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#include <interstitial_ad.h>
Loads and displays Google Mobile Ads interstitial ads.
InterstitialAd is a single-use object that can load and show a single GMA interstitial ad.
InterstitialAd objects provide information about their current state through Futures. Initialize, LoadAd, and Show each have a corresponding Future from which you can determine result of the previous call.
Here's how one might initialize, load, and show an interstitial ad while checking against the result of the previous action at each step:
namespace gma = ::firebase::gma; gma::InterstitialAd* interstitial = new gma::InterstitialAd(); interstitial->Initialize(ad_parent);
Then, later:
if (interstitial->InitializeLastResult().status() == ::firebase::kFutureStatusComplete && interstitial->InitializeLastResult().error() == firebase::gma::kAdErrorCodeNone) { interstitial->LoadAd( "YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID", my_ad_request); }
And after that:
if (interstitial->LoadAdLastResult().status() == ::firebase::kFutureStatusComplete && interstitial->LoadAdLastResult().error() == firebase::gma::kAdErrorCodeNone)) { interstitial->Show(); }
Deprecated. The Google Mobile Ads C++ SDK is now deprecated. Please see for more information.
Constructors and Destructors |
Creates an uninitialized InterstitialAd object.
Public functions |
Initialize(AdParent parent)
Future< void >
Initialize the InterstitialAd object.
InitializeLastResult() const
Future< void >
Returns a Future containing the status of the last call to Initialize.
LoadAd(const char *ad_unit_id, const AdRequest & request)
Begins an asynchronous request for an ad.
LoadAdLastResult() const
SetFullScreenContentListener(FullScreenContentListener *listener)
Sets the FullScreenContentListener for this InterstitialAd.
SetPaidEventListener(PaidEventListener *listener)
Registers a callback to be invoked when this ad is estimated to have earned money.
Future< void >
Shows the InterstitialAd.
ShowLastResult() const
Future< void >
Public functions
Future< void > Initialize( AdParent parent )
Initialize the InterstitialAd object.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Future< void > InitializeLastResult() const
Returns a Future containing the status of the last call to Initialize.
Creates an uninitialized InterstitialAd object.
Initialize must be called before the object is used.
Future< AdResult > LoadAd( const char *ad_unit_id, const AdRequest & request )
Begins an asynchronous request for an ad.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
void SetFullScreenContentListener( FullScreenContentListener *listener )
Sets the FullScreenContentListener for this InterstitialAd.
Details | |||
Parameters |
void SetPaidEventListener( PaidEventListener *listener )
Registers a callback to be invoked when this ad is estimated to have earned money.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Future< void > Show()
Shows the InterstitialAd.
This should not be called unless an ad has already been loaded.
Future< void > ShowLastResult() const