Log Query Language for Emulator Suite UI

Firebase Local Emulator Suite provides a rich user interface that includes support for viewing emulator logs. You can filter logs in the Emulator Suite UI using the query syntax described on this page.

The logs query language supports exact comparisons and and operations. Other operations are not currently supported.

Quotes are generally optional, except when using spaces or newlines.

Note this query syntax is available in Emulator Suite UI only. Emulators output additional logs in the *-debug.log files in your project directory (e.g., firestore-debug.log).

// Find only info logs.

//Find logs for the sayHelloWorld function

//Find any log mentioning "hello world"
hello world // turns into search="hello world" internally

//Return any Hosting POST requests



Log level. One of warn, info, error.

Text to match in a fuzzy search. For example, search=abc returns logs with the text "abc".

Use the search keyword to combine fuzzy searches with other keyword searches using the and operator.


Query on a specific emulator or on a function name.


Query logs from a specified emulator. One of firestore, functions, database, pubsub, hosting, storage.


The function name as defined in user app code.


Any JSON data the user logged from in-app code, for example:

console.log(JSON.stringify({hello: world}))

The above log output can be queried with user.hello.

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