
public final class GenerationConfig

Configuration parameters to use for content generation.


Nested types

public final class GenerationConfig.Builder

Builder for creating a GenerationConfig.

public static class GenerationConfig.Companion

Public fields

final Integer

The max unique responses to return

final Integer

The max tokens to generate per response

final String
final List<@NonNull String>

A list of strings to stop generation on occurrence of

final Float

The degree of randomness in token selection, typically between 0 and 1

final Integer

The sum of probabilities to collect to during token selection

final Float

How many tokens to select amongst the highest probabilities

Public fields


public final Integer candidateCount

The max unique responses to return


public final Integer maxOutputTokens

The max tokens to generate per response


public final String responseMimeType


public final List<@NonNull StringstopSequences

A list of strings to stop generation on occurrence of

  • @property responseMimeType Response type for generated candidate text. See the vertex docs for a list of supported types.


public final Float temperature

The degree of randomness in token selection, typically between 0 and 1


public final Integer topK

The sum of probabilities to collect to during token selection


public final Float topP

How many tokens to select amongst the highest probabilities