FirebaseStorage Framework Reference


@interface FIRStorageReference : NSObject

StorageReference represents a reference to a Google Cloud Storage object. Developers can upload and download objects, as well as get/set object metadata, and delete an object at the path. See the Cloud docs for more details:

  • The Storage service object which created this reference.



    @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) FIRStorage *_Nonnull storage;
  • The name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket associated with this reference. For example, in gs://bucket/path/to/object.txt, the bucket would be ‘bucket’.



    @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *_Nonnull bucket;
  • The full path to this object, not including the Google Cloud Storage bucket. In gs://bucket/path/to/object.txt, the full path would be: path/to/object.txt



    @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *_Nonnull fullPath;
  • The short name of the object associated with this reference. In gs://bucket/path/to/object.txt, the name of the object would be object.txt.



    @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *_Nonnull name;
  • Creates a new StorageReference pointing to the root object.

    returns: A new StorageReference pointing to the root object.



    - (FIRStorageReference *_Nonnull)root;
  • Creates a new StorageReference pointing to the parent of the current reference or nil if this instance references the root location. For example: path = foo/bar/baz parent = foo/bar path = foo parent = (root) path = (root) parent = nil

    returns: A new StorageReference pointing to the parent of the current reference.



    - (FIRStorageReference *_Nullable)parent;
  • Creates a new StorageReference pointing to a child object of the current reference. path = foo child = bar newPath = foo/bar path = foo/bar child = baz ntask.impl.snapshotwPath = foo/bar/baz All leading and trailing slashes will be removed, and consecutive slashes will be compressed to single slashes. For example: child = /foo/bar newPath = foo/bar child = foo/bar/ newPath = foo/bar child = foo///bar newPath = foo/bar \param path The path to append to the current path.

    returns: A new StorageReference pointing to a child location of the current reference.



    - (FIRStorageReference *_Nonnull)child:(NSString *_Nonnull)path;
  • Asynchronously uploads data to the currently specified StorageReference, without additional metadata. This is not recommended for large files, and one should instead upload a file from disk. \param uploadData The data to upload.

    \param metadata StorageMetadata containing additional information (MIME type, etc.) about the object being uploaded.

    returns: An instance of StorageUploadTask, which can be used to monitor or manage the upload.



    - (FIRStorageUploadTask *_Nonnull)putData:(NSData *_Nonnull)uploadData
                                         (FIRStorageMetadata *_Nullable)metadata;
  • Asynchronously uploads data to the currently specified StorageReference. This is not recommended for large files, and one should instead upload a file from disk. \param uploadData The data to upload.

    returns: An instance of StorageUploadTask, which can be used to monitor or manage the upload.



    - (FIRStorageUploadTask *_Nonnull)putData:(NSData *_Nonnull)uploadData;
  • Asynchronously uploads data to the currently specified StorageReference. This is not recommended for large files, and one should instead upload a file from disk. \param uploadData The data to upload.

    \param metadata StorageMetadata containing additional information (MIME type, etc.) about the object being uploaded.

    \param completion A closure that either returns the object metadata on success, or an error on failure.

    returns: An instance of StorageUploadTask, which can be used to monitor or manage the upload.



    - (FIRStorageUploadTask *_Nonnull)
           putData:(NSData *_Nonnull)uploadData
          metadata:(FIRStorageMetadata *_Nullable)metadata
        completion:(void (^_Nullable)(FIRStorageMetadata *_Nullable,
                                      NSError *_Nullable))completion;
  • Asynchronously uploads a file to the currently specified StorageReference. putData should be used instead of putFile in Extensions. \param fileURL A URL representing the system file path of the object to be uploaded.

    \param metadata StorageMetadata containing additional information (MIME type, etc.) about the object being uploaded.

    returns: An instance of StorageUploadTask, which can be used to monitor or manage the upload.



    - (FIRStorageUploadTask *_Nonnull)putFile:(NSURL *_Nonnull)fileURL
                                         (FIRStorageMetadata *_Nullable)metadata;
  • Asynchronously uploads a file to the currently specified StorageReference, without additional metadata. putData should be used instead of putFile in Extensions.



    - (FIRStorageUploadTask *_Nonnull)putFile:(NSURL *_Nonnull)fileURL;



    A URL representing the system file path of the object to be uploaded.

    Return Value

    An instance of StorageUploadTask, which can be used to monitor or manage the upload.

  • Asynchronously uploads a file to the currently specified StorageReference. putData should be used instead of putFile in Extensions. \param fileURL A URL representing the system file path of the object to be uploaded.

    \param metadata StorageMetadata containing additional information (MIME type, etc.) about the object being uploaded.

    \param completion A completion block that either returns the object metadata on success, or an error on failure.

    returns: An instance of StorageUploadTask, which can be used to monitor or manage the upload.



    - (FIRStorageUploadTask *_Nonnull)
           putFile:(NSURL *_Nonnull)fileURL
          metadata:(FIRStorageMetadata *_Nullable)metadata
        completion:(void (^_Nullable)(FIRStorageMetadata *_Nullable,
                                      NSError *_Nullable))completion;
  • Asynchronously downloads the object at the StorageReference to a Data instance in memory. A Data buffer of the provided max size will be allocated, so ensure that the device has enough free memory to complete the download. For downloading large files, write(toFile:) may be a better option. \param maxSize The maximum size in bytes to download. If the download exceeds this size, the task will be cancelled and an error will be returned.

