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ActionCodeResult.ActionDataKey |
Keys to access the account information related to an out of band code. |
ActionCodeResult.Operation |
Holds the possible operations that an out of band code can perform, which are password reset, verify email, and recover email. |
ActionCodeResult |
Interface for holding the information related to an out of band code. |
AdditionalUserInfo |
Object that contains additional user information as a result of a successful sign-in, link, or re-authentication operation. |
AuthResult |
Result object obtained from operations that can affect the authentication state. |
FirebaseAuth.AuthStateListener |
Listener called when there is a change in the authentication state. |
FirebaseAuth.IdTokenListener |
Listener called when the id token is changed. |
FirebaseAuthProvider |
Represents the Firebase Authentication provider type. |
FirebaseUserMetadata |
Holds the user metadata for the current |
SignInMethodQueryResult |
Result object of a call to |
TotpSecret |
Represents a TOTP secret that is used for enrolling a TOTP second factor. |
UserInfo |
Represents a collection of standard profile information for a user. |
ActionCodeEmailInfo |
Holds information regarding out-of-band operations that involve an email change. |
ActionCodeInfo |
Holds information regarding different out of band operations. |
ActionCodeMultiFactorInfo |
Holds information regarding out of band operations that involve an multi-factor authentication. |
ActionCodeSettings |
Structure that contains the required continue/state URL with optional Android and iOS bundle identifiers. |
ActionCodeSettings.Builder |
A Builder class for |
ActionCodeUrl |
A utility class to parse parameters in action code URLs from out of band email flows. |
AuthCredential |
Represents a credential that the Firebase Authentication server can use to authenticate a user. |
AuthKt |
EmailAuthCredential |
Wraps an email and password tuple for authentication purposes. |
EmailAuthProvider |
Represents the email and password authentication mechanism. |
FacebookAuthCredential |
Wraps a Facebook Login access token for authentication purposes. |
FacebookAuthProvider |
Represents the Facebook Login authentication provider. |
FederatedAuthProvider |
Abstract representation of an arbitrary federated authentication provider. |
FirebaseAuth |
The entry point of the Firebase Authentication SDK. |
FirebaseAuthSettings |
Enables the configuration of FirebaseAuth related settings. |
FirebaseUser |
Represents a user's profile information in your Firebase project's user database. |
GetTokenResult |
Result object that contains a Firebase Auth ID Token. |
GithubAuthCredential |
Wraps a Github OAuth access token for authentication purposes. |
GithubAuthProvider |
Represents the Github authentication provider. |
GoogleAuthCredential |
Wraps a Google Sign-In ID token and/or access token, for authentication purposes. |
GoogleAuthProvider |
Represents the Google Sign-In authentication provider. |
MultiFactor |
Defines multi-factor related properties and operations pertaining to a |
MultiFactorAssertion |
Represents an assertion that the Firebase Authentication server can use to authenticate a user as part of a multi-factor flow. |
MultiFactorInfo |
Represents a single second factor meant for the user. |
MultiFactorResolver |
Utility class that contains methods to resolve second factor requirements on users that have opted into two-factor authentication. |
MultiFactorSession |
Identifies the current session to enroll a second factor or to complete sign in when previously enrolled. |
OAuthCredential |
Holds credentials generated by a sign-in with a credential to an IDP that uses OAuth |
OAuthProvider |
Represents the login authentication provider for a generic OAuth2 provider. |
OAuthProvider.Builder |
Class used to create instances of |
OAuthProvider.CredentialBuilder |
Builder class to initialize |
PhoneAuthCredential |
Wraps phone number and verification information for authentication purposes. |
PhoneAuthOptions |
Options object for configuring phone validation flows in |
PhoneAuthOptions.Builder |
A Builder class for |
PhoneAuthProvider |
Represents the phone number authentication mechanism. |
PhoneAuthProvider.ForceResendingToken |
A 'token' that can be used to force re-sending an SMS verification code. |
PhoneAuthProvider.OnVerificationStateChangedCallbacks |
Registered callbacks for the different phone auth events. |
PhoneMultiFactorAssertion |
Asserts ownership of a phone number second factor. |
PhoneMultiFactorGenerator |
Helper class used to generate |
PhoneMultiFactorInfo |
Represents the information for a phone second factor. |
PlayGamesAuthCredential |
Wraps a Google Play Games Server Auth Code, for authentication purposes. |
PlayGamesAuthProvider |
Represents the Google Play Games authentication provider. |
TotpMultiFactorAssertion |
Asserts ownership of a TOTP second factor. |
TotpMultiFactorGenerator |
Helper class used to generate a |
TotpMultiFactorInfo |
Represents the information for a TOTP (time-based one-time password) second factor. |
TwitterAuthCredential |
Wraps a Log in with Twitter token and secret tuple for authentication purposes. |
TwitterAuthProvider |
Represents the Twitter authentication provider. |
UserProfileChangeRequest |
Request used to update user profile information. |
UserProfileChangeRequest.Builder |
The request builder. |
FirebaseAuthActionCodeException |
Represents the exception which is a result of an expired or an invalid out of band code. |
FirebaseAuthEmailException |
Represents the exception which is a result of an attempt to send an email via Firebase Auth (e.g. a password reset email) |
FirebaseAuthException |
Generic exception related to Firebase Authentication. |
FirebaseAuthInvalidCredentialsException |
Thrown when one or more of the credentials passed to a method fail to identify and/or authenticate the user subject of that operation. |
FirebaseAuthInvalidUserException |
Thrown when performing an operation on a |
FirebaseAuthMissingActivityForRecaptchaException |
Thrown when the auth request attempted to fetch a reCAPTCHA token, but the activity is missing or null. |
FirebaseAuthMultiFactorException |
This exception is returned when a user that previously enrolled a second factor tries to sign in and passes the first factor successfully. |
FirebaseAuthRecentLoginRequiredException |
Thrown on security sensitive operations on a |
FirebaseAuthUserCollisionException |
Thrown when an operation on a |
FirebaseAuthWeakPasswordException |
Thrown when using a weak password (less than 6 chars) to create a new account or to update an existing account's password. |
FirebaseAuthWebException |
Thrown when a web operation couldn't be completed. |