on a database instance(s). If present, this value can either be a single instance or a pattern. Examples: 'my-instance-1', 'my-instance-*' Note: The capture syntax cannot be used for 'instance'.

reference: str

Specify the handler to trigger on a database reference(s). This value can either be a single reference or a pattern. Examples: '/foo/bar', '/foo/{bar}'


class firebase_functions.options.EventHandlerOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, retry: bool | Expression[bool] | Sentinel | None = None)

Bases: RuntimeOptions

Options specific to any event handling function. Internal use only.

retry: bool | Expression[bool] | Sentinel | None = None

Whether failed executions should be delivered again.


class firebase_functions.options.EventarcTriggerOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, retry: bool | Expression[bool] | Sentinel | None = None, event_type: str, channel: str | None = None, filters: dict[str, str] | None = None)

Bases: EventHandlerOptions

Options that can be set on an Eventarc trigger. Internal use only.

channel: str | None = None
ID of the channel. Can be either:
  • fully qualified channel resource name: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/channels/{channel-id}

  • partial resource name with location and channel ID, in which case the runtime project ID of the function will be used: locations/{location}/channels/{channel-id}

  • partial channel ID, in which case the runtime project ID of the function and us-central1 as location will be used: {channel-id}

If not specified, the default Firebase channel is used: projects/{project}/locations/us-central1/channels/firebase

event_type: str

Type of the event to trigger on.

filters: dict[str, str] | None = None

Eventarc event exact match filter.


class firebase_functions.options.FirebaseAlertOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, retry: bool | Expression[bool] | Sentinel | None = None, alert_type: str | AlertType, app_id: str | None = None)

Bases: EventHandlerOptions

Options specific to Firebase alert function types. Internal use only.

alert_type: str | AlertType

The Firebase alert type to listen to. Can be an AlertType enum or string.

app_id: str | None = None

An optional app ID to scope down alerts.


class firebase_functions.options.FirestoreOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, document: str, database: str | None = None, namespace: str | None = None)

Bases: RuntimeOptions

Options specific to Firestore function types. Internal use only.

database: str | None = None

The Firestore database.

document: str

The document path to watch for Firestore events. This value can either be a document path or a pattern. Examples: 'foo/bar', 'foo/{bar}'

namespace: str | None = None

The Firestore namespace.


class firebase_functions.options.HttpsOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, invoker: str | list[str] | Literal['public', 'private'] | None = None, cors: CorsOptions | None = None)

Bases: RuntimeOptions

Options specific to HTTP function types. Internal use only.

cors: CorsOptions | None = None

Optionally set CORS options for HTTP functions.

invoker: str | list[str] | Literal['public', 'private'] | None = None

Invoker to set access control on HTTP functions.


class firebase_functions.options.IngressSetting(value)

Bases: str, Enum

What kind of traffic can access the function.



class firebase_functions.options.MemoryOption(value)

Bases: int, Enum

Available memory options supported by Cloud Functions.

GB_1 = 1024
GB_16 = 16384
GB_2 = 2048
GB_32 = 32768
GB_4 = 4096
GB_8 = 8192
MB_128 = 128
MB_256 = 256
MB_512 = 512


class firebase_functions.options.PerformanceOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, retry: bool | Expression[bool] | Sentinel | None = None, app_id: str | None = None)

Bases: EventHandlerOptions

Options specific to performance alerts functions. Internal use only.

app_id: str | None = None

An optional app ID to scope down alerts.


class firebase_functions.options.PubSubOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, retry: bool | Expression[bool] | Sentinel | None = None, topic: str)

Bases: EventHandlerOptions

Options specific to Pub/Sub function types. Internal use only.

topic: str

The Pub/Sub topic to watch for message events.


class firebase_functions.options.RateLimits(max_concurrent_dispatches: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_dispatches_per_second: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None)

Bases: object

How congestion control should be applied to the function.

max_concurrent_dispatches: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None

The maximum number of requests that can be outstanding at a time. If left unspecified, defaults to 1000.

max_dispatches_per_second: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None

The maximum number of requests that can be invoked per second. If left unspecified, defaults to 500.


class firebase_functions.options.RetryConfig(max_attempts: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_retry_seconds: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_backoff_seconds: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_doublings: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_backoff_seconds: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None)

Bases: object

How a task should be retried in the event of a non-2xx return.

max_attempts: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None

The maximum number of times a request should be attempted. If left unspecified, defaults to 3.

max_backoff_seconds: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None

The maximum amount of time to wait between attempts. If left unspecified defaults to 1hr.

max_doublings: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None

The maximum number of times to double the backoff between retries. If left unspecified defaults to 16.

max_retry_seconds: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None

The maximum amount of time for retrying a failed task. If left unspecified will retry indefinitely.

min_backoff_seconds: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None

The minimum time to wait between attempts.


class firebase_functions.options.RuntimeOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None)

Bases: object

RuntimeOptions are options that can be set on any function or globally. Internal use only.

concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None

Number of requests a function can serve at once. Can be applied only to functions running on Cloud Functions (2nd gen). A value of RESET_VALUE restores the default concurrency (80 when CPU >= 1, 1 otherwise). Concurrency cannot be set to any value other than 1 if cpu is less than 1. The maximum value for concurrency is 1,000.

cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None

Fractional number of CPUs to allocate to a function. Defaults to 1 for functions with <= 2GB RAM and increases for larger memory sizes. This is different from the defaults when using the gcloud utility and is different from the fixed amount assigned in Cloud Functions (1st gen). To revert to the CPU amounts used in gcloud or in Cloud Functions (1st gen), set this to the value "gcf_gen1"

enforce_app_check: bool | None = None

Determines whether Firebase AppCheck is enforced. When true, requests with invalid tokens auto respond with a 401 Unauthorized response. When false, requests with invalid tokens set to None.

ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None

Ingress settings which control where this function can be called from. A value of RESET_VALUE turns off ingress settings.

labels: dict[str, str] | None = None

User labels to set on the function.

max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None

Maximum number of instances to be running in parallel. A value of RESET_VALUE restores the default max instances.

memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None

Amount of memory to allocate to a function. A value of RESET_VALUE restores the defaults of 256MB.

min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None

Minimum number of actual instances to be running at a given time. Instances are billed for memory allocation and 10% of CPU allocation while idle. A value of RESET_VALUE restores the default minimum instances.

preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None

Controls whether function configuration modified outside of function source is preserved. Internally defaults to false.

When setting configuration available in the underlying platform that is not yet available in the Cloud Functions SDK, we highly recommend setting preserve_external_changes to True. Otherwise, when the SDK releases a new version with support for the missing configuration, your function's manually configured setting may inadvertently be wiped out.

region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None

Region where functions should be deployed. HTTP functions can specify more than one region.

secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None

Secrets to bind to a function.

service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None

Specific service account for the function to run as. A value of RESET_VALUE restores the default service account.

timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None

Timeout for the function in sections. Possible values are 0 to 540. HTTP functions can specify a higher timeout. A value of RESET_VALUE restores the default of 60s The minimum timeout for a 2nd gen function is 1s. The maximum timeout for a function depends on the type of function: Event handling functions have a maximum timeout of 540s (9 minutes). HTTP and callable functions have a maximum timeout of 3,600s (1 hour). Task queue functions have a maximum timeout of 1,800s (30 minutes)

vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None

Connect function to specified VPC connector. A value of RESET_VALUE removes the VPC connector.

vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None

Egress settings for VPC connector. A value of RESET_VALUE turns off VPC connector egress settings.


class firebase_functions.options.ScheduleOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, schedule: str, timezone: ZoneInfo | Expression[str] | Sentinel | None = None, retry_count: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_retry_seconds: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_backoff_seconds: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_doublings: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_backoff_seconds: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None)

Bases: RuntimeOptions

Options that can be set on a Schedule trigger.

max_backoff_seconds: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None

The maximum amount of time to wait between attempts.

max_doublings: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None

The maximum number of times to double the backoff between retries.

max_retry_seconds: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None

The time limit for retrying.

min_backoff_seconds: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None

The minimum time to wait between attempts.

retry_count: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None

The number of retry attempts for a failed run.

schedule: str

The schedule, in Unix Crontab or AppEngine syntax.

timezone: ZoneInfo | Expression[str] | Sentinel | None = None

The timezone that the schedule executes in.


class firebase_functions.options.StorageOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, bucket: str | Expression[str] | None = None)

Bases: RuntimeOptions

Options specific to Cloud Storage function types. Internal use only.

bucket: str | Expression[str] | None = None

The name of the bucket to watch for Storage events.


class firebase_functions.options.SupportedRegion(value)

Bases: str, Enum

All regions supported by Cloud Functions (2nd gen).

ASIA_EAST1 = 'asia-east1'
ASIA_EAST2 = 'asia-east2'
ASIA_NORTHEAST1 = 'asia-northeast1'
ASIA_NORTHEAST2 = 'asia-northeast2'
ASIA_NORTHEAST3 = 'asia-northeast3'
ASIA_SOUTH1 = 'asia-south1'
ASIA_SOUTHEAST1 = 'asia-southeast1'
ASIA_SOUTHEAST2 = 'asia-southeast2'
AUSTRALIA_SOUTHEAST1 = 'australia-southeast1'
EUROPE_CENTRAL2 = 'europe-central2'
EUROPE_NORTH1 = 'europe-north1'
EUROPE_WEST1 = 'europe-west1'
EUROPE_WEST2 = 'europe-west2'
EUROPE_WEST3 = 'europe-west3'
EUROPE_WEST4 = 'europe-west4'
EUROPE_WEST6 = 'europe-west6'
NORTHAMERICA_NORTHEAST1 = 'northamerica-northeast1'
SOUTHAMERICA_EAST1 = 'southamerica-east1'
US_CENTRAL1 = 'us-central1'
US_EAST1 = 'us-east1'
US_EAST4 = 'us-east4'
US_WEST1 = 'us-west1'
US_WEST2 = 'us-west2'
US_WEST3 = 'us-west3'
US_WEST4 = 'us-west4'


class firebase_functions.options.TaskQueueOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, retry_config: RetryConfig | None = None, rate_limits: RateLimits | None = None, invoker: str | list[str] | Literal['private'] | None = None)

Bases: RuntimeOptions

Options specific to tasks function types.

invoker: str | list[str] | Literal['private'] | None = None

Who can enqueue tasks for this function.

rate_limits: RateLimits | None = None

How congestion control should be applied to the function.

retry_config: RetryConfig | None = None

How a task should be retried in the event of a non-2xx return.



An alias of the zoneinfo.ZoneInfo for convenience.



class firebase_functions.options.VpcEgressSetting(value)

Bases: str, Enum

Valid settings for VPC egress.




firebase_functions.options.set_global_options(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel = 'gcf_gen1', vpc_connector: str | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None)

Sets default options for all functions.



firebase_functions.options.RESET_VALUE = <firebase_functions.private.util.Sentinel object>

Special configuration value to reset configuration to platform default.