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#include <database_reference.h>
DatabaseReference represents a particular location in your Database and can be used for reading or writing data to that Database location.
This class is the starting point for all Database operations. After you've initialized it with a URL, you can use it to read data, write data, and to create new DatabaseReference instances.
Inherits from: firebase::database::Query
Constructors and Destructors |
Default constructor.
DatabaseReference(const DatabaseReference & reference)
Copy constructor.
DatabaseReference(DatabaseReference && reference)
Move constructor.
Required virtual destructor.
Public functions |
Child(const char *path) const
Gets a reference to a location relative to this one.
Child(const std::string & path) const
Gets a reference to a location relative to this one.
GetParent() const
Gets the parent of this location, or get this location again if IsRoot().
GetRoot() const
Gets the root of the database.
Manually disconnect Firebase Realtime Database from the server, and disable automatic reconnection.
Manually reestablish connection to the Firebase Realtime Database server and enable automatic reconnection.
Get the disconnect handler, which controls what actions the server will perform to this location's data when this client disconnects.
PushChild() const
Automatically generates a child location, create a reference to it, and returns that reference to it.
Future< void >
Removes the value at this location from the database.
Future< void >
Gets the result of the most recent call to RemoveValue();.
RunTransaction(DoTransactionWithContext transaction_function, void *context, bool trigger_local_events)
Run a user-supplied callback function (passing in a context), possibly multiple times, to perform an atomic transaction on the database.
RunTransaction(DoTransactionFunction transaction_function, bool trigger_local_events)
Run a user-supplied callback, possibly multiple times, to perform an atomic transaction on the database.
RunTransaction(DoTransaction transaction_function, bool trigger_local_events)
Run a user-supplied callback function, possibly multiple times, to perform an atomic transaction on the database.
Get the result of the most recent call to RunTransaction().
SetPriority(Variant priority)
Future< void >
Sets the priority of this field, which controls its sort order relative to its siblings.
Future< void >
Gets the result of the most recent call to SetPriority().
SetValue(Variant value)
Future< void >
Sets the data at this location to the given value.
SetValueAndPriority(Variant value, Variant priority)
Future< void >
Sets both the data and priority of this location.
Future< void >
Get the result of the most recent call to SetValueAndPriority().
Future< void >
Gets the result of the most recent call to SetValue().
UpdateChildren(Variant values)
Future< void >
Updates the specified child keys to the given values.
UpdateChildren(const std::map< std::string, Variant > & values)
Future< void >
Updates the specified child keys to the given values.
Future< void >
Gets the result of the most recent call to either version of UpdateChildren().
database() const
Database *
Gets the database to which we refer.
is_root() const
Returns true if this reference refers to the root of the database.
is_valid() const override
virtual bool
Returns true if this reference is valid, false if it is not valid.
key() const
const char *
Gets the string key of this database location.
key_string() const
Gets the string key of this database location.
operator=(const DatabaseReference & reference)
Copy assignment operator.
operator=(DatabaseReference && reference)
Move assignment operator.
url() const
Get the absolute URL of this reference.
Public functions
DatabaseReference Child( const char *path ) const
Gets a reference to a location relative to this one.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
Child relative to this location.
DatabaseReference Child( const std::string & path ) const
Gets a reference to a location relative to this one.
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Parameters |
Returns |
Child relative to this location.
Default constructor.
This creates an invalid DatabaseReference. Attempting to perform any operations on this reference will fail unless a valid DatabaseReference has been assigned to it.
DatabaseReference( const DatabaseReference & reference )
Copy constructor.
It's totally okay (and efficient) to copy DatabaseReference instances, as they simply point to the same location in the database.
Details | |||
Parameters |
DatabaseReference( DatabaseReference && reference )
Move constructor.
Moving is an efficient operation for DatabaseReference instances.
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Parameters |
DatabaseReference GetParent() const
Gets the parent of this location, or get this location again if IsRoot().
Details | |
Returns |
Parent of this location in the database, unless this location is the root, in which case it returns this same location again.
DatabaseReference GetRoot() const
Gets the root of the database.
Details | |
Returns |
Root of the database.
void GoOffline()
Manually disconnect Firebase Realtime Database from the server, and disable automatic reconnection.
This will affect all other instances of DatabaseReference as well.
void GoOnline()
Manually reestablish connection to the Firebase Realtime Database server and enable automatic reconnection.
This will affect all other instances of DatabaseReference as well.
DisconnectionHandler * OnDisconnect()
Get the disconnect handler, which controls what actions the server will perform to this location's data when this client disconnects.
Details | |
Returns |
Disconnection handler for this location. You can use this to queue up operations on the server to be performed when the client disconnects.
DatabaseReference PushChild() const
Automatically generates a child location, create a reference to it, and returns that reference to it.
Details | |
Returns |
A newly created child, with a unique key.
Future< void > RemoveValue()
Removes the value at this location from the database.
This is an asynchronous operation which takes time to execute, and uses firebase::Future to return its result.
Future< void > RemoveValueLastResult()
Gets the result of the most recent call to RemoveValue();.
Details | |
Returns |
Result of the most recent call to RemoveValue().
Future< DataSnapshot > RunTransaction( DoTransactionWithContext transaction_function, void *context, bool trigger_local_events )
Run a user-supplied callback function (passing in a context), possibly multiple times, to perform an atomic transaction on the database.
See also:firebase::database::DoTransactionWithContext for more information.
