Interface: MapDiff



addedKeys() returns rules.Set

Returns a rules.Set, which lists any keys that the Map calling diff() contains that the Map passed to diff() does not.


non-null rules.Set , a list of keys added to the rules.Map passed to the Map.diff() function.


{"a":1}.diff({}).addedKeys() == ["a"].toSet()


affectedKeys() returns rules.Set

Returns a rules.Set, which lists any keys that have been added to, removed from or modified from the Map calling diff() compared to the Map passed to diff(). This function returns the set equivalent to the combined results of MapDiff.addedKeys(), MapDiff.removedKeys() and MapDiff.changedKeys().

({"a":0, "c":0, "u":0}).diff({"r":0, "c":1, "u": 0}).affectedKeys() ==
     ["a", "r", "c"].toSet()

non-null rules.Set ,a list of keys added to, removed from or changed from the rules.Map passed to the Map.diff() function.


changedKeys() returns rules.Set

Returns a rules.Set, which lists any keys that appear in both the Map calling diff() and the Map passed to diff(), but whose values are not equal.


non-null rules.Set , a list of keys that appear in both rules.Maps but whose values are not equal.


{"a":0}.diff({"a":1, "b":4}).changedKeys() == ["a"].toSet()


removedKeys() returns rules.Set

Returns a rules.Set, which lists any keys that the Map calling diff() does not contain compared to the Map passed to diff().


non-null rules.Set , a list of keys removed from the rules.Map passed to the Map.diff() function.


{}.diff({"a":1}).removedKeys() == ["a"].toSet()


unchangedKeys() returns rules.Set

Returns a rules.Set, which lists any keys that appear in both the Map calling diff() and the Map passed to diff(), and whose values are equal.


non-null rules.Set , a list of keys that appear in both rules.Maps but whose values are equal.


{"a": 0}.diff({"a":0}).unchangedKeys() == ["a"].toSet()

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Updated Mar 4, 2020

Firebase gives you the tools and infrastructure you need to build better mobile and web apps, improve app quality, and grow your business.

Updated Dec 13, 2019

Firebase gives you the tools and infrastructure you need to build better mobile and web apps, improve app quality, and grow your business.

Updated Jun 4, 2020