由 withConverter()
使用的轉換器,將 AppModelType
類型的使用者物件轉換為 DbModelType
類型的 Firestore 資料。
使用轉換工具儲存及擷取 Firestore 中的物件時,您可以使用轉換工具指定一般類型引數。
在此情況下,「AppModel」是一種應用程式類別,用於將相關資訊和功能封裝在一起。舉例來說,這類類別可以具有以下屬性:含有複雜巢狀資料類型的屬性、用於記憶的屬性、Firestore 不支援的類型屬性 (例如 symbol
和 bigint
),以及執行複合作業的輔助函式。這類類別不適合且/或無法儲存至 Firestore 資料庫。相反地,這類類別的執行個體必須轉換為「普通的 JavaScript 物件」(POJO) 完全具備原始屬性,有可能嵌入其他 POJO 或 POJO 陣列中。在這個情況下,這種類型稱為「DbModel」且適合保存至 Firestore 的物件為方便起見,應用程式可以透過 DocumentReference
或 Query
等 Firestore 物件實作 FirestoreDataConverter
,並註冊轉換器,以便在儲存至 Firestore 時自動將 AppModel
轉換為 DbModel
,並從 Firestore 擷取時將 DbModel
轉換為 AppModel
export declare interface FirestoreDataConverter<AppModelType, DbModelType extends DocumentData = DocumentData>
方法 | 說明 |
fromFirestore(快照) | 由 Firestore SDK 呼叫,可將 Firestore 資料轉換為 AppModelType 類型的物件。您可以呼叫 snapshot.data() 來存取資料。一般而言,從 snapshot.data() 傳回的資料可以轉換為 DbModelType ;不過,由於 Firestore 不會在資料庫強制執行結構定義,因此我們無法保證情況一定會如此。例如,從舊版的應用程式寫入,或是從未使用類型轉換器的其他用戶端寫入的資料,可能會以不同的屬性和/或屬性型別寫入資料。實作時,需要選擇要從不符合條件的資料妥善復原,還是擲回錯誤。 |
toFirestore(modelObject) | 由 Firestore SDK 呼叫,目的是將類型為 AppModelType 的自訂模型物件轉換為 DbModelType 類型的純 JavaScript 物件 (適合直接寫入 Firestore 資料庫)。與 setDoc() 和 .WithFieldValue<T> 類型會擴充 T ,允許將 deleteField() 等 FieldValue 做為屬性值使用。 |
toFirestore(modelObject, 選項) | 由 Firestore SDK 呼叫,目的是將類型為 AppModelType 的自訂模型物件轉換為 DbModelType 類型的純 JavaScript 物件 (適合直接寫入 Firestore 資料庫)。可與 setDoc() 並搭配使用 merge:true 或 mergeFields 。PartialWithFieldValue<T> 類型會擴充 Partial<T> ,允許將 arrayUnion() 等 FieldValue 當做屬性值使用。還可以允許省略巢狀欄位,以支援巢狀 Partial 。 |
由 Firestore SDK 呼叫,可將 Firestore 資料轉換為 AppModelType
類型的物件。你可以呼叫 snapshot.data()
一般來說,從 snapshot.data()
傳回的資料可以轉換為 DbModelType
;不過,由於 Firestore 不會在資料庫強制執行結構定義,因此我們無法保證情況一定會如此。例如,從舊版的應用程式寫入,或是從未使用類型轉換器的其他用戶端寫入的資料,可能會以不同的屬性和/或屬性型別寫入資料。實作時,需要選擇要從不符合條件的資料妥善復原,還是擲回錯誤。
fromFirestore(snapshot: QueryDocumentSnapshot<DocumentData, DocumentData>): AppModelType;
參數 | 類型 | 說明 |
快照 | QueryDocumentSnapshot<DocumentData、DocumentData> | 包含資料和中繼資料的 QueryDocumentSnapshot 。 |
由 Firestore SDK 呼叫,可將 AppModelType
類型的自訂模型物件轉換為 DbModelType
類型的純 JavaScript 物件 (適合直接寫入 Firestore 資料庫)。可與 setDoc() 和 .
類型會擴充 T
,並允許 deleteField() 等 FieldValue 做為屬性值使用
toFirestore(modelObject: WithFieldValue<AppModelType>): WithFieldValue<DbModelType>;
參數 | 類型 | 說明 |
modelObject | WithFieldValue<AppModelType> |
由 Firestore SDK 呼叫,可將 AppModelType
類型的自訂模型物件轉換為 DbModelType
類型的純 JavaScript 物件 (適合直接寫入 Firestore 資料庫)。可與 setDoc() 以及 merge:true
或 mergeFields
類型會擴充 Partial<T>
,允許 arrayUnion() 等 FieldValue 做為屬性值使用。還可以允許省略巢狀欄位,以支援巢狀 Partial
toFirestore(modelObject: PartialWithFieldValue<AppModelType>, options: SetOptions): PartialWithFieldValue<DbModelType>;
參數 | 類型 | 說明 |
modelObject | PartialWithFieldValue<AppModelType> | |
選項 | 設定選項 |
const numberConverter = {
toFirestore(value: WithFieldValue<number>) {
return { value };
fromFirestore(snapshot: QueryDocumentSnapshot, options: SnapshotOptions) {
return snapshot.data(options).value as number;
async function simpleDemo(db: Firestore): Promise<void> {
const documentRef = doc(db, 'values/value123').withConverter(numberConverter);
// converters are used with `setDoc`, `addDoc`, and `getDoc`
await setDoc(documentRef, 42);
const snapshot1 = await getDoc(documentRef);
assertEqual(snapshot1.data(), 42);
// converters are not used when writing data with `updateDoc`
await updateDoc(documentRef, { value: 999 });
const snapshot2 = await getDoc(documentRef);
assertEqual(snapshot2.data(), 999);
// The Post class is a model that is used by our application.
