
public final class Schema<T extends Object>

Represents a parameter for a declared function


Nested types

public static class Schema.Companion

Public fields

final @NonNull String

: The description of what the parameter should contain or represent

final List<@NonNull String>

: contains the enum values for a string enum

final String

: format information for the parameter, this can include bitlength in the case of int/float or keywords like "enum" for the string type

final Schema<@NonNull Object>

: if the type is ARRAY, then this contains a description of the objects in the array

final @NonNull String

: The name of the parameter

final Boolean
final Map<@NonNull String, @NonNull Schema<@NonNull Object>>

: if type is OBJECT, then this contains the description of the fields of the object by name

final List<@NonNull String>

: if type is OBJECT, then this contains the list of required keys

final @NonNull FunctionType<@NonNull T>

: contains the type info and parser

Public constructors

<T extends Object> Schema(
    @NonNull String name,
    @NonNull String description,
    String format,
    Boolean nullable,
    List<@NonNull String> enum,
    Map<@NonNull String, @NonNull Schema<@NonNull Object>> properties,
    List<@NonNull String> required,
    Schema<@NonNull Object> items,
    @NonNull FunctionType<@NonNull T> type

Public methods

final T

Parses an instance of this Schema from the provided String.

Public fields


public final @NonNull String description

: The description of what the parameter should contain or represent


public final List<@NonNull Stringenum

: contains the enum values for a string enum


public final String format

: format information for the parameter, this can include bitlength in the case of int/float or keywords like "enum" for the string type


public final Schema<@NonNull Objectitems

: if the type is ARRAY, then this contains a description of the objects in the array


public final @NonNull String name

: The name of the parameter


public final Boolean nullable


public final Map<@NonNull String, @NonNull Schema<@NonNull Object>> properties

: if type is OBJECT, then this contains the description of the fields of the object by name


public final List<@NonNull Stringrequired

: if type is OBJECT, then this contains the list of required keys


public final @NonNull FunctionType<@NonNull T> type

: contains the type info and parser

Public constructors


public <T extends Object> Schema(
    @NonNull String name,
    @NonNull String description,
    String format,
    Boolean nullable,
    List<@NonNull String> enum,
    Map<@NonNull String, @NonNull Schema<@NonNull Object>> properties,
    List<@NonNull String> required,
    Schema<@NonNull Object> items,
    @NonNull FunctionType<@NonNull T> type

Public methods


public final T fromString(String value)

Parses an instance of this Schema from the provided String.

This is done via the parse method of type.