    \param completion A completion block that either returns the object data on success, or an error on failure.

    returns: An StorageDownloadTask that can be used to monitor or manage the download.



    - (FIRStorageDownloadTask *_Nonnull)
             completion:(void (^_Nonnull)(NSData *_Nullable,
                                          NSError *_Nullable))completion;
  • Asynchronously retrieves a long lived download URL with a revokable token. This can be used to share the file with others, but can be revoked by a developer in the Firebase Console. \param completion A completion block that either returns the URL on success, or an error on failure.



    - (void)downloadURLWithCompletion:
        (void (^_Nonnull)(NSURL *_Nullable, NSError *_Nullable))completion;
  • Asynchronously downloads the object at the current path to a specified system filepath.

    • Returns An StorageDownloadTask that can be used to monitor or manage the download.

    \param fileURL A file system URL representing the path the object should be downloaded to.



    - (FIRStorageDownloadTask *_Nonnull)writeToFile:(NSURL *_Nonnull)fileURL;
  • Asynchronously downloads the object at the current path to a specified system filepath. \param fileURL A file system URL representing the path the object should be downloaded to.

    \param completion A closure that fires when the file download completes, passed either a URL pointing to the file path of the downloaded file on success, or an error on failure.

    returns: A StorageDownloadTask that can be used to monitor or manage the download.



    - (FIRStorageDownloadTask *_Nonnull)
        writeToFile:(NSURL *_Nonnull)fileURL
             (void (^_Nullable)(NSURL *_Nullable, NSError *_Nullable))completion;
  • Lists all items (files) and prefixes (folders) under this StorageReference. This is a helper method for calling list() repeatedly until there are no more results. Consistency of the result is not guaranteed if objects are inserted or removed while this operation is executing. All results are buffered in memory. listAll(completion:) is only available for projects using Firebase Rules Version 2. \param completion A completion handler that will be invoked with all items and prefixes under the current StorageReference.



    - (void)listAllWithCompletion:(void (^_Nonnull)(FIRStorageListResult *_Nullable,
                                                    NSError *_Nullable))completion;
  • List up to maxResults items (files) and prefixes (folders) under this StorageReference. “/” is treated as a path delimiter. Firebase Storage does not support unsupported object paths that end with “/” or contain two consecutive “/"s. All invalid objects in GCS will be filtered. list(maxResults:completion:) is only available for projects using Firebase Rules Version 2. \param maxResults The maximum number of results to return in a single page. Must be greater than 0 and at most 1000.

    \param completion A completion handler that will be invoked with up to maxResults items and prefixes under the current StorageReference.



    - (void)listWithMaxResults:(int64_t)maxResults
                    completion:(void (^_Nonnull)(FIRStorageListResult *_Nullable,
                                                 NSError *_Nullable))completion;
  • Resumes a previous call to list(maxResults:completion:), starting after a pagination token. Returns the next set of items (files) and prefixes (folders) under this StorageReference. “/” is treated as a path delimiter. Storage does not support unsupported object paths that end with “/” or contain two consecutive “/"s. All invalid objects in GCS will be filtered. list(maxResults:pageToken:completion:)is only available for projects using Firebase Rules Version 2. \param maxResults The maximum number of results to return in a single page. Must be greater than 0 and at most 1000.

    \param pageToken A page token from a previous call to list.

    \param completion A completion handler that will be invoked with the next items and prefixes under the current StorageReference.



    - (void)listWithMaxResults:(int64_t)maxResults
                     pageToken:(NSString *_Nonnull)pageToken
                    completion:(void (^_Nonnull)(FIRStorageListResult *_Nullable,
                                                 NSError *_Nullable))completion;
  • Retrieves metadata associated with an object at the current path. \param completion A completion block which returns the object metadata on success, or an error on failure.



    - (void)metadataWithCompletion:(void (^_Nonnull)(FIRStorageMetadata *_Nullable,
                                                     NSError *_Nullable))completion;
  • Updates the metadata associated with an object at the current path. \param metadata A StorageMetadata object with the metadata to update.

    \param completion A completion block which returns the StorageMetadata on success, or an error on failure.



    - (void)updateMetadata:(FIRStorageMetadata *_Nonnull)metadata
                completion:(void (^_Nullable)(FIRStorageMetadata *_Nullable,
                                              NSError *_Nullable))completion;
  • Deletes the object at the current path. \param completion A completion block which returns a nonnull error on failure.



    - (void)deleteWithCompletion:(void (^_Nullable)(NSError *_Nullable))completion;
  • Undocumented



    - (id _Nonnull)copy SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
  • Undocumented



    - (BOOL)isEqual:(id _Nullable)object SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
  • Undocumented



    @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger hash
  • Undocumented



    @property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull description
  • Undocumented



    - (nonnull instancetype)init SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE;
  • Undocumented



    + (nonnull instancetype)new SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG("-init is unavailable");