// This class may have properties and methods that are specific
// to our application execution, which do not need to be persisted
// to Firestore.
class Post {
readonly title: string,
readonly author: string,
readonly lastUpdatedMillis: number
) {}
toString(): string {
return `${this.title} by ${this.author}`;
// The PostDbModel represents how we want our posts to be stored
// in Firestore. This DbModel has different properties (`ttl`,
// `aut`, and `lut`) from the Post class we use in our application.
interface PostDbModel {
ttl: string;
aut: { firstName: string; lastName: string };
lut: Timestamp;
// The `PostConverter` implements `FirestoreDataConverter` and specifies
// how the Firestore SDK can convert `Post` objects to `PostDbModel`
// objects and vice versa.
class PostConverter implements FirestoreDataConverter<Post, PostDbModel> {
toFirestore(post: WithFieldValue<Post>): WithFieldValue<PostDbModel> {
return {
ttl: post.title,
aut: this._autFromAuthor(post.author),
lut: this._lutFromLastUpdatedMillis(post.lastUpdatedMillis)
fromFirestore(snapshot: QueryDocumentSnapshot, options: SnapshotOptions): Post {
const data = snapshot.data(options) as PostDbModel;
const author = `${data.aut.firstName} ${data.aut.lastName}`;
return new Post(data.ttl, author, data.lut.toMillis());
author: string | FieldValue
): { firstName: string; lastName: string } | FieldValue {
if (typeof author !== 'string') {
// `author` is a FieldValue, so just return it.
return author;
const [firstName, lastName] = author.split(' ');
return {firstName, lastName};
lastUpdatedMillis: number | FieldValue
): Timestamp | FieldValue {
if (typeof lastUpdatedMillis !== 'number') {
// `lastUpdatedMillis` must be a FieldValue, so just return it.
return lastUpdatedMillis;
return Timestamp.fromMillis(lastUpdatedMillis);
async function advancedDemo(db: Firestore): Promise<void> {
// Create a `DocumentReference` with a `FirestoreDataConverter`.
const documentRef = doc(db, 'posts/post123').withConverter(new PostConverter());
// The `data` argument specified to `setDoc()` is type checked by the
// TypeScript compiler to be compatible with `Post`. Since the `data`
// argument is typed as `WithFieldValue<Post>` rather than just `Post`,
// this allows properties of the `data` argument to also be special
// Firestore values that perform server-side mutations, such as
// `arrayRemove()`, `deleteField()`, and `serverTimestamp()`.
await setDoc(documentRef, {
title: 'My Life',
author: 'Foo Bar',
lastUpdatedMillis: serverTimestamp()
// The TypeScript compiler will fail to compile if the `data` argument to
// `setDoc()` is _not_ compatible with `WithFieldValue<Post>`. This
// type checking prevents the caller from specifying objects with incorrect
// properties or property values.
// @ts-expect-error "Argument of type { ttl: string; } is not assignable
// to parameter of type WithFieldValue<Post>"
await setDoc(documentRef, { ttl: 'The Title' });
// When retrieving a document with `getDoc()` the `DocumentSnapshot`
// object's `data()` method returns a `Post`, rather than a generic object,
// which would have been returned if the `DocumentReference` did _not_ have a
// `FirestoreDataConverter` attached to it.
const snapshot1: DocumentSnapshot<Post> = await getDoc(documentRef);
const post1: Post = snapshot1.data()!;
if (post1) {
assertEqual(post1.title, 'My Life');
assertEqual(post1.author, 'Foo Bar');
// The `data` argument specified to `updateDoc()` is type checked by the
// TypeScript compiler to be compatible with `PostDbModel`. Note that
// unlike `setDoc()`, whose `data` argument must be compatible with `Post`,
// the `data` argument to `updateDoc()` must be compatible with
// `PostDbModel`. Similar to `setDoc()`, since the `data` argument is typed
// as `WithFieldValue<PostDbModel>` rather than just `PostDbModel`, this
// allows properties of the `data` argument to also be those special
// Firestore values, like `arrayRemove()`, `deleteField()`, and
// `serverTimestamp()`.
await updateDoc(documentRef, {
'aut.firstName': 'NewFirstName',
lut: serverTimestamp()
// The TypeScript compiler will fail to compile if the `data` argument to
// `updateDoc()` is _not_ compatible with `WithFieldValue<PostDbModel>`.
// This type checking prevents the caller from specifying objects with
// incorrect properties or property values.
// @ts-expect-error "Argument of type { title: string; } is not assignable
// to parameter of type WithFieldValue<PostDbModel>"
await updateDoc(documentRef, { title: 'New Title' });
const snapshot2: DocumentSnapshot<Post> = await getDoc(documentRef);
const post2: Post = snapshot2.data()!;
if (post2) {
assertEqual(post2.title, 'My Life');
assertEqual(post2.author, 'NewFirstName Bar');