
public abstract class FirebaseUser implements Parcelable, UserInfo

Represents a user's profile information in your Firebase project's user database. It also contains helper methods to change or retrieve profile information, as well as to manage that user's authentication state.


Public constructors

Public methods

@NonNull Task<Void>

Deletes the user record from your Firebase project's database.

abstract @Nullable String

Returns the main display name of this user from the Firebase project's user database.

abstract @Nullable String

Returns the main email address of the user, as stored in the Firebase project's user database.

@NonNull Task<GetTokenResult>
getIdToken(boolean forceRefresh)

Fetches a Firebase Auth ID Token for the user; useful when authenticating against your own backend.

abstract @Nullable FirebaseUserMetadata

Returns the FirebaseUserMetadata associated with this user.

abstract @NonNull MultiFactor

Returns a MultiFactor instance which is the main entry point for multi-factor related operations on this user.

abstract @Nullable String

Returns the phone number of the user, as stored in the Firebase project's user database, or null if none exists.

abstract @Nullable Uri

Returns the URL of this user's main profile picture, as stored in the Firebase project's user database.

abstract @NonNull List<UserInfo>

Returns a List of UserInfo objects that represents the linked identities of the user using different authentication providers that may be linked to their account.

abstract @NonNull String

Always returns PROVIDER_ID.

abstract @Nullable String

Returns the tenant ID of the current user or null if this user isn't associated with a tenant project.

abstract @NonNull String

Returns a string used to uniquely identify your user in your Firebase project's user database.

abstract boolean

Returns true if the user is anonymous; that is, the user account was created with signInAnonymously and has not been linked to another account with linkWithCredential.

@NonNull Task<AuthResult>

Attaches the given AuthCredential to the user.

@NonNull Task<Void>

Reauthenticates the user with the given credential.

@NonNull Task<AuthResult>

Reauthenticates the user with the given credential, and returns the profile data for that account.

@NonNull Task<Void>

Manually refreshes the data of the current user (for example, attached providers, display name, and so on).

@NonNull Task<Void>

Calls sendEmailVerification with null actionCodeSettings.

@NonNull Task<Void>

Initiates email verification for the user.

@NonNull Task<AuthResult>
    @NonNull Activity activity,
    @NonNull FederatedAuthProvider federatedAuthProvider

Links the user using the mobile browser (either a Custom Chrome Tab or the device's default browser) to the given provider.

@NonNull Task<AuthResult>

Reauthenticates the user using the mobile browser (either a Custom Chrome Tab or the device's default browser) using the given provider.

@NonNull Task<AuthResult>
unlink(@NonNull String provider)

Detaches credentials from a given provider type from this user.

@NonNull Task<Void>

This method is deprecated.

Use verifyBeforeUpdateEmail instead.

@NonNull Task<Void>

Updates the password of the user.

@NonNull Task<Void>

Updates the phone number of the user.

@NonNull Task<Void>

Updates the user profile information.

@NonNull Task<Void>

Calls verifyBeforeUpdateEmail without any actionCodeSettings.

@NonNull Task<Void>
    @NonNull String newEmail,
    @Nullable ActionCodeSettings actionCodeSettings

Sends a verification email to newEmail.

Inherited Constants

From android.os.Parcelable
static final int
static final int
static final int
static final int

Inherited methods

From android.os.Parcelable
abstract int
abstract void
writeToParcel(Parcel p, int p1)
abstract boolean

Returns true if the user's email is verified.

Public constructors


public FirebaseUser()

Public methods


public @NonNull Task<Voiddelete()

Deletes the user record from your Firebase project's database. If the operation is successful, the user will be signed out.

Important: this is a security sensitive operation that requires the user to have recently signed in. If this requirement isn't met, ask the user to authenticate again and later call reauthenticate.



public abstract @Nullable String getDisplayName()

Returns the main display name of this user from the Firebase project's user database. Unlike the display name property from instances of UserInfo corresponding to authentication providers (like Google Sign-In), which is not modifiable, this name can be updated at any time by calling updateProfile.

This field will be automatically populated on account creation if the AuthCredential used on signInWithCredential contained such information.