Details | |||||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A Future result, which will complete when the transaction either succeeds or fails. When the Future is completed, if its Error is kErrorNone, the operation succeeded and the transaction was committed, and the new value of the data will be returned in the DataSnapshot result. If the Error is kErrorTransactionAbortedByUser, the transaction was aborted because the transaction function returned kTransactionResultAbort, and the old value will be returned in DataSnapshot. Otherwise, if some other error occurred, Error and ErrorMessage will be set and DataSnapshot will be invalid.
Future< DataSnapshot > RunTransaction( DoTransactionFunction transaction_function, bool trigger_local_events )
Run a user-supplied callback, possibly multiple times, to perform an atomic transaction on the database.
See also:firebase::database::DoTransactionFunction for more information.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A Future result, which will complete when the transaction either succeeds or fails. When the Future is completed, if its Error is kErrorNone, the operation succeeded and the transaction was committed, and the new value of the data will be returned in the DataSnapshot result. If the Error is kErrorTransactionAbortedByUser, the transaction was aborted because the transaction function returned kTransactionResultAbort, and the old value will be returned in DataSnapshot. Otherwise, if some other error occurred, Error and ErrorMessage will be set and DataSnapshot will be invalid.
Future< DataSnapshot > RunTransaction( DoTransaction transaction_function, bool trigger_local_events )
Run a user-supplied callback function, possibly multiple times, to perform an atomic transaction on the database.
See also:firebase::database::DoTransaction for more information.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A Future result, which will complete when the transaction either succeeds or fails. When the Future is completed, if its Error is kErrorNone, the operation succeeded and the transaction was committed, and the new value of the data will be returned in the DataSnapshot result. If the Error is kErrorTransactionAbortedByUser, the transaction was aborted because the transaction function returned kTransactionResultAbort, and the old value will be returned in DataSnapshot. Otherwise, if some other error occurred, Error and ErrorMessage will be set and DataSnapshot will be invalid.
Future< DataSnapshot > RunTransactionLastResult()
Get the result of the most recent call to RunTransaction().
Details | |
Returns |
Results of the most recent call to RunTransaction().
Future< void > SetPriority( Variant priority )
Sets the priority of this field, which controls its sort order relative to its siblings.
In Firebase, children are sorted in the following order:
- First, children with no priority.
- Then, children with numerical priority, sorted numerically in ascending order.
- Then, remaining children, sorted lexicographically in ascending order of their text priority.
Children with the same priority (including no priority) are sorted by key: A. First, children with keys that can be parsed as 32-bit integers, sorted in ascending numerical order of their keys. B. Then, remaining children, sorted in ascending lexicographical order of their keys.
This is an asynchronous operation which takes time to execute, and uses firebase::Future to return its result.
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Parameters |
Returns |
Future< void > SetPriorityLastResult()
Gets the result of the most recent call to SetPriority().
Details | |
Returns |
Result of the most recent call to SetPriority().
Future< void > SetValue( Variant value )
Sets the data at this location to the given value.
This is an asynchronous operation which takes time to execute, and uses firebase::Future to return its result.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
Future< void > SetValueAndPriority( Variant value, Variant priority )
Sets both the data and priority of this location.
See SetValue() and SetPriority() for context on the parameters.
This is an asynchronous operation which takes time to execute, and uses firebase::Future to return its result.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Returns |
Future< void > SetValueAndPriorityLastResult()
Get the result of the most recent call to SetValueAndPriority().
Details | |
Returns |
Result of the most recent call to SetValueAndPriority().
Future< void > SetValueLastResult()
Gets the result of the most recent call to SetValue().
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Returns |
Result of the most recent call to SetValue().
Future< void > UpdateChildren( Variant values )
Updates the specified child keys to the given values.
Details | |
Parameters | |
Returns |
Future< void > UpdateChildren( const std::map< std::string, Variant > & values )
Updates the specified child keys to the given values.
This is an asynchronous operation which takes time to execute, and uses firebase::Future to return its result.
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Parameters |
Returns |
Future< void > UpdateChildrenLastResult()
Gets the result of the most recent call to either version of UpdateChildren().
Details | |
Returns |
Result of the most recent call to UpdateChildren().
Database * database() const
Gets the database to which we refer.
The pointer will remain valid indefinitely.
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Returns |
Firebase Database instance that this DatabaseReference refers to.
bool is_root() const
Returns true if this reference refers to the root of the database.
Details | |
Returns |
true if this reference refers to the root of the database, false otherwise.
virtual bool is_valid() const override
Returns true if this reference is valid, false if it is not valid.
DatabaseReferences constructed with the default constructor are considered invalid. An invalid reference could be returned by Database::GetReference() or Database::GetReferenceFromUrl() if you specify an incorrect location, or calling Query::GetReference() on an invalid query.
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Returns |
true if this reference is valid, false if this reference is invalid.
const char * key() const
Gets the string key of this database location.
The pointer is only valid while the DatabaseReference remains in memory.
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Returns |
String key of this database location, which will remain valid in memory until the DatabaseReference itself goes away.
std::string key_string() const
Gets the string key of this database location.
Details | |
Returns |
String key of this database location.
DatabaseReference & operator=( const DatabaseReference & reference )
Copy assignment operator.
It's totally okay (and efficient) to copy DatabaseReference instances, as they simply point to the same location in the database.
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Parameters |
Returns |
Reference to the destination DatabaseReference.
DatabaseReference & operator=( DatabaseReference && reference )
Move assignment operator.
Moving is an efficient operation for DatabaseReference instances.
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Parameters |
Returns |
Reference to the destination DatabaseReference.
std::string url() const
Get the absolute URL of this reference.
Details | |
Returns |
The absolute URL of the location this reference refers to.
virtual ~DatabaseReference()
Required virtual destructor.