See also


public abstract @Nullable String getEmail()

Returns the main email address of the user, as stored in the Firebase project's user database. Unlike the email property from instances of UserInfo corresponding to authentication providers (like GitHub), which is not modifiable, this email address can be updated at any time by calling updateEmail.

This field will be automatically populated on account creation if the AuthCredential used on signInWithCredential contained such information, or if the account was created with createUserWithEmailAndPassword. However, this is not true if the setting "Multiple Accounts per Email" is enabled in the Firebase Console - in that case this will be null unless the account was created with createUserWithEmailAndPassword or updateEmail has been called.

If the user also has a password, this email address can be used to sign in into the account using signInWithEmailAndPassword.

This email address is displayed in the Users section of the Firebase console.

See also


public @NonNull Task<GetTokenResultgetIdToken(boolean forceRefresh)

Fetches a Firebase Auth ID Token for the user; useful when authenticating against your own backend. Use our server SDKs or follow the official documentation to securely verify the integrity and validity of this token.

  • FirebaseAuthInvalidUserException if forceRefresh == true, thrown if the current user's account has been disabled, deleted, or its credentials are no longer valid
boolean forceRefresh

force refreshes the token. Should only be set to true if the token is invalidated out of band.


public abstract @Nullable FirebaseUserMetadata getMetadata()

Returns the FirebaseUserMetadata associated with this user.


public abstract @NonNull MultiFactor getMultiFactor()

Returns a MultiFactor instance which is the main entry point for multi-factor related operations on this user.


public abstract @Nullable String getPhoneNumber()

Returns the phone number of the user, as stored in the Firebase project's user database, or null if none exists. This can be updated at any time by calling updatePhoneNumber.

This field will be automatically populated on account creation if the AuthCredential used on signInWithCredential contained such information. This phone number is displayed in the Users section of the Firebase console.


public abstract @Nullable Uri getPhotoUrl()

Returns the URL of this user's main profile picture, as stored in the Firebase project's user database. Unlike the profile URL property from instances of UserInfo corresponding to authentication providers (like Facebook Login), which is not modifiable, this URL can be updated at any time by calling updateProfile.

This field will be automatically populated on account creation if the AuthCredential used on signInWithCredential contained such information.

See also


public abstract @NonNull List<UserInfogetProviderData()

Returns a List of UserInfo objects that represents the linked identities of the user using different authentication providers that may be linked to their account. Use this to access, for example, your user's basic profile information retrieved from Facebook whether or not the user used Facebook Login to sign in to the current session.


public abstract @NonNull String getProviderId()

Always returns PROVIDER_ID.


public abstract @Nullable String getTenantId()

Returns the tenant ID of the current user or null if this user isn't associated with a tenant project.


public abstract @NonNull String getUid()

Returns a string used to uniquely identify your user in your Firebase project's user database. Use it when storing information in Firebase Database or Storage, or even in your own backend.

This identifier is opaque and does not correspond necessarily to the user's email address or any other field.


public abstract boolean isAnonymous()

Returns true if the user is anonymous; that is, the user account was created with signInAnonymously and has not been linked to another account with linkWithCredential.


public @NonNull Task<AuthResultlinkWithCredential(@NonNull AuthCredential credential)

Attaches the given AuthCredential to the user. This allows the user to sign in to this account in the future with credentials for such provider.

@NonNull AuthCredential credential

a valid credential of a type not yet linked to this user


public @NonNull Task<Voidreauthenticate(@NonNull AuthCredential credential)

Reauthenticates the user with the given credential. This is useful for operations that require a recent sign-in, to prevent or resolve a FirebaseAuthRecentLoginRequiredException.

@NonNull AuthCredential credential

authentication credential that must be valid for the current user.


public @NonNull Task<AuthResultreauthenticateAndRetrieveData(@NonNull AuthCredential credential)

Reauthenticates the user with the given credential, and returns the profile data for that account. This is useful for operations that require a recent sign-in, to prevent or resolve a FirebaseAuthRecentLoginRequiredException.

@NonNull AuthCredential credential

authentication credential that must be valid for the current user.

@NonNull Task<AuthResult>

AuthResult containing the FirebaseUser reference and .


public @NonNull Task<Voidreload()

Manually refreshes the data of the current user (for example, attached providers, display name, and so on).



public @NonNull Task<VoidsendEmailVerification()

Calls sendEmailVerification with null actionCodeSettings.


public @NonNull Task<VoidsendEmailVerification(@NonNull ActionCodeSettings actionCodeSettings)

Initiates email verification for the user. Takes in an ActionCodeSettings to allow linking back to your app in the email.

@NonNull Task<Void>

Task to track completion of the sending operation.


public @NonNull Task<AuthResultstartActivityForLinkWithProvider(
    @NonNull Activity activity,
    @NonNull FederatedAuthProvider federatedAuthProvider

Links the user using the mobile browser (either a Custom Chrome Tab or the device's default browser) to the given provider. If the calling activity dies during this operation, use getPendingAuthResult to get the outcome of this operation.

Note: this call has a UI associated with it, unlike the majority of calls in FirebaseAuth.

@NonNull Activity activity

the current Activity that you intent to launch this flow from

@NonNull FederatedAuthProvider federatedAuthProvider

an FederatedAuthProvider configured with information about the provider that you intend to link to the user.

@NonNull Task<AuthResult>

a Task with a reference to an AuthResult with user information upon success


public @NonNull Task<AuthResultstartActivityForReauthenticateWithProvider(
    @NonNull Activity activity,
    @NonNull FederatedAuthProvider federatedAuthProvider

Reauthenticates the user using the mobile browser (either a Custom Chrome Tab or the device's default browser) using the given provider. If the calling activity dies during this operation, use getPendingAuthResult to get the outcome of this operation.

Note: this call has a UI associated with it, unlike the majority of calls in FirebaseAuth.

@NonNull Activity activity

the current Activity that you intent to launch this flow from

@NonNull FederatedAuthProvider federatedAuthProvider

an FederatedAuthProvider configured with information about how you intend the user to reauthenticate.

@NonNull Task<AuthResult>

a Task with a reference to an AuthResult with user information upon success


public @NonNull Task<AuthResultunlink(@NonNull String provider)

Detaches credentials from a given provider type from this user. This prevents the user from signing in to this account in the future with credentials from such provider.

@NonNull String provider

a unique identifier of the type of provider to be unlinked, for example, PROVIDER_ID.


public @NonNull Task<VoidupdateEmail(@NonNull String email)

Updates the email address of the user.

Important: this is a security sensitive operation that requires the user to have recently signed in. If this requirement isn't met, ask the user to authenticate again and later call reauthenticate.

In addition, note that the original email address recipient will receive an email that allows them to revoke the email address change, in order to protect them from account hijacking.



public @NonNull Task<VoidupdatePassword(@NonNull String password)

Updates the password of the user.

Important: this is a security sensitive operation that requires the user to have recently signed in. If this requirement isn't met, ask the user to authenticate again and later call reauthenticate.

Anonymous users who update both their email and password will no longer be anonymous. They will be able to log in with these credentials.



public @NonNull Task<VoidupdatePhoneNumber(@NonNull PhoneAuthCredential credential)

Updates the phone number of the user.

Important: this is a security sensitive operation that requires the user to have recently signed in. If this requirement isn't met, ask the user to authenticate again and later call reauthenticate.



public @NonNull Task<VoidupdateProfile(@NonNull UserProfileChangeRequest request)

Updates the user profile information. Use UserProfileChangeRequest.Builder to construct the request.



public @NonNull Task<VoidverifyBeforeUpdateEmail(@NonNull String newEmail)

Calls verifyBeforeUpdateEmail without any actionCodeSettings.


public @NonNull Task<VoidverifyBeforeUpdateEmail(
    @NonNull String newEmail,
    @Nullable ActionCodeSettings actionCodeSettings

Sends a verification email to newEmail. Upon redemption of the link in the email, this user's email will be changed to newEmail and that email will be marked verified.

@NonNull String newEmail

the user's new email

@Nullable ActionCodeSettings actionCodeSettings

the optional ActionCodeSettings object to allow linking back to your app in the email

@NonNull Task<Void>

Task to track completion of the sending